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Dh family wanting my phone number.

queensway's picture

I don't share my phone number with my husbands family. Only one person has it (my SS) and he knows that I don't want other family members to have it. I trust him not to give it out. DH family is high drama and I don't get involved.

Somehow this is causing a problem with DH's family. I told my husband if there is something that I should know they should just call you. Well this didn't go over very well. Now my SIL is starting to ask for my number almost on a weekly basis. My husband thinks I should just let her have it and it is no big deal. Well it is a big deal to me. First of all I don't want to text or talk with her. And I don't trust that she will not give it to other family members. I have know problem talking with her and other family members when I see them. But honestly I have nothing in common with them so I feel no need to take things further than what it is. It works for me.

So last night we kind of got into it. I said you don't have my brothers number and he says that it different he doesn't like my brother. Well it took everything in me to say well I don't like your family either but I kept my mouth shut about that. The bottom line is DH family always has some kind of problem or drama going on and I refuse to get involved with it. I told my husband your family you can deal with the drama. I am not giving my phone number to anyone that I don't want to. He thinks because it is his family I am being ridiculous.

What do you think?


twopines's picture

I think you are smart to not give them your number. I certainly wouldn't give it to SIL just because she thinks she should have it. I doubt anyone in DH's family has my number, because there is no need for it.

hereiam's picture

You are not being ridiculous.

We still have a land line and DH's family does not have EITHER of our cell phone numbers. When we finally get rid of the land line, he will surely give them his cell number but I have no intention of giving them mine.

Thumper's picture

There is a strong reason why you decided NOT to graciously give out your cell.

You were at peace with that decision.

Don't change it now because someone is not happy. If you give it to SIL everyone will expect to have it too.

Being at peace is when you know you made the right decision.

There is nothing like it in the world........priceless.

Even over something as simple as a cell phone number.

momjeans's picture

You’re not being ridiculous at all.

My inlaws have my number, but I have since blocked all of their drama-seeking, cauldron stirring, high conflict, passive aggressive arses.