BM has right to dictate in our house?
BM to my SS8 has insisted that he not be left home alone with me. She "isn't comfortable" with it. DH complies even though it is insulting to me and inconvenient to our schedule at times.
I've passed a background check (obviously) and am trusted to be a teacher to kids. Can this Weasel of a woman really dictate that a boy can't be left in his SM's care for a few hours? Would it be held up in court if it came to that?
DH and I have this bad feeling that if we tried to go against her wishes, she'd make false allegations of something - who knows what. So we comply to avoid the unknown disaster.
oh no...
she should NOT dictate what happens in YOUR house.. if he continues to let her get away with this, it will only get worse, and more demanding..
the bm in our situation tried that at the beginning...we followed along with her for about 6 months and decided we couldnt/wouldnt do it any longer it was way to much of an inconvience. I was good enough to cook and clean and pick up after them and buy them things but not good enough to watch them.. dont think so...
in our situation she yelled screamed called the cops etc just to be told that there was nothing she could do about it.. in mediation (for something else) this was brought up again and she was pretty much told to get over it as long as they were well taken care of it was our house.. plus the idiot left the boys with her new husband and his family....and we didnt see a problem with that...
I'd go with what works for YOUR family.. she will have to get over it and learn to deal with it.... the sooner she learns she cannot run your house as well, the better of it will be!!!
My fiancé & I have lived
My fiancé & I have lived together for 2 years & his daughters BM (who has lived with another man for over a year & he frequently watches their daughter) she goes crazy when she finds out that I was taking care of their daughter. For the first year I lived with my fiancé & his daughter I spent more time with Maddie (fiances daughter) than she actually did. She was more concerned about her social life than time with her daughter. But the past year she noticed her daughter starting to have less of a relationship with her & started spending more time with her. Actually keeping Maddie 50% of the time like she legally suppose to. At first I thought it was great she was trying to become a better mom & work on her relationship with her daughter. But we've discovered while trying to rebuild her relationship she started trying to destroy our relationship with Maddie. Speaking poorly of us to her daughter, not letting us talk to her on the phone & now going as far as not allowing me to watch Maddie. This morning my fiancé picked up his daughter from BM house brought her home & then left to go into work for only 2 hours. About 15 minutes after he left she showed up at our house demanding I give her Maddie. She made a huge scene in front of her daughter & said it was best Maddie be at her office with her for the next 2 hours instead of comfortable at home. Did she even have any legal right to show up & take Maddie from our house while I was watching her? She does not have rights to first refusal & legally today was my fiances timeshare with their daughter. I'm so frustrated. I've tried so hard to be the bigger person & be a positive loving influence in her daughters life but today crosses a line. It was so uncalled for, humiliating & a horrible situation to make her daughter see.
Our BM tried that for awhile
right up until it inconvienanced her. I was not allowed to care for the kids (ahhhh, to have those days again) until she needed someone to come pick them up so she could go on vacation. DH was working and evil old me was the only one available. I told her I would be happy to help but I understood how she felt about leaving the kids alone with me. She said that she was fine with it and I never heard about it again.
I know it's insulting but
I know it's insulting but step back and think about it. Do you really want to be with your step kid alone. Once you open that floodgate you can't close it. Careful because a year from now you may be kicking yourself and wondering why did you ever want this. Before I married my DH his ex would not let me alone with the kids and I acutally confronted her on this because it really irked me. Once we got married she couldn't do anything about it but now I wish I had never gone there because I realized I don't like babysitting.
I didn't see far enough in
I didn't see far enough in advance... when I gave my EH (the bioDad) "first right of refusal" in the custody agreement. This means that if my son cannot be in my care, I must give his dad the first option of taking him before seeking alternate care. Unfortunately, there was no stipulation in their regarding any future stepdad. Fast forward a few years and now that I'm remarried, legally, if I want to leave my son at home with his stepdad while I work or have to be away for more than a quick run to the store, I can't without first offering my EH the opportunity to watch him. So, my EH can basically dictate when our son is allowed to stay with his stepdad. Fun! Fun!
Is there any type of time
Is there any type of time limit in your order? BF has that in his decree but only any time over 8 hours. So, If we go out for a couple hours we can get a sitter and not have to give them to her. We have had to offer a few times but she hasn't wanted them so it's been a moot point & we took them to Grandma's instead.
Nope, no time limit. I
Nope, no time limit. I think it's basically a judgement call. If I have to just run to the store, I'm not going to call him. But if it's an evening out, yeah, I think I need to give him first choice.
We had similar issues. We
We had similar issues. We made sure at mediation that right to first refusal was only for overnight care. We have to inform her if a third party is caring for our SD10 for 6 hours or more and provide her with their contact info but she does not have the right to care for her. We also made sure that a list of primary caretakers we in the CO. I am one of them. That way if I am caring for her we don't have to tell her because I am a primary caretaker not a third party. This designation allows me to also provide transportation (pick up and drop off) and BM can't do a thing about it. She tried to have me banned from exchanges. Judge didn't let that happen thank goodness. Now if she interferes it is considered contempt of court and a CO violation. This helps keep her under control which is difficult because she has a diagnosed mental illness. Good luck!
Bm tried the same
here. But then once she realized that I was a free babysitter, it was not a problem. A simple warning, if you have not offered to step up and volunteer to watch the kids alone, DO NOT DO SO. It is a can of worms I wish I never opened. SD is a nightmare when she is with me and goes back to being "adorable" when her dad is back from work. Say you dont feel comfy watching them or anything to get out of it !
Why do you take shit from a
Why do you take shit from a little kid? You assert yourself as the care-giving, ADULT and you will not be treated disrespectfully! This is something that you NEED to make CLEAR to your Husband, you make it CLEAR that you will help him raise his kids as if they were your own but this means that when they are in YOUR care YOU call the shots. My Husband has done this since day one and our kids (my step kids) disrespect me very rarely... I cannot imagine that you are happy with a little kid dictating your house just because her Mother is teaching her it is okay and the Father isn't correcting it and backing you up...? Are you?
I do not mean this offensively, I say this from 100% experience
I just don't let ANYONE disrespect me, why in the world would I let a child manipulate me or my home? (OUR HOME, children included...) You are supposed to be a family!... Your Husband shouldn't let this happen either and if he won't help you out, back you up then it isn't going to work... Not if you are expected to be a care giver, a parent to this child...
Thank you all...
We did it once, behind BM's back this past Friday. BM was in another city for the weekend and SS8 hates summer camp. We offered him to stay home with me and help me garden, or go to camp. You are right, SS was a monster for me during the day. So much so that I had to stop at Daddy's work in the middle of errands for a brief "ass chewing" because he was giving me so much attitude and I couldn't break through it. DH was mortified and disappointed in SS and luckily got though to Dudebug.
I won't offer again. I think you are right that it is a can of worms I don't want.
Um, I would require a background check on BM before I return the
Skid to her care. Who knows what stupid shit she did since she dropped the kid off for visitation?
Two can play that game. Your home with your husband and his time with his kid. BM, regardless of how toothless and ignorant she is, cannot dictate what occurs in your home regardless of if the Skid is there or not, regardless of if Dad is there or not.
I would bare her stupid ass publicly, aggressively, brutally and frequently until she looses interest in being stupid.
Just my thoughts of course.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
Your husband must agree.
Clearly your husband has the right to do anything a father would normally do when the child is with him and that includes leaving the kid with a responsible adult.
Now is this worth fight over? If so he'll win the battle but at what cost? His wife retaliates by not letting the kid go for an extra week when you wnat to take a holiday? Or whatever.
Make sure the goal is worth climbing the hill.
There's an exception to everything I say.
we are in the same boat
At my home this vicious cycle has been going on for years. BM dictates that I can't take care of my sd's. I believe I certainly can pass a stepparent background considering i am in Law Enforcement,but I still am not good enough. DH says if he does anything about she wont allow him to see the girls. She has done it plenty of times before. The courts don't do shit about it. when she needs something....forget about it. The hardest part for me is when DH on occasion will ask me do something for him regarding the sd's. ex last weekend we had sd's with us, when BM called on Saturday to talk to them. She found out where we were showed up and took them. because DH doesn't want to cause a scene in public, he let her take them. Well Yesturday DH calls me and asks if I could take SD's soocer stuff to her because he couldn't and BM was working also. I just hate telling him no, but it pisses me off. I don't know how to handle it. My hands are tied because if I do anything she will call the cops and I get in trouble. She is not worth it. Sometimes makes me think if the whole situtaion is worth it???
Kayla, You are in law enforcement ..... so enforce the law.
