I don't want to be a stepmother... I hate this
I will be 30 next week. I have no bio kids by calculated choices. I have concentrated on my education and career pretty much all of my life. I graduated high school at 16, bought my first house at 20 and now I make 6 figures so having kids has definitely not been my priority AT ALL. I lived a humble, simple life... until now.
Before my husband and I dated, we worked together so we knew each other's personality. When we started dating,I had asked him if he had kids and he said one, an 18 yr old... which he doesn't have a relationship with. I let that slide. He told me he wanted a baby and I was reluctant but we decided to get married and start a family. A month before we get married, he says he has a 6 month old daughter. I just about fainted. Why would you want a baby if you have one and why did this happen to me? I cried... for days. I was speechless. He said that he thought that I would not date him or would have left him which I certainly would have. We still got married b/c I am very in love with him and I do want a family. We've been married for 7 months. Apparently, he and this chick had been in a long distance relationship for 10 years. How that is possible, I do not know. Apparently, over the course of the so called decade of love, they cheated on each other, then at some point, she stopped taking birth controls and wound up pregnant and that was the end for him but not for her. But because she didn't know about me, she'd constantly call and email him. She called everyday all summer long, hanging up, saying crazy stuff and just acting like a fool. I was so stressed out. I hated her, I hated him... I just wanted my simple life back. I didn't say anything until August, like 4 months after we were married. I couldn't take it anymore... so I emailed her and told her in 2 sentences or less "give it a rest". I'm so sick of her. First of all, I didn't ask for this. I have avoided this situation my entire life. I'm not asking for sympathy but she has a son from a previous marriage so shouldn't she be used to it? Every 3 day weekend she makes it her business to take "the baby" to his parents house. They both are in the military so 3 day weekends are pretty frequent. I want nothing to do with her or "the baby". She keeps trying to force his participation in caring for the baby. He loves the baby but he doesn't talk about the baby AT ALL. He hasn't seen the baby since March... 2 months before we got married. If she didn't contact him, none of this would be an issue b/c he doesn't contact her AT ALL. My husband claims he will get the baby next summer, Thanksgiving and XMas. I'm sure he loves the baby, but I believe he told her that so that she could leave him alone. And frankly, I don't want to learn how to be a mother by taking care of somebody else's baby. I've never met the baby and right now, at least right now, I really don't want to. In Sept, the baby fell out of the high chair and messed up her teeth so he had to send insurance information. Again, they are both in the military so had she just enrolled the baby herself she would have the insurance info but she forced it on him. Plus there is really no info to get, and since her other son's father was also military, she know how that works. Now this week she's asking for insurance information again. I want her out of my life. I don't want to be the bad guy but I don't want to be a stepmother either.
HI ladybug,30 is very
HI ladybug,
30 is very young. I know society makes us think it's an expiry date, but it isn't. You have another 10 'birthing' years left to have a family and find someone else to do it with. of Hollywood is having children at 40! There are plenty of fish in the sea.
Why did you make a legal commitment to someone who decieved you about something so important as having a baby with another woman? If the timeline you gave is accurate, he deceived you for at least 15 months...? It is not a compliment that he was afraid you'd leave. That is selfishness. He was afraid he'd lose a good set up, not you! Don't let him capitalize on your fear of being alone and not having achieved certain things by the age of 30. 30 and single is better than 30 and bitter and unhappy!
If you DO want to have your own family, look at the mess you are inflicting on your children! A weak and selfish father with a messy past. Take responsibility for the happiness of your future children, if you can't take responsibility for yourself right now.
The only way NOT to be a step-mother and NOT to have his ex in your life is to get him out of your life. He was satisfied having her around for 10 yrs, and he's not going to change now.
I had the great misfortune to be the step-child of a woman who didn't want to be a step-mother and didn't have her own family. NO ONE can be good at something he/she doesn't want to do.
Be realistic and think futuristically. There really is not a happy ending in sight for this situation. But, you could have one with someone else... BE SMART!
