The baby shower that will not die.
Hopefully this is the last post I need to make on this FUBAR baby shower.
Last night BM texts SO and asks him if he can babysit SD7 on Sunday because children are not invited to the shower. WAT?
Just now I get a text from MIL " Can you drop the cupcake holder off at the office? My sister and I are setting up early. Thanks for letting me borrow it. See you Sunday!" WAT?
Yes, I did tell her she could borrow my sterling silver cupcake holder back in the day before she had a hand in inviting Satan to the festivities. SHE SERIOUSLY THINKS I'M GOING?
I can't even with these deranged people.
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I told her that she can
I told her that she can borrow the cupcake holder but that you are unable to attend. I'd have my husband till his ex-wife that he has plans that day and is an able to watch their child.
I guess I'm nice, I would
I guess I'm nice, I would stick to what I said I would do. Bring it to her office if that's what originally I said I would do.
You're an adult, and you
You're an adult, and you don't have to go if you don't want to.
Go spend Sunday doing something fun with your husband
Oh, please don't let it be
Oh, please don't let it be the last baby shower post because I am sure more drama is to come!
Is your SO going to "babysit" his daughter?
I think you and SO should go on a date that day, all day.
Well, there are 3 more entire
Well, there are 3 more entire days between now and the shower! Anything can happen!
"There must have been a
"There must have been a misunderstanding with the guest list - I will not be able to attend. I won't be able to drop off the cupcake holder, the detour doesn't fit in my schedule. So sorry - have fun!"
His response to BM was simply
His response to BM was simply "No." I would have preferred if he also said something along the lines of, "I don't even understand why you were invited."
MIL can have the cupcake holder. I am out of f*cks to give.
More like out of f*ckcakes to
More like out of f*ckcakes to give.
You're awesome Sour. I admire the way you are handling this.
F*ckcakes! I love it! And
F*ckcakes! I love it! And thank you! I love this board. All of you are so funny and supportive!
Actually, at this point, I'd
Actually, at this point, I'd start having fun with it.
Go get a cheapo cupcake holder at dollar tree. Gift it to MIL. It can be your farewell and eff-off gift! Then you don't have to make arrangements to get your own lovely one back. Done and dusted.
I'll construct one out of
I'll construct one out of warped Tupperware lids and a paper towel holder.
"I found the instructions on Pinterest! Isn't it so shabby chic? Enjoy!"
I would drop off the cupcake
I would drop off the cupcake holder to MIL if I had promised to let her use it.
BUT.. re the BM issue? I would have my DH tell her that he will be unable to fill in because you two have plans for a romantic weekend out of town... so sorry.
Yep! Go rent a hotel room and
Yep! Go rent a hotel room and romp it up!
I agree with the ladies
I agree with the ladies saying - go and buy a cheap cup cake thingy and gift it to MIL...
then make sure DH is not babysitting any one but you and "mini you".....