
Angel's picture

My husband's daughter, aka, The Valley Girl (22), wants to apply to Hooters (!)or go on a Reality Show & oh, she forgot to register for the local j.c. (just forgot!). Oh, and maybe go to paralegal school---The tongue & stomach rings would have to go if she were a paralegal????


klinder180's picture

I am a lawyer and 4 years ago I hired a young lady who wanted to go t law school. She worked a year for me and then went on and graduated in May and has started working as a lawyer in Chicago. She is an ex Hooter's girl.

Yeah, some things might have to change because Ashleigh was an exceptional person, but hopefully maybe she is growing up?

luvdagirl's picture

Personally I try hard to not judge by ones past, but if it were my child i wouldn't be thrilled either-

There is no reaon where logic does not exist

Angel's picture

that sometimes nice girls have to do things like that.

This is a case where this young lady is not very bright and I was trying to make THAT point.

I know that I have a very "proper" point of view here, sorry. The values nowadays are upside down (in my humble opinion). I think it is unfortunate that women have to go so low to make a living. Displaying T & A for money is close to being a prostitute.

Angel's picture

So, when you go into these places, you don't stare at the girls tits or ass????? Come on, even for a second? Ya, know---in a "classy" sort of way, like just noticing them.

Give me a break. So you're telling me that you would be fine with your daughter, or wife working there???????

klinder180's picture

Honest, never, ever, uh huh would never ever, not gonna do it. Staring at women is so demeaning to women and treats them as objects...

(Of course if I have dark sunglasses on, I have been known to take a peek or two)

luvdagirl's picture

I go for the hot wings too, Its only hooters-hell I even look at a toosh or two since they are hanging out a little who doesn't point out the guy or girl walking down the street and comment that they shouldn't look like that in public? I have done it, several times already today actually(busy day). I think it is understandable as I have said nobody wants their child to be a hooters girl when they are growing up, but I would be more upset if she was there long enough to be forced into retirement! And on the plus side maybe next time she will pay for her own college too!

There is no reaon where logic does not exist

Nellie's picture

There's no shame in honest work - any kind of work. Hooters is just a job. I've been there - I didn't think it was obscene or anything - just a theme restaurant like any other - only the theme is cute girls. Whatever.

At least she wants to work. Unfortunately my mooching stepson just quit his job.... Fortunately the current moochee is Mom and Stepdad, not us.

Angel's picture

This is just a comment. I am not trying to insult anyone here...

BUT, this lax attitude about values and morals tells me a lot about us as a nation. It is okay to teach our young women that as long as they are not on a pole (but wait, that is an honest day's work) so let me rephrase: as long as they are not having sex for money---------anything is okay. It shows good working values to expose your body for money.
Have any women heard what men say when they are huddled elbows-in over their chiken wings? Most American men are more decent than men in other countries (as far as the way they treat and respect women), but they still say very nasty things about the girls. I am not saying that they go drown their chicken wings in drool, but I'd venture to say that some have taken the image to some interesting places while in the shower that evening.

Now, I don't want that for my daughters but if you don't think that it is degrading I guess whatever works for you.

SIDEBAR: I think that a litte shame, a little modesty (but no berkas here please) can go a long way to teach our youth about values.

Endora's picture

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something! -I know it is an old post however..

A thought on the boy equivalent-did I mention he is handsome-worked as a cook in a Canadian strip joint!!

My eldest son grew up as the son of a British cop and a Canadian Prairie girl (do you guys get a show like “Corner Gas” in the US)?l-lots of structure, parenting, love etc.-long story short-this son was diagnosed with ADHD and Oppositional behavior problems at 2 years old (my first clue should have been everything is NO Mommy (with a British accent)!)-he almost got kicked out of kindergarten-failed grade three and ended up in jail at 18 years old (I see stories of step children like this-this is my bio- son)-his father gave up on him and walked out (can’t blame him it was hard to watch)-kid was homeless, we were divorced after 20 years (thought that just happened to blended families huh)???-EVERYONE gave up on this young man…..

I met him in a Canadian Court house after him living on the streets….he looked like a derelict homeless person—he came from a moderately wealthy home, had all the education, sports, languages (he went to French school is perfectly bilingual etc. etc.) European father blah blah blah-

We had coffee at the courthouse-I promised him I would NEVER give up on him…Today-he is a computer expert at MITEL (British High Tech company)-has successfully opened his own business, moonlights as a chef and waiter in a wonderful restaurant, at the tender age of 26-he owns a beautiful country home with animals, plays hockey like crazy –is the biggest success-NOT due to me, his father or our ineptness as parents to care for this exceptional young man-I am having Canadian Thanksgiving with this great young man and his country girlfriend of several years on beautiful Canadian acres of land-I personally thank God for this young man-a true miracle-NEVER give up on kids-you never know how it will play out….