I totally agree with this comment
I haven't read everything posted in response yet, but I agree with this comment. I'd say it's not too late to get out. From your blog, it sounds like you have some big relationship issues with your husband if he waited until the month before you married him to tell you had a 6-month-old child. You seem like someone who has planned too well to have had some crazy whirl-wind 8-week relationship that resulted in marriage, you know?
My suggestion is to seek therapy for yourself. You seem to want complete control of your destiny (graduating high school at 16?), and step-parenting does not allow for that. So many things you have no control over will affect your life and all you've worked for. I don't think it's in your best interest to hope you can stay married to this man and not be a stepmom. If I read your blog correctly, you have two stepchildren. Don't you worry you might have more?
I like cilantro's comment. I think you need to figure out what you really want and shouldn't be afraid to go for it.
I think you need to find out a little
I seriously think you should do a background check on this guy. What about the 18 year olds mother. I would want to find out as much as I could from that mother to see what she has to say about your husband. Past often predicts future behavior. Didn't you say he cheated on his last girlfriend or they both cheated. Not good. Why doesn't he have a relationship with the 18 year old?
He has nothing in his
He has nothing in his background. I'm privy to all of that and checked when he told me about his first daughter.
The mother of that child is married with two other children. She is churchgoing. That's all I know.
They cheated on each other... back and forth. It seems to me they've known each other for 10 years and in those years they had a relationship at different points. Nonetheless, they did cheat on each other.
He stopped trying when she was very young. At this point, the daughter calls about once a month and they talk but it is very short and superficial. She calls her stepdad dad and my husband is absolutely ok with that. But he gives her advice and then that's that
Actually I have thought, what if there are more
I have thought that and I have asked. I don't plan on going to therapy; however, I will share my feelings openly with supportive people and come to some conclusion. I haven't made up my mind as to what to do.
I am very controlling of my destiny. That's why, I believe, I am having a rough time with this. I am pretty afraid that I am way in over my head.
Hi ladybug,
I can certainly empathize with your dilemma. How do any of us really know what step parenting is all about until we are in the middle of this situation. I know what you are saying...love the man but don't like the situation. Unfortunately, this is the reality of your situation and many of ours. Wishing you clarity as you make the decision about which direction to take in your life journey! It won't be easy no matter what but it is doable. Life is too short to settle for comfortable mediocrity!
You made the choice when you married him.
If he had waited until AFTER your marriage to dump the info on you that he has a baby, then I'd say you have grounds for an annulment and that your feelings are totally justified. But he did tell you BEFORE you married him that he has this baby and you made the choice to marry him, anyway, knowing he was a father. Stepmotherhood, for the vast majority of is, is not fun or easy. Many of us stepmothers feel overwhelmed, unappreciated, second priority and yes, even pissed off that our lives are often dictated by our husbands' exes and/or our stepchildren. On the other hand, it can be a very rewarding experience that can totally enrich your life. It just depends what you make of it.
It's too late for you to decide that you don't want a stepchild. You already have one and you knew you were getting one when you married your husband. You can't marry a man with a child or children and then choose not to be a stepmother. It just doesn't work that way. Trust me, stepchildren do not just go away, unless he waives his parental rights and the child is no longer legally his to visit and support. Are you contemplating asking him to not be a father to his child? Is he even certain that he IS the father of this child? Has a paternity test been done? It seems to me that you only have two choices: (1) You can honor your commitment to your husband and try to be a stepmother to his child or (2) You can divorce him.
If you do choose to stay with your husband and be a stepmother to his child, this is a fantastic place to go for advice and for support. This is a great group of people.
~ Anne ~
Ladybug, I am sure this
Ladybug, I am sure this situation is awful. I have my own to contend with but you knew what you were getting into before you married this man. At this point you need to stop thinking about yourslef and playing the victim. I don't mean to sound harsh but there is a child involved now. What all three of you do today will impact that child for the rest of his/hers life. Step up to the plate.