Have your Police/Law Enforcement buddies follow her around discretely and nail her anytime she talks on a cell while driving (endangering a child?), have them ticket her if she roles a stop sign (endangering a child?), ticket her any time she walks up to the ATM with children in the car unsupervised, ticket her any time she puts her car in drive w/o her seat-belt fastened .........
You can take this as far as it needs to go in order to neuter her bullshit.
Just my layman's opinion of course.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
If Only I could
First I am in federal job so I dont have local/state authority or buddies. Second of all I am not putting my job on the line to have my buddies follow her around. (she isn't worth it). Unfortunately in our state it is not illegal to talk on the phone. We can't even get the P.D. here to write a misc. report when she doesn't bring the kids for visitation. It is a good ole' boy system where we live, so all she has to do is cry we are harassing her and of course they believe the woman.(SORRY ladies). They just see me as the bitchy step-mom,not as a public offical.
Tow the line!
You cannot walk in fear. Yes, you have to be cognizant that she may try to be spiteful and make accusations. But if you are being appropriate and acting within your spouses rights, the fact is she can't do anything. You need to start keeping a journal, and make sure you keep all communications with her incase she does make accusations. Also talk with a lawyer. See what the law says. Then operate under that law. Fact is if you operate within the law, all she can do is make threats. A bully will push until you push back.
Further, you need to speak with your spouse and let him know how it makes you feel when he capitulates to her demands ALWAYS. I am guessing (based on my own experience) that it makes you feel less important in his life than you actually are. He has to find the balance. He chose to disolve his relationship with this mom. This is part of the consequence. He dissolved his marriage most likely because they couldn't make each other happy, and perhaps because they made each other miserable. Everytime he caputilates to her will, without regard to how it affects those in his life, he is choosing to allow her to continue to make him miserable, not to mention those around him. They might as well still be married! Guilt is a powerful mode for most divorced parents. Don't let him be victim to that. In the end it hurts him, you and the kids. Be a united front.
My husband and I still walk this. I have found that often, when he is complying with her demands, he is doing so out of guilt, fear or habit. We have been through hell, but I have to say, after pointing it out to him, everytime, he has begun to make changes. He is FINALLY realizing that she Doesn't have all the control. He is still their parent. And he does everything he can for them. He chooses to remember that when she makes demands and tries to make him feel like a bad dad. It is simply a matter or reinserting steel into his spine. A little at a time. And LOTS of patience and understanding on your part. Don't be afraid to call him on stuff though!
WOW.... didn't realize this was such an issue....
I hate to even throw this out there because it will cause a lot of worry and SOME of your bm's may not be as downright psychotic as my ex's ex.... A HUGE PART OF WHY WE DIVORCED WAS BECAUSE OF THIS....
BM did not me left alone with my skids.... she took us to court and the judge laughed in her face.... she tried to get her divorce thrown out so she could revamp the parenting plan.... the judge laughed in her face..... THEN THE REAL TROUBLE BEGAN....
BM accused me of beating my then 2-year-old SS, she pumped him and he told CPS and the police (where BM physically took him) and he told both agencies that I hurt him.... we went to court and restrictions were put in place against me..... BUT THAT WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH....
BM then made my SD (then 8 years old) accuse my BS (then 10 years old) of "touching her innappropriately".... in fact my 8-year-old SD's exact words were "he rubbed my vagina in a circular motion".... although the forensic psychologist, CPS and the police department eventually cleared my son the damage was done.... my son was not allowed to come home while my skids were in our care.... I just couldn't do it anymore.... attack me all you want.... but this sick bitch attacked my little boy....
SO in our case bm successfully came between ex-dh and I.... (not that she was the only issue mind you.... ex-dh did not defend my son or try to clear his name....) The past is the past and I'm over it and happy to be far away from that situation.... now am dating a great guy who has 3 kids but knows how to stand up for himself and even me when it comes to bm or anything else.... what a change....
Hate to scare all of you with what 'could' happen.... but it happened to me....
I hope BM is not as psychotic as that
I have a 7mo BS and a 2 1/2yr SS. The mom is crazy and I often fear that as my SS gets older, BM will do something similiar. She tries threatening to call the police on my DH when we take SS to grandma's 2hrs from our house. She also does not want me or DH involved in SS life. She does not want me to even be left alone with SS, but courts told her to grow up. There is so much more to this story, but all I can say is, it stinks, that stepparents that want to be good "Parents" to their stepkids, have no rights and usually the fathers get the most crap in courts even if the women do not have the best interest of their Bkids at heart. Women like my SS BM, need to be thankful that someone is willing to care for a child that is not theirs and treat them well.
