BM is blocked.
I had not blocked BM from my Facebook until today. I'm not friends with her either but yeah.
Anyways I made a general comment on my page. Yes it was stepparent related and yes was partly because of her but also because I have a lot of coworkers and friends who are going through the same issue.
She decided to screen shot it and plaster it all over her page. To which I received messages from her friends that were of course not nice.
Problem solved she's blocked. Yes she could still find ways around but the relief of this action alone is enough.
I just love the blind faith of her friends though. I've had them hunt me down in other groups and claim everything was a lie and all that. Nope BM threating to call the cops on me is a complete fake. Enjoy these screen shots of the all caps message she sent to SO over it. I love the crap in their messages because it shows they don't have a single brain in their heads just like her.
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Oh ya, I've had BM blocked
Oh ya, I've had BM blocked for years. I don't want to see her stupid MOTY posts when she is constantly fighting with all her kids.
BM would use the kids' profiles to stalk me. I had to block them, too. Now they've all deleted her at least once and she doesn't have access to their face books anymore.
I never randomly saw her
I never randomly saw her stuff. I wont say I never went and snooped but it's not worth it. After her friends' nice little words I got on and saw what had caused it.
What I really love is the blatant lies they believe. The fact that they just want her to be this innocent person. She must be MotY. Doesn't even know her own custody agreement and of course SO is horrible for demanding she follow it.
Her lawyer was the one to send SO's the update.
We all lives in a pretty
We all lives in a pretty small community so I could see her comments on mutual friends' posts. However, most people know she's idiotic lunatic so it wasn't that big of a deal.
Is your FB private? How could
Is your FB private? How could she see what you posted?
Along with blocking her I would make sure you block any of her friends that sent you messages, make your profile private, make your friends list private, make it so she can't see your past profile pics, etc.
DH and I blocked BM when we got engaged (March 2012) and it's been HEAVEN! I have all 3 girl skids blocked. HEAVEN!
I set a few post to public
I set a few post to public now and then and I forget to set it back.
Stuff like suicide hotline number, mental health statistics and tips for coping, funny articles on politics and religion. Fun stuff.
Yeah that happened to me then
Yeah that happened to me then took a bit to get them to all go back to private.
It's only the post that seem
It's only the post that seem to be the issue. Once I switch it to public it remains that way until I remember to switch to private. Then that will stay till I go back the other way. I'll forget because I'll make the effort to change it for once post and it doesn't default back.
When I had fakebook, I
When I had fakebook, I blocked BioHo. She was constantly stalking my page, then beeyotching about things to my DH. And I NEVER posted one bloody thing about the skids or step-parenting. In fact, my wall was filled with funny memes and pictures of nature, beautiful kitchens, and recipes. Maybe it's because I did NOT post anything about the skids or step-parenting...
Anyhoo, after I blocked her, she looked on SD's phone to stalk my page, so I locked down what SD could see. Re-farkin-diculous. THEN 'Ho allowed her underage brat to set up a FB account (at age SEVEN). 'Ho couldn't see what I posted, but she could send me hate mail. I copied my lawyer, then reported Spawn's account. FIVE FREAKING TIMES. I ended up deleting FB. I don't need it to stay in touch with my friends and family.
I find it funny how they hate
I find it funny how they hate us so much but yet they actually put that much effort into us.
She called SO one time crying
She called SO one time crying about how I called her BM and him SO on a post. Of course the post itself wasn't an issue at all and she wouldn't even say what it was or where she saw it. Pretty sure it was on Facebook support page. I'm in a parent's group, step-mother group, step parent's, along with all sort so other pages.
I blocked BM a little while
I blocked BM a little while ago.
Sometimes I'm tempted to go look... but I don't. She can wallow alone.
Block all the little
Block all the little monsters, you will not be communicating a thing to any of them-that way, will you? But, trust me...they will still stalk never ends.....they will never stop trying to create trouble in your marriage so you can only minimize or eliminate contact with your enemies. Watch behind your back, they are still lurking---be on guard. Sad, huh?
I have and have no intention
I have and have no intention on changing it.