Your husband does love this child and you can't insist that he doesn't. I agree do a paternity test and if he/she is his then love this child to death. Don't blame the child. You will now have the ex in your life for the rest of your life so try to accept that. It isn't easy in fact it is hard.
Anne is right being a step parent can be so rewarding. Just love that little baby and you will nourish a relationship that can't be broken not even by his/hers Biomom. If you choose to not allow your husband to love this baby then you will damage his soul and your marriage and a child's life. Truthfully, I couldn't love a man who didn't participate in his child's life. Don't stick your head in the sand start taking an active role. You will see eventually all the rewards.
Good Luck.
Why did you marry him..
I guess is my question. Yes you love him but you could have found another person. Trust me when one door clothes another opens.
At 30 you cannot honestly tell me that you thought by marrying him that the baby he had would just disappear, did you?
If you do not want to be a step mom or parent period then get a divorce.. I am sorry your situation is awful but as these ladies said above you married him knowing he had a child. How long to did you date before he told you? Before you guys got married? You carry a baby for 9 months (10) realistically they say and then she was 6 months when he told you.. So you dated and married all within how many months? Again sorry for your troubles but you still married him. Its either divorce him or take on the roll of a step mom.. Did they do paternity test to make sure this was his baby?
Good luck in your decision..
I really feel for you. Your feelings are honest and won't go away, and I believe its just going to get worse as problems arise and you have a lot to be resentful over. What your husband did is unbelieveable, but at this point he can't expect you to accept this situation after what he pulled. I also believe at this point you must be honest, and just tell him how you feel and if you cannot handle this child being there all summer, xmas's then you guys need to decide what your going to do. It won't work if one is miserable, and he needs to decide what his prioritys are in life. BOTH of you need to decide before you have your own children, and before it gets worse, so sit down and make a decision together and that will have to be the one both of will accept whether you stay together, or go your own way. As for his X girlfriend, sounds like she tried to hang on to him and also pulled a fast one. Just be prepared that you may end up getting out of this marriage, but you have a good career so be strong and good luck!
what was the agreement
just before you guys got married? Did you agree to be a stepmother and accept this child as his? I would be interested in knowing how or if you guys decided how you would handle all this. Don't get me wrong you can still change your mind. Sometimes we think we can handle more then we can and not always the case.
What about giving up his rights as a parent? Has this been discussed or is that a possibility? Has paternity even been established since this woman obviously has no scrupples? Maybe the child isn't even his, this happens a lot. If dna hasn't been done get an attorney to take care of that first, then go from there.
Is this the man you love?
The man who lied to you? The man who doesn't act as a father to his child?
Is this the man you want to be married to, to be the father to your child, to share the rest of your life's journey with?
You cannot have your accomplishments with someone
who deceives you. I think you should take personal accountability for deciding to marry this person even though he told you about the baby prior to getting married. However, you can not fix his mess. I think that you should reconsider your marriage to this person, and get out before you burn more daylight with this person. You need to forgive yourself for making such a huge mistake for ignoring this persons past and being so infatuated with the "idea" of being married, and get out now.
You will cheat yourself, the baby presently involved, and any future children you decide to have if you continue a relationship with someone that has a messy past that you can not forgive, or reconcile.
The fact is, the ex WILL be in his life due to the baby, and you can not really change that. No matter how you feel about her setting up your man to be a father, the fact remains is they have a baby together, and he does arguably have a moral obligation to be financially and emotionally supportive to the baby. To ask him to do anything differently is being selfish.
I'm not a huge fan of women who decide to get pg to trap men, however, I would never ask someone to write off an innocent child either. Yes, there are unfair laws, however, this innocent child didn't ask to be punished by selfish adults.