Were you married to my
Were you married to my current DH ha ha ha... this is exactly the sort of things my DH and I went through with the BM of my ss6. Luckily and thankfully the court system seen through her bag of bullshit and granted my DH full sole custody of their son. We still go through accusations, but now it is directed at my personal email account and other support systems I've joined where the BM now stalks me... I just try to remember that the woman is absolutely off her rocker and go on with my life.
Same thing happened to me
Same thing happened to me and my other ss with youngest ss's bm. Lucky for us the Judge saw through her and nothing came of it other than a court hearing. I'm still waiting to see what is next, because this woman is nuttier than squirrel shit.
~~I am so unbelievably sick of your imperious bullsh!t. I never said I was June-f*cking-Clever~~
Meant to say....
That BM did not WANT me left alone with my skids... BUT we didn't care and there was nothing she could do about it.... UNTIL she started making accusations.... some people have no limit....
She can try to dictate if you let her. But, unless there is some standing order that you cannot have contact with DH's son, screw her. Sorry if that is so blunt. If the tables were turned and DH had an issue with who she had SS around, she would probably pull the "don't tell me what to do in my house" card. The BM in our situtation tries to do this all the time. Unless, she can prove that you are unfit to be around her son, there's not much she can do but complain.
Oh, and a side note, I am sure you are a good person but not all teachers are fit. Please don't be offended. The BM in our situation, is a teacher and she has done nothing but cause emotional harm and put the kids in dangerous situations more than once. She likes to throw that "I know everything about kids b/c I am a teacher" line all the time to my DH. To which I have thought, well I worked with neglected/abused kids and know when I see kids being victimized. Nevertheless, I do value good teachers, but feel sorry for her students.
Lot's of good answers here
Lot's of good answers here and I didn't get to read them all but for now, I am behind "tow the line"
I concur with Cruella. My
I concur with Cruella. My DH's ex is a controller, and she has tried stuff in the past, but she has quickly learned that I don't work that way, and now neither does her ex/my DH. She controlled him for 15 years and now we stand together united when needed, and it PISSES her off, hehehehehe Don't let her have that power.
i can see sd's bm trying
i can see sd's bm trying this down the road. my bf works out of town and even though his visitation schedule says pick up time is 6pm bm is always trying to figure out exactly what time he is leaving town on his sundays because if it's one minute earlier than six she wants to pick sd up because "she can have her back anytime my bf isn't with her." like if my bf has to leave at 5pm instead of 6 bm HAS to know about it because God forbid sd stay with me that extra hour.
My EH would be the same way.
My EH would be the same way. If EH has to pick our son up (or drop him off) he will not do so unless I'm there. If I have to leave earlier before he had planned to pick him up? He says I should have called to have him come pick BS up earlier before I left.
BM is just being jealous and
BM is just being jealous and spiteful. I'd talk to a lawyer and see what they say (if you can). BM tried pulling that with me and I told her to eat sh**t. Take me to court!!! It would cost her a pile of money and she'd have to prove me unfit. She had better be squeeky clean and have background checks and squeeky clean babysitters. Or else she looks like the hag that she is, wasting court time. Bm backed down....
ABSOLUTELY NOT! This is a text book behavior that she is exhibiting because she is threatened by you and the possibility of your becoming close to her birth child/children. She has an inferiority complex about her child/children liking you more than her, favoring YOU more than HER. I agree with it being a rational fear (I have seen it in my step children's Mother for years, but I can put myself in her shoes and still see where it comes from)
I am not condoning it though... You HAVE TO assert yourself! You HAVE TO start with being flexible and reasonable and if those aren't of any help to you than you are dealing with an unreasonable and even threatened BM. If this is the case then you make sure that the Father deals with her! Make sure HE does ALL of the communicating with her (rational or not) it is HIS place to defend you and deal with her, she is HIS past and the Mother of his child/children. But... You make no mistake, the house YOU live in... YOUR HOUSE... Is YOURS!
You assert yourself and YOU determine what is and is not your business and what is or is not appropriate by talking things out and communicating with DH.
It is ALL about CONTROL!... Make no mistake
What you allow will only continue.
Keep the kid(s) out of it (even if SHE is low enough to drag them in at times) always make your decisions (no matter how hard) on what is best for the emotional well-being of the kids.