Don't know what's up
Don't know what's up, but H is being nice. He sent sd to his sister's for the weekend then he orders pizza and rents a couple of movies I wanted to see. He said he wants to take me to dinner and a movie tomorrow. I keep feeling something is up. A couple of years ago this would have made me very happy. Now I don't trust him. Am I just being paranoid? :?
Maybe he realises his mistakes.............
Just go with what he is planning and see whats up.
If he is trying to butter you up because something is going on with his sd then you will find out. You never know maybe he is seeing the light finally and thinks you deserves to have a nice weekend with him. Maybe something has gone on which is why he realised everything you said so he decided to send her away to his sisters for weekend.
You should be happy let him spoil. Remember your sd can carry on making trouble between but one day he will finally realise what she is like and maybe that day came.
Have a lovely weekend don't worry he is making an effort just don't bring your sd up unless he does and then your know something is up. Otherwise he will think your obsessed with her and think you just trying to make trouble and he made all this effort and she is not even there.
Trust but verify!
I agree to just enjoy what you can, but keep your eyes open!!!!! and your valuables hidden
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
maybe he heard of the whoop-ass tour
and his place as second stop!!!
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
He was making fun of some of
He was making fun of some of my friends today and I told him he had better watch out because the YA-YAS where coming to get him. Didn't hear another peep out of him. At least not until sd came home then he's all up in her face about helping around the house more. I'll believe that when I see it. I'm still suspicious about his behavior though.
Hey just go with it
Maybe he is trying to make an effort and you will just see how things are this week. If he is acting just to make you feel better about sd the act WILL slip. Did you have a nice weekend with him anyway. He sounds like he is making an effort.
It was very nice, would have
It was very nice, would have been better if I weren't so suspicious of him. But the best part is that my old boss called and asked me to do the dessert for a catered affair he does every year for the local nursing home. I did the whole thing last year. I have to bake 30 dozen cookies by Tuesday. HELP!!!! I love to bake just hate the clean up.
Ok, ferretmom-this is scary!
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
My H was so nice to me this weekend-I even felt like a wife for the first time in I don't know how long-well, can't be over 8 months because that's how long we've been married.
I'm not changing any of my plans or anything, tho. I am watching him-but I will say it was nice, not to hear one complaint all weekend about me. H took me out to supper, and rented a couple of movies, too. You don't suppose they're on another formum somewhere, titled "How To Keep Your Slave When She's Had Enough And Getting Ready To Leave You?" Damned scary, both our evil H's being good to us on the same weekend!
I hope
all this baking cookies will keep your mind of things.
I think you need something like this to do to keep you thinking all sorts.
Really just go with his good guy thing and see what happens.
My ex would have brief
moments like that. Usually when he knew I was fed up. These moments were usually accompanied by jewelry. ( I have some really nice jewelry because he was an ass)
Enjoy the moment for what it is, but don't give up your resolve ( either FM or BW )to make the changes you need to happen to make you happy. The cynic in me believes it takes alot more then some men have to make the right changes.
And if there was a website called How To Keep Your Slave When She's Had Enough And Getting Ready To Leave You?" my ex probably started it, but had to drop out because I had enough. Prehaps he can rejoin as he has just married wife/slave #3.
I think he's scared of my
I think he's scared of my son. He admitted to me that my oldest had called fri while I was out walking the dog. Apparently he will be home next week, he decided several months ago not to reenlist but we all thought he was on stop lose. He will be out of the army for good before Christmas but his wife is deploying the day after. He told H that if I wanted I could come live with him in CO. I have been seriously thinking about it. As for my cookies I did that today at my old boss's restaurant which made things a lot easier. I didn't have to clean the mess. LOL Plus the paycheck wasn't bad either.
OMG-that's wonderful...your son coming home...
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
Colorado, huh? It's really cold there right now-but beautiful. What's best is your H & SD wouldn't be there, and your son would!
Personally, I would not be able to resist. In fact, I wouldn't even try. I'd be packing my bags
Thats so great
You need this sort of good news with all that you have had to put up with. I bet it was very tempting to leave and go live with your son. Does your H know that he offered you to live with him. I am so happy that your son is coming home and you will feel much happier when he is there. You see all this missing your kids and look your son is coming home.
Thats good you got to make the cookies at your old boss restaurant and didn't have to clean up. With that money you got from that you should spend it on yourself.
How has your sd been towards you?
My son told H he wanted me
My son told H he wanted me to come live with him and H told me. My old boss is going to throw more catering jobs my way, he has several this time of year. Sd has been totally ignoring both of us since H jumped on her for being a lazy pig. His words not mine. Aaah the silent treatment you gotta love it.
Did your son say that to your H to try frighten him? Well she probably ignoring you both because she realises that her actions have not succeeded in breaking you both up. I think its great you will be getting more caterng jobs.
So I think you will be okay for now.
Did your son say that to your H to try frighten him? Well she probably ignoring you both because she realises that her actions have not succeeded in breaking you both up. I think its great you will be getting more caterng jobs.
So I think you will be okay for now.
My son was very serious. He
My son was very serious. He wants me to be safe and happy. Plus getting to be with my grandbabies is a real incentive.