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BM backyard!

CaliStepMomma's picture

DH and I live in a neighborhood with several community parks, playgrounds and pools. One such recreation complex happens to be right outside our balcony. Last weekend, DH was out with SS10 and SS11 and I was home with SD12. She was upstairs watching TV, I was cooking. From the kitchen, I heard someone out the window calling her name. I thought they must be looking for some little kid with the same name, but they were persistent, so I walked over to the window to look and saw two of her classmates. One of the girl's mother is friends with BM and used to be friends with us too [that's another story]. This girl and her mother also live in the same neighborhood and have access to the same facilities. Since they live so close by, I figured the girls must just be out for a walk in the park, so I sent my stepdaughter out to hang out.

I was finishing up cooking and noticed that I couldn't see SS12 from the window so I headed outside to check on her. I found her sitting on a blanket with her mother. AH!!! What the hell is this woman doing in my (basically) backyard?! I asked her to come inside and help me because her father was coming home soon, but mostly because I was so shocked and creeped out that her mom was there. Inside I asked her if her mom was hanging out with her friend's mom and she said no, her friend's mom called her mom when she came outside. These two women are nuts [again, those are other stories]. I said what I usually say, "Hmm, that's kinda weird, but whatever, I guess..." And that was it, except that my husband and I talked about it and realized there is nothing we can do because she was invited by another resident. We were just creeped out because our home backs right up onto the park and you can see and hear everything coming in and out, so yeah, not a lot of privacy, which isn't an issue unless you have some crazy lady snooping around.

Today, after a particularly stressful week (in which my husband worked long shifts, I got called a bad parent because my stepson went crying to his mom because he got in trouble at our house and I yelled at him), my husband and I had a date to go to the pool by ourselves. We walk up and are about to open the gate when I say, "Oh, no." BM is there with her friend and the kids. We turn to leave, she sees us and says, "You can come in." I say, "No." Then the kids see us and say hi, we say hi. My husband says we should go in, I say "No" and start heading home. I quicken my pace as I go, the rage is boiling, my eyes are burning, I throw my water bottle, and I head back inside. DH is right behind me. I get inside and start screaming about, well, let's not say what about, you can guess. I'm beyond overwhelmed with all sorts of feelings, but basically, I'd like to know, how would you handle this?

Obviously, I wouldn't be on this forum if BM was sane and everybody got along. So, hanging out with her is not an option. But, neither is feeling like a hostage in my own home. And, we can't exactly tell her not to come here if she comes invited by another resident. Nor can we tell her friend not to invite her. I kinda just want to feel justified in my anger and sadness that I can't even plan a date with my husband at our own home without her intrusion. Is that wrong of me? Also, I'm feeling guilty for not being the bigger person and just sucking it up and going to the pool anyway and not letting her ruin our plans. But, they would have been ruined if she was there with the kids anyway. So, should I feel guilty? Or, should I learn to be a zen master and just roll with it and enjoy the pool with her there? I don't think I could do that. Am I a failure as a woman? Why am I even asking these questions? I know the answers. Why am I beating myself up and looking for validation?

CaliStepMomma's picture


I always think that I'm going to be prepared for stuff like this and have something to say - I run these situations through in my head over and over again - but I never am prepared and never say what I should. I know her well enough to expect stuff like this from her, to be on guard, but I'm still always caught off guard and I hate that. I'm sure the look on my face is like, "What....."


Any advice for that? How to stop stressing about it and just act in the moment? Never been good at that...

CaliStepMomma's picture

She has no sense of privacy and boundaries. She and DH did a home swapping thing when they first split so the kids wouldn't have to go back and forth, but also because he was a grad student and had cheap student housing and she couldn't afford to live on her own (she was actually quite indignant over DH not giving the apartment to her, never mind the fact that she wouldn't be allowed to live there on her own since she wasn't a student). So, yeah, lots of issues stemming partly from that.

But, we've all since moved and she has never lived here, though her friend does. So, yes, her friend does let her in, her friend actually invites her over. Unfortunately, we haven't lived here long enough to make good enough friends with the neighbors or for them to see enough of her craziness to know to give us a heads up when she's snooping around. I want to become more acquainted with the neighbors or let them experience her do something wacky before I ask them, "So, if you see her poking around, please tell us." Our old neighbors, who we knew well and did experience her nutso behavior, would often tell us that she came around, looking for the kids.

I just hoped that moving to this new place she wouldn't feel the same sense of entitlement since she never lived here. But, I guess with her friend living here and her obvious issues, she feels she can just come over and hang out whenever she wants.

StepMadre's picture

I want to hear those "other stories"!!! Wow, what a nut job (both of the women). I would freak the f*&^% out if BM was ever in my back yard. An annoying little yippy dog that poops everywhere would be greatly preferable.

It's so funny (in a sick way) that skids are so often aware that the BM and SM don't get along and they still don't get that we have to have clear boundaries. SS12 tried really hard to get me to come to a birthday party his mom was throwing him (I didn't know you could throw a party on food stamps, but there you go) and he really wanted me to come! He specifically asked me to come to his party IN his mom's house. I didn't tell him what I was thinking, that I would rather lick the grossest bar toilet than step foot in her house ever again (well almost-both situations are hideous to imagine) and even if it were life or death I don't know that I would ever be comfortable with her in my house. Yuck.