Honestly that's the only way BM has every contact me and it was only once. She simply requested I let my SO know she was trying to get ahold of him. It wasn't hostile or rude so I left it alone and really that's why I hadn't blocked her. I'd blocked her friends but not her.
I do know she will still find away but this at least made it a TINY bit harder.
Blocking them is a protection
Blocking them is a protection for you most of all; you cannot be accused of writing anything about them (not that you would), but if you have a step enemy, they are always trying to find a way to point a finger at you as the bad guy. Good for you for taking back control of your life....
Wait. Isn’t the only way to
Wait. Isn’t the only way to contact someone via private message on Facebook is through Messenger? And if you’re not connected with said person through your friends list, that message has to be accepted?
So, with that said, why are you giving these friends of BM the satisfaction to even reach you via a private message? I’m confused. You have the power here...
And kudos to you for blocking BM. I agree with the others. Lock it down. Everything.
Yes they messaged me. Ones
Yes they messaged me. Ones who I hadn't blocked yet but are now.
I have a lot of it locked down but I do still get random stuff from time to time. I am on ALOT of different groups that sometimes random people will send a message and yes I have to accept them bI do and did in this case.
Now they too are blocked. BM had over 500 friends and the list was still growing so trying to block every single person even remotely connected to her isn't exactly reasonable. I tried it once and it was a nightmare.
I've blocked the one's in the past who have caused problems and now these two are also.
BM and I share about 15
BM and I share about 15 friends. They are mostly from HS but some are SD and SSs friends.
Every once in a while we post on the same friends page and I'll get a notification that she's made a comment. I'm sure she gets the same.
Once she sent me a message telling me to stop calling myself her kids stepmom. That I had no part in raising HER children and that SHE was the only Mother they had.
I just ignored her and carried on. We then got a few texts about overstepping boundaries and such but again we ignored.
Nothing changed with the skids and they still introduce me as SM. I pretty sure they only refer to me by my name when they are around BM.
My FB is mostly private but with sharing so many friends there are some things she's going to see.
On my bad days, I think about posting a ton of SMs are wonderful memes. LOL
BM and I have hundreds of
BM and I have hundreds of mutual friends. I am sure it's more now that she moved to the town I went to HS in. UGH. It was awful.
So if you're not their stepmom, what are you?
Yeah, I don't know? The woman
Yeah, I don't know? The woman their Dad sleeps with? The woman who keeps their Dad happy?
I must admit, I do creep her page occasionally. I'm not proud of it but it is interesting to see how her craziness with us relates to whats happening in her life.
If things are good, we hear nothing. Which is good.
When things are bad, we get texts and stories from the skids. I'll go on her FB and the memes are about staying strong, and changing the methods but not the dream, and that sometimes you have to walk away from bad things and people.
People have sent me
People have sent me screenshots of her bs occasionally. One time when she was being particularly contentious, she was posting a bunch of memes about how women need to support one another and blah, blah, blah. This is the woman who wouldn't let the skids talk to me or DH at events. Well, they have flown the coop now, BM, so that's your karma.
I’m pretty sure you can
I’m pretty sure you can adjust your settings to hide what groups you’re in, right?
And unless you’re the actual Admin of a group, I’d leave that “job” of accepting people into groups up to others to do - and I’d explain why (stalking issues with BM and her friends). But, then again, if these people are already blocked, you shouldn’t be receiving or seeing these requests.
At any rate, yeah, I’d just blaze through BM’s friend list and block them, which it sounds like you’ve been doing.
My group page is hidden. The
My group page is hidden.
The main one I have issues with is one I'm just a member of. It's a pretty large group that post all sorts of stuff including advice and studies on step parenting. It also has funny pictures and stories as well as people seeking advice.
After the first person tried causing issues I really altered what I said. I don't EVER share stories myself now. Live and learn but I have given advice.
She has a lot of friends and I don't think they aren't above having extra profiles so if I do block I can't be sure. Anyways SO's gotten more than one screen shot of half truth information. If I reply to someone they will take my comment out of context and try to spin it in a way that works for them.
They have nothing. It's annoying but I will not let them impact my life any more than they do. I am not doing anything wrong. They try entering this stuff with the lawyer like they claim and they will get laughed at.
