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would you all be interested

startingover2010's picture

in a stepmom story? i had read a blog a while ago that was in parts, kinda like a story. i was glued and wish that the poster would write more.

i think that by doing my blogs that way, maybe i can be understood more and maybe find some closure. i have been through ALOT in the last 5yrs, as all of us on here have (in our own time frames). i just kind of want my story to be heard.

if any of you are interested, respond and let me know. then i will start. i promise you'll be begging to know what comes next. some things will sound bizzare (sp?) but its all TRUE.

ReadySetNot's picture

That sounds really cool! I'm interested!

angelike73's picture

me too.

StepMadre's picture

I'd love it! Go for it!

"The truth shall set you free." ~John 8:32

Most Evil's picture

Blog away!
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety.

William Shakespeare, "Antony and Cleopatra", Act 2 scene 2

Chele's picture

I'm interested. ~ " I'm awful sorry you got pissed, just have to cross you off the list, of my true friends." PHISH~

Stick's picture

If you write it as a story, then do you not invite comments? I'm wondering because you have deleted your blogs and have gotten some support but also some (constructive) criticism in the past. So if it's written as a story, then I'm guessing there is no "putting it out there" so to speak. It's more of "your life, your way"... Or am I just being cynical? If yes, sorry... It's been brought out in me the past week!

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

startingover2010's picture

i would love feedback on what i write. yes i have deleted some blogs. but i want to write as a story so everyone can get the full picture, and some advice too. u are not being cynical.

lovelovelove's picture

I am interested! Smile