i really love
how this is a site to vent but some people, like squill, make you feel bad, or try to, for venting. i deleted my last post because of squil and one of her evil minions being bitches on here for me venting.
now on to my 'vent". sd11 seems to think that i will redo her hair color (her roots are growing in). after she tells me the other night she doesnt want me involved, she thinks that i am going to help her? uh, no. her grandma, who died her hair in the first place, is coming in november. sd11 can wait till then.
she also thinks that its ok to scream at me still. she really is rediculous. i wonder when she will learn you cant treat people like crap. maybe when she's older and mouths off to her bf and he beats her for it. then maybe she'll learn.
oh, sorry squill, was that horrible of me to say that?
anyways, i am currently looking into options for me still. i cant wait to get out of here with bd. bf told me yesterday that "sd11 is the way she is and i either need to accept it or leave him". basically saying, "i dont plan to do anything about her. i am just that lazy. so if you dont like to be treated like shit by my 11yr old, then by all means, leave."
nice, huh?
BF sounds like a lazy,
BF sounds like a lazy, inconsiderate a**hole. Just my opinion. If am man will say that to you, then he doesn't deserve you and you should go find a man who does. Daddies who guilt parent and treat the SD's like princesses, meanwhile allowing them to treat their SO like shit and get away with murder should not be allowed to be parents.
I feel for any woman who ends up with one of these "guilty daddies". My DH does it sometimes, until the SD's treat him like shit AGAIN and he realizes that his "guilt parenting" is a HUGE cause of the nasty behavior. DH has gotten WAY better. It was ALL about pleasing the SD's in the beginning and they walked all over him. Now that he's put his foot down (thanks to me) they are more respectful to him.
And Evil, I agree that there are some people who just come here to be bitches and make trouble. I find it just as pathetic as BM...ugh. Namely, this "HappyHappyJoyJoy" idiot. Amazing...
As far as Squil, some things she has said have been off-putting, but sometimes she offers good advice. I think the way she puts things sometimes can really piss you off, as she has me. But, oh well. Everyone can't share the same opinions.
**Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!**
your BF should be demanding
your BF should be demanding your SD should be treating you with respect, she is a child regardless of who you are you are an adult and all children should learn to treat older people with respect, i truly believe in the "old" ways, i am only 30 but i still agree with just plain manners.
And Yep Squill and pretty much posted on my venting blog with very unhelpful comments that just make you feel like crap... but stuff it! clearly its all very different for others isnt it and unless they can relate or help then they shouldnt bother.
Now My SD9 is a real tantrum thrower too, just yesterday we drove for and hour to take all the kids to the beach, she put herself on the sand and sat there kicking and stomping saying she wanted to go home and back to her mother, for no other reason that she forgot to pack her own bathers, my son offered her to let her wear his swim shirt, no drama's. Now if we werent so far away i would have shoved her in the car myself and taken her there, hubby however insisted she is just a kid and that is the way she is...Righto then she sat there all day with the shits and ruined everyones day.
I agree with you too, let her wait til november, she dug her own grave with that one
Oh Cruella. How we missed
Oh Cruella. How we missed you-!!!!!
Of course, I agree completely.
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety.
William Shakespeare, "Antony and Cleopatra", Act 2 scene 2
Uh yeah... I'm with Cruella
Uh yeah... I'm with Cruella on this one. I didn't read your other post, so I'm am lost there... but SD yelling at you?!?! I think NOT. If my kids even TRY ro give me attitude I I literally make my kids repeat what they said to me in a different tone of voice until they get it right... they HATE that... it cuts back on the attitude they give me though!
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )