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O/T Fire update... reimbursement coming

secret's picture

We just had an hour long meeting regarding the fire we had at our work at the end of September... They're giving us all a lump sum cash settlement.

It's not enough for some serious binge shopping... but enough for mama to get a couple new pairs of shoes! Dirol Dirol


Acratopotes's picture

WT.... why are employees getting cash settlements? This would never happen on Mars, if your office building burns down you get nothing, not even if your handbag or phone is turned into charcoal.... they will tell you - you have insurance claim it self..

zerostepdrama's picture

Why are you getting a cash settlement? Is it because of personal items that were lost in the fire?

secret's picture

Yeah... kind of a morale thing. We were all displaced across the city, we've had to accommodate quite a bit... and though they didn't have to, it's nice to know the company cares.

secret's picture

It's just what they offered. Many people had personal items in their offices. Generally people would have to go through personal insurance... but the building is a total loss. Soot and (possible) asbestos contamination.

It's not a huge amount... but it's less that what it would cost to have everything cleaned .. we're treated well.

secret's picture

Not at all. We wouldn't be able to anyway, because personal items in a work environment aren't generally covered... our company just treats its employees well. Our building only had about 160 employees in it so it's not like it was millions.