My dh was trapped by an ex gf (long before I came into the picture), and I know what it feels like to watch a selfish, childish, insecure woman punish my dh and use his son to punish him. I accepted that turbulant roller coaster b/c I love my dh, and one day his son will be an adult. Now, my dh and I have his son 50% of the time, and we together have a child. I can not verbally describe what a joy it is to watch our children play with their dad, bond with him, laugh with him, watch movies with him...it personally for me is such a joy to watch my 2 year old run to his father to be picked up and held. I hope for the sake of this baby, you let go of your idea of a perfect marriage/life with this person, move on, and encourage him to be a responsible father to his children.
Best wishes to you,
It's totally the other woman and not the baby...
The little girl turned one in August. The mother was pregnant before we started dating. So, the baby is definitely his.
I really thought that things would be ok. I really did. (1) She is 36 and has another child so I thought that the maturity level would be higher. (2) When he told me about the baby, he said that he planned to pay child support and that he would take the same position as he did with his first child. He said if she wants to bring the baby, she could bring her and that would be that. He said there wouldn't be any going back and forth b/c if there was he would remove himself from the situation. I thought "is it worth leaving him"... I said no... and I still say no. I love my husband, period.
OK... so I was fine. I accepted my role and I researched some stuff and thought that I knew how to move forward.
But that's not what happened. When we got married, we moved in together and at first I didn't answer the phone. But I thought, it's my phone! The minute she heard my voice, she called everyday, every minute. When they argued over child support... I was still empathetic. She started playing phone/email games and making threats. The empathy stopped b/c I just think it is unreasonable to go on this way. He told her that he would absolve his rights if it continues. She would talk about their relationship and I would just sit there on the phone b/c if I didn't she'd call back all day so I thought, I'll just sit and listen. But one day I bursted into tears b/c I felt stressed out. I don't want to be the evil new wife but I don't want to listen to this woman everyday when I get home from dealing with colonels and generals all day. So my husband turned our phone off. I feel like that is the only thing he has done the whole time to take up for me. But now she calls his cell phone and sends emails.
I don't want to be insensitive but I'm just worn out. I'm tired. And there's no coach to take me out of the game. I feel like I'm the only one compromising. My husband was born apparently without a stress gene and all of this just rolls off of him. I used to admire it :), now it annoys me. I'm not a crier, I'm not going to cry everytime just to get him to bust a move.
My whole life has been turned upside down and I'm tired of being tired. To ask this chick to make one simple phone call to Tricare is apparently asking too much?? So today I had to do it!! It's the straw that broke my back. So I emailed her and told her the next time she's going to have to do it herself or her bill won't get paid.
This is only my second response to her in over a year so trust me, I'm not playing the victim or enticing the situation.
I don't want him to absolve his rights. Last month, I was ready to absolve what right I have
But now I'm like OK, I'll give it another shot. But I want RULES! I want her to go about her daily life like we don't exist... until it's time for visitation. She never calls with good news. She never sends pictures. It's always "do this, do that, I want this and that"... it's so.... old.
Thank you all for listening and thank you for your bottom-line advice
Okay, this gives us all a
Okay, this gives us all a better understanding of your situation and where you are coming from. What you are describing is something I lived through, too, although maybe not as extreme as you've had it. It's all about setting boundaries and once you do that and stick to it, she'll have no choice but to butt out.
Giving her the cell phone number to call is a good start, because he can choose to take or ignore her calls as he sees fit. Set it up so that when she calls, it doesn't ring, but vibrates or beeps or something. That way, he can deal with her when it's convenient for him to do so and not be at her beck and call. And never again give her your home phone number or a work phone number for either of you.
Next, you set up your email account to forward anything from her to a dummy account, like Yahoo or HotMail, that he can check once a week or every couple of days, whenever he wants.
Third, let her know that whomever the custodial parent is, that parent is responsible for filing insurance claims. You can find doctors who will bill Tricare and if she lives nears a military treatment facility (naval hospital, etc.) then she can take the kid there for totally free care, free prescriptions, free shots, whatever. She would get Tricare through her own military service, as well as his, and as long as the child is registered with DEERS, which should have happened upon the child's birth, there should be no trading of insurance information required.