I'm sorry this happened to you. You handled it way better than I would have! I think she would have gotten the naughty cat treatment from me and I would have busted out my little spray bottle of water that I spray on my cats if they do something extremely bad (like climb on the dinner table and eat off my plate-they are my babies and I've only had to spray them twice for them to get the idea and other than their brief moments of naughtiness they are sweet and perfect and wonderful and way more adorable than my skids).

You should get yourself some Eau De Skunk and put it in a bottle and spray the BM (or her weird friend) if she appears in your backyard again. Claim to be feeding your backyard plants and "accidentally" generously spray her in the face with skunk water! (I'm kidding, but it's fun to imagine-I'm not even sure how you would procure skunk spray without an unnecessarily personal encounter with an actual skunk?)

dsp1978's picture

LOL.. I have nothing to really comment, other than :

"You should get yourself some Eau De Skunk and put it in a bottle and spray the BM (or her weird friend) if she appears in your backyard again. Claim to be feeding your backyard plants and "accidentally" generously spray her in the face with skunk water! (I'm kidding, but it's fun to imagine-I'm not even sure how you would procure skunk spray without an unnecessarily personal encounter with an actual skunk?)"

Is one of the funniest things I have read in a long time! LOVE it... Smile

JesseGirl's picture

Wow! What I think you need is to feel validated. Like you said, you know the answers, and you are clear on your feelings. Well, consier your feelings validated. It's hard when you have a home, and feel that the privacy and sanctity have been compromised by another person. This person happens to be you Skids BM. All you can do is your personal best. You have a right to feel angry, anxious, creeped out, etc. It's all part of the package, but you already know that! If you do any type or prayer or meditation, it may be a good time to increase the frequency of that to give you some serenity.
I hope things get better for you!

Stick's picture

Cali - Yes, honey you are justified in feeling angry and stressed that BM is in your backyard. Yes, it is a sucky feeling that she it looks like she is going to be there all summer.

So, what do you do?

I'm not talking about "sucking this up". I'm talking about changing your perspective.

BM is at the pool with her friend? YOU'RE THERE WITH HER EX-HUSBAND... having a DATE!! And while she may or may not have felt good that you left... how do you think she would feel to see you getting along so great with her ex-husband?

I feel very mean and somewhat petty saying this... but don't let BM make you a hostage in your home. Turn it around, and make BM not want to come to your home - your space - because it is YOUR SPACE with YOUR HUSBAND and a HAPPY HOME.

The best revenge is living well. Get to living girl... and don't give BM a second thought. Yeah, it will be hard... but since you are probably not planning on moving.... fake it til you make it. Be your sweet self. People can be friends with both you and BM. And eventually they will decide on their own thoughts of each of you. What do you want to show these people? Jealousy and fear? Or, that you can be civil and nice to BM while also having your own happy home.

How you proceed is up to you. But I personally think you need to address this within yourself, and then give yourself a pep talk to not let BM rule your life.

JesseGirl's picture

I love your suggestion of Fake it til you make it!!! I employed that strategy on many an occasion, and it works!!! And, it also help us to keep our dignity and self-respect. Excellent advice!

CaliStepMomma's picture

BM is in my backyard right now!!!

BM is yet again, for the 3rd week in a row, in my backyard. She's there with skids as I type.

Tomorrow is mine and my husband's 1 year anniversary and thank god we've made plans to go away to a local hotel instead of hang out at the pool because BM is there with skids again.

Does anyone have any suggestions for how to stop this? It's so weird and creepy!

Tre_Lin's picture

I have a similar issue! BM and my fiance have mutual friends and I have become friends with them as well (except for their wives/gf who are best friends with BM). If my fiance is busy at work or has something to do and SD3 isn't with us, I will sometimes have dinner or hang out with his friends who have become mine as well. BM sometimes finds ways to be there as well with her friends (who are gf's of my fiance's friends) and I know it's just to make me feel out of place or unwanted. All I can say is when you kill them with kindness they'll soon give up because they aren't getting a reaction out of you. As hard as it might be, just try to pretend she isn't there. She will give up when she notices that her being around isn't pissing you off or changing your plans. Good Luck!

CaliStepMomma's picture

I forgot to mention that this last time BM was here, her friend was not. One of her friend's kids was here, but not her friend. My guess is that BM was watching her friends kid at the pool and park.

Anyway, we wanted to get a better understanding of the rules of the pool and park so we talked to the community managers and they said that the facilities are definitely for residents only and if someone shows up unaccompanied by an adult resident (minors don't count, so BM can't say she's there because the kids are residents or because she's watching a resident kid), we can call the community police and they will come and ask for ID proving that they live there. If they can't produce the ID, the police will ask them to leave and take away any keys that they have. They give the keys to the office and then the resident can come get them if the person is in fact a resident. They said it's really common actually, but we'd rather not have it come to that.

So, DH emailed BM suggesting that he take the kids more since they