Me saying "BM has threatened to call the cops on me if I am every alone with the kids" is not harassment, illegal, or in any way wrong. I don't post stuff like that anymore but you get the idea of what was going on.
After I first met BM, she
After I first met BM, she sent me a FB friend request. Our meeting was not warm and friendly. She spoke to me like she was the queen and then went off to reprimand my DH (who at the time was my boyfriend) in front of me and the kids. On FB she goes by a different name (she uses her "husband's" last name on FB, but since they are not legally married, she still goes by DH's last name in real life). Also, her profile picture was a side shot, so in many ways, it was hard to tell it was her.
I ignored her request because a) She spoke to me for less than 10 seconds; b) I was a little taken aback by how rude she was to DH in front of both me and the children; c) I had already experienced her craziness before meeting her; d) at the time, I was not even engaged to DH and didn't feel the need to let her enter into my world.
All hell broke loose after I ignored her friend request. She cried - yes, cried - to DH about it on multiple occasions. After one of her crying fits, DH came to me and said "maybe someday you could be friends with her." I was like, "are you out of your mind? why do you feel the need to make her feel better?!" She sent an email to DH's family and her family saying I was trying to take her kids away from her. She called me aggressive. She said that because I didn't want to be her friend, I could be a child abuser. Six months after I had ignored the friend request - but before DH and I were married - her sister had a heart attack. DH took her phone call (they only speak on the phone during emergencies) and asked if her sister was ok. BM didn't want to talk about her sister, she again tearfully asked DH why I ignored her FB friend request and why didn't I want to be her friend.
At that point, she was blocked (her other profile was also blocked), her husband's three FB profiles were blocked, her parents were both blocked, her sister and her sister's husband was blocked.
I don't need that kind of drama in my life. The vast majority of people I'm "friends" with on FB are friends in real life. BM and I will never be friends.
Thankfully SO has no
Thankfully SO has no delusions about this and he and BM aren't even friends on it. He is done with her and if weren't for the kids he would have her completely removed from his life. They are the only thing that keeps him connected and as soon as they age out he intends to be through with her.
When I met BM, DH had her
When I met BM, DH had her blocked on FB. After that incident, he also blocked all of her husband's accounts and her sister's account. He refuses to unfriend and / or block her parents, which causes us some grief. Her father still FB stalks DH and will periodically make random comments on things like date night with my DH and I. He doesn't even comment on all of the photos of SSs.
My DH plans the same...that once the kids are adults, he'll pretend she doesn't exist. She once said to him - in one of her hours-long streams of texts - "so, when the kids turn 18, do you just plan to stop talking to me? that's just sad on your part." And she meant sad as in pathetic, not as in boohooohoo, it would make her sad. He didn't reply, but said to me, "that's exactly what I plan to do."
He basically ignores her now. Any time he's tried to reach out to co-parent with him, she's just started a fight, so he responds in writing when it's necessary, but otherwise, doesn't contact her.
SO wont block BM but wont
SO wont block BM but wont friend her either. I do understand. As long as she plays nice he puts up with her. Since normally all of this is directed towards him he's free to make his choice. Basically he wont block her because she does post pictures of the kids and I do understand his wanting to see them. She has also been stupid in the past and posted stuff that he has collected for court.
Anyways we had a time in the past that she pulled this crap of not letting him take the kids when he was supposed to. She then demanded he come get them at 10. This was a common habit of hers. Well he refused because we had plans. Which he clearly told her.
He and I both posted pictures so I'm not sure who she found out from but she goes and plasters them up. Calls him just tearing him down.
"Your a horrible father. You blew off the kids to go do X with your friends." Just on and on.
No. He was going to have them. Then that morning you called and refused. He was depressed so I got to work making sure he was busy. Plus it's not healthy for the kids to be pulled around like this. She stopped after that but I do love that she got all this sympathy about how tough she must have it. She didn't even keep the kids and instead went out drinking with her new boytoy of the week.
Oh, BM was all nicey nicey at
Oh, BM was all nicey nicey at first so I accepted her request. She deleted me at one point and tried to add me back. Nope, no take backs. I blocked her then.
Bahaha I found this while
Bahaha I found this while while googling for funny shirts on a forum.
Check out the back too