Fourth, do not under any circumstance let yourself get sucked into doing the stuff that's really your husband's or the child's mother's responsibility to do. You did not have a baby with this woman, he did. If you want to do things to help, that's great. But if you don't, then don't. You are not responsible for handling her Tricare issues or any other issues she may have. If you need to, tell her point blank that she's going to have to deal with him from now on, you're out of it.
Last thing, I don't know what kind of legal situation you are in, as far as whether or not they share legal and/or residential custody or what the child support situation is, but the bottom line on waiving his parental rights is that men don't really have that option, unless the mother agrees to give up all support, insurance, etc. (Most of them won't do that, for obvious reasons.) Unless she wants to assume 100% financial responsibility for this child, he won't be able to have his rights terminated. If you don't already have a set visitation schedule and child support order filed with your court system, I'd get a lawyer and get that set up ASAP. You can provide in the court documents provisions for making contact with you/him with a no interference clause, which is just a clause that says you won't interfere with one another and all contact is necessary. He can get free help with some of this through base legal, although they wouldn't be able to actually represent him in court.
I think you have some options for setting some rules, if your husband will agree to it and do the legwork to make it happen. She won't like it, but you do have to find ways to "tune out" to survive sometimes. If you take steps like these to put some distance between you guys and the child's mother, then it might be a little easier to deal with the whole step situation.
~ Anne ~
Hi there,There is some good
Hi there,
There is some good advice going around! However, your last posting clarified the dituation a lot more. Anne has given great practical advice. I would give it a shot and see what happens. BUT make sure that you 1) do NOT take on any responsibility in dealing with the ex at all. Your only contact should be with the child when the child visits. 2) I still think your husband sounds weak and selfish.
If you are crying all the time and, like you said, you aren't usually like that....think about this very seriously. The ex and the child are definately a problem, but yoiu could also be focussing on that instead of other fundamental issues that are making you incredibly unhappy. Are you really happy with your relationship - when you take out the ex and the child?
Absolutely DO NOT GET PREGNANT!!!!! Wait until you can trust your husband and until you have a calm and happy situation. This may happen with him or without him.
All of you can't be
All of you can't be wrong.
I have thought that I made a mistake but then he does stuff that let's me know that he loves me but that he's going to do what he wants to do. And I do feel like if this situation didn't exist... we would be happier. Well, I would be happier.
I should not have emailed her. So, I will be sure that I don't do it again. I'll make sure my only contact is with the child when the child visits. The visitation is not in the child support agreement. He told her that if he had to go to court, he'd rather not do visitation. So, I'm not even sure that they will live up to their agreement. I think my husband is selfish. He's an SF guy so I'm not convinced he's weak but definitely selfish.
When I take out the ex -- he's selfish, that's the honest truth. That's the bottom line. I don't think I mind giving in to his wants, it's her wants I have a problem with.
I think I don't want to get pregnant. He talks about me being pregnant all of the time, like every day. I used to say, "but you have a baby" but that would start an argument. Then just yesterday he traded in my convertible for an SUV. We joked and laughed about it but inside I'm like... this is so weird. I think you are right, I think there may be other issues...
Well thanks everybody.
He traded in your car without saying anything to you?!
He traded in your car without saying anything to you BEFORE doing it? Hmmmm….That is a MAJOR decision and I think you guys need to establish a “rule” that major decisions will at least be discussed…..Also, he has two children 18+ and 1 year that he was willing to “write off” if it was going to be any “work” to see them…i.e. “if he had to go to court, he'd rather not do visitation” I would be very apprehensive about getting pregnant b/c it seems like the moment it gets too difficult to be a dad, he thinks it is perfectly acceptable to walk away and not look back…it also sounds like he has some serious control issues (which goes along with being selfish)…I’m not tying to bash your husband, my husband has some issues of his own too! I am full aware of what they are and I am able/willing to be with him in spite of them…I just want to open your eyes to what some of your husband’s “issues” may be from an outsider perspective…
Make a GREAT Day!
He said eventually we need an SUV
I didn't know that eventually meant yesterday. We discussed a few times that my car was too small for him or kids. He said that with his first daughter, his exgirlfriend put him through a lot going to courst so he gave up. Since then he paid the mother child support. The daughter wanted to get to know him when she was like 15 so since then he sends her birthday gifts and she visited him last year. He treated her as a father should but he was his same old monotonous self... not a whole lot of emotion.
I don't want to be invasive,
I don't want to be invasive, but I agree with Nise - except for the tolerance part. I don't think you should have to teach someone to consult you on major decisions, like trading in your car. If you do, that is indicative of the kind of person he is and some red lights should go off.
Often as women, we are taught to excuse men's actions, and to tolerate situations that we would never tolerate otherwise. I would not go into business with someone who deceived me for 15 months, does not consult me on trading in MY assets, or who doesn't take resposiblity for his actions & their consequences.... So, why would I lower my standards with my lifetime partner?
Perfection doesn't exist and in a partnership there is always compromise, but never disrespect. We can all be selfish sometimes, but the extent to which your husband is, is another matter. It is controlling and ultimately damaging for you - your sense of self esteem and independance.
I would take time to observe him and learn what kind of person he is and from that I would decide if that is the kind of person I want to be attached to. Put aside your wishes, and don't be afraid to see things for what they really are. We all make mistakes and find it hard to see clearly when love is concerned. Then make your decision FAST. You can mourn your loss and deal with your disappointment later, but now is NOT the time to be sentimental. You have to be very rational. Any lasting love is first based on a rational understanding of the kind of person you are with and trust.
He was attached to the ex for 10 yrs. She doesn't sound like the most responsible person herself, but he didn't mind that - for TEN whole years! That tells you something about him. Look at the way he treats her and his 2 children. Who's to say he will treat you any better?
About having a baby. Talking about having children is normal, doing so everyday and doing so when he knows you're not ready, is not normal. It is pushy, dominating and irresponsible parenting. Anyone who cares about the life of the child will want to wait until both parents are ready and then the child is a welcome and happy event in their lives - he wouldn't push the issue.
Having a child with someone makes women more vulnerable to and dependant on the man - and not only financially. It will keep you bound to him and make it harder to leave, if that is what you decide to do. I think he is aware of this and that is why he is pushing so hard. I would take the pill - without telling him - until you are absolutely sure of what you want and who you want it with.
In all honesty, I think you should get out while it's only this bad. If he is controlling now, it can only get worse. I see only two possibilities 1) he is fundamentally controlling and selfish, and won't change, even if he says he will 2) in the worst case scenario, he is potentially physically dangerous to you. Maybe I'm wrong and he isn't physically dangerous, but that doesn't make the other option any more appealling.
I am not an alarmist, but I have worked in the field of family violence and I feel I should write this. Again, only you can judge what kind of person your husband is, so if you disagree that is fine. But, I think this should be said, even if only to help other women who are reading this.
Maintaining power and control in a relationship only escalates when the man feels he is losing you - either because he senses you withdrawing, you openly disagree with him, or you tell him you are thinking of leaving him. If he threatens you or if you fear this, get help, specifically from the police or a woman's shelter. They know how to handle these situations. You don't. Your family and friends can be there for support, but often we don't tell them everything out of shame (I know, I've been there) and because they don't have a full undersatnding of the situation, or don't want to believe it, will encourage us to stay and try to work it out, when really we should leave. After a 5 year study of counselling abusive men, the result was that 2% actually change and leave behind psychological, financial, emotional, sexual and physical abuse. Not a hopeful statistic.
A woman in Montreal, Canada this fall dated a man for 1 year, broke up with him and started dating someone else. The ex threatend to kill her, even though he had never actually hit her during their relationship. And he did. He visited her one morning before work and stabbed her repeatedly. A neighbor called 911. The police surrounded him outside the building. He tried to stab a policeman and was shot. the woman died in the ambulance - he lived. It turns out that his previous girlfriend had reported him for assault- which he was too smart to do again with his next girlfriend, the one he killed.
The bottom line is this. We women have to take responsibility for our happiness and our health, so if you are in a situation that isn't making you happy or healthy, recognise it and get out. It doesn't have to be physically abusive to be bad. I know because I 've been there.
I definitely believe that
I definitely believe that his selfish and controlling.
I think I will take your advice and observe him. I don't know what to think of his relationship to his daughter mother b/c it is hard for me to visualize an on/off 10 yr relationship with anybody. They've never even lived together other than in the 1.5 years they were together he visited her every weekend or so.
He doesn't play an active role in his children lives. I can't say what the bottom line is on that b/c he doesn't talk about them at all unless I ask questions. He does seem to be very open to them visiting so if it's confusing to you... trust me it's confusing to me.
I think that everyone that I work with is potentially dangerous. We all have the same personalities so really, psychologically, I know down to the science the "type" of person he is... I'm the same "type". I'm positive that he has a snapping point. As I've stated, I do too. But I know my limits... I'm not sure I know his.
But I know that this situation is stressful for the both of us. Fortunately, I know that I can talk about it. He doesn't like to talk about it and it doesn't seem to bother him until I get upset. Then he will make a move.
Like I said, the baby thing bothers me. The fact that here we have this chic hysterically trying to get him to participate... he refuses to participate or even address her at all... but everyday he's really happy and really anxious for me to get pregnant. I have asked him what will the difference be? He says it's because he's here with me everyday and he will be attached our children and that he is committed to me. This is his first marriage and he really does take care of our household; I want for nothing... other than his baby's mother to stop her antics. I can't figure it out but I have thought that maybe he said the same things to her... that maybe she is hysterical b/c she can't believe that after he convinced her that he really wanted a family, she's a single mother... she said they were engaged and that he wanted to be a parent... he says she stopped taking her pill and that's why he really threw in the towel with her.
I believe he kept telling her he wanted a family and so she stopped taking her pill.
I know
why he's not connected with them. I see it all over with men who didn't end up with the women they got pregnant. See it in second marriages, the men are more attached to the children and mother they stay with. Its not uncommon for a man to divorce the wife/gf and the children of a first family. But many times they become the best husbands and fathers in a second family. Life isn't fair but sometimes they regret their mistakes like any of us, and want to do it right the second time. He could end up being the best father, who knows but he won't ever be close to this baby. can just tell from your post. I think observing him is probably a good idea and be sure if you do decide to get pregnant.
If it is any consolation to you..
my dh was a teen parent, and moved in with that gf and her crazy fam. After months of her hitting him with pans and throwing potatoes at him, he moved out. She refused to allow him any visiations, but had no problem cashing the cs checks. Eventually, my dh allowed her new husband to adopt his daughter. This was a choice he really didn't want to do, but thought that there was really no other choice.
Then a couple years later, a new gf of his (2 months in relationship) decided on her own to stop taking bc, and decided to get pg without telling him she was off the pill. In the first child, he paid an attorney, and still didn't get to see his daughter, so when he and gf #2 broke up, he didn't pursue visiations through the courts either. Welfare quickly went after him for money, but could care less about his relationship with his son. It wasn't until we were together for 3 years before he finally hired an attorney to establish his parental rights.
My dh and I have a child together, and before we had a child, a lot of people talked a lot of trash about how he would never give me a child, or how he wasn't going to marry me...my dh is the best husband I could ever dream of having, AND he is absolutely wonderful to our son! I know he would have been the best dad to his other children had those mothers allowed him the time, and opportunity, but they did everything to weed him out.
I do understand some of behaviors your dh is demonstrating, what I don't understand is I'm reading some contradictions in your story of what you want. You are in a whirlwind of emotions and I'm not sure you know what you want, except you want what you thought was your life before you learned of the baby.
1. I am a vet myself, and I can tell you, while I was serving, under no circumstances would I have elected to have a baby while I had the potential to be deployed overseas, or to war. If you and dh want a family, I would encourage one of you to get out of military service, and wait to have a baby until that time arrives.
2. There are some problems in how your dh communicates, how selfish he is (a lot of men are selfish-mine too, but there has to be some comprimise), how much he controls everything. I strongly encourage you to hold off on having a baby until you can resolve these issues, and either learn to work with them, or your dh learns to comprimise. A marriage is a partnership, nothing less.
When you wait to have a baby, and resolve all the other issues, all you and dh need to focus on is the precious baby you just brought into this world. You don't want to be distracted from a precious baby, while his ex is screaming on the phone, or while you are in the midst of court dates, or not knowing if your marriage is going to survive the current problems. Don't be impatient, resolve the other issues, one at a time, decide whether or not you want to be a step mother, see what ways you can be involved with his other children if possible, and once those things are resolved, then it's time for you two to have a baby.
Hard Road
Another thing you may want to consider is, why be with someone who has children with two different women? Did he marry any of them..just don't see any real strong values there. Your only 30 could find an entirely different man, different situation instead of the one you find yourself in. Read this board carefully, do you want to go down that road? I realize none of us know your situation, but just the little you've shared about your husband raised some red flags. Sometimes women are so afraid to be alone that they hop on the next availible bus only to be sorry years later. If I had a choice myself I would NOT want to be with a man with kids from two different women, and his ex's were part of the package. There's better roads out there for at any age, so just something to ponder.
I would tell him he can spend, xmas and summer with his child but not at my house because he made his BED and to count me 100% out!
Only give
her one cell number or a yahoo email to communicate. Otherwise, don't either of you give her the time of day. I'm afraid though it will just get complicated over the years if you let it, so set the boundaries right now. Let you husband know thats something that is not negotiable!
Men taking responsability for THEIR fertility
Hi there,
There is a lot of speculation about how your husband's children came into existence, ie. did he want them? was he trapped? The fact of the matter is, however they came into this world, they are in it now and the kind of person your husband is is demonstrated in his actions and feelings towards his children. If he is detached and unemotional with them, then he will be with any one else in his life as well, and this is not a good sign. If he feels no responsability toward his children, this is just as bad.
Unfortunately, there are women in the world who do trap me. I don't deny that. However, men could not be trapped if they took responsability for their fertility in the first place. If a man won't have sex without a condom, then his chances of becoming an unwilling father are drastically reduced. It is a very simple, easy and inexpensive way for men to protect themselves. And us, if they care to.
We all know on a certain level when someone isn't right for us - which is why your husband didn't marry the ex (either of them?). He should have taken responsiblity for his fertility and never risked putting himself OR her OR his children in the situation they are in now.
The fact is, women cannot have babies without men. Sperm is the magic key. We are not a self-generating species!
The latex-free orgasm has a lot of consequences that aren't worth the extra sensation for 10 seconds (or however long it lasts!). When we were adolescents we had orgasms through cotton for crying out loud! And men resist a bit of latex?
The fact that your husband already has 2 children with women he did not want to stay with is again indicative of his selfishness and his lack of responsability - towards the women, teh children, and you. Look at how many lives he has messed up!
If you wouldn't go into business with someone like him, then why did you marry him? Get out of the marriage and go find someone who doesn't make you cry, feel anxious (or feels genuinely badly for YOU, not himself, when he does make you cry), and sell off your assets.
Hi there
I just wanted to say that I'm going through the same thing, and I knew before we got married that my husband had a son from a different relationship (not marriage or engagement). The one thing I didn't know though was that his x was psychotic, that she manipulated everyone including his parents w that child, and that we would have to get a restraining order from her. I'm now 6 months pregnant w/ my first child from him and we plan on moving very far away in about a year.I truly don't care that he will not b seeing his son but maybe once a month. Our tranquility, safety and peace will b a reality when we move away from this woman ( we currently live in the same town). I want to raise my child away from all the drama shes put us through and if (unfortunately) his other son suffers the consequences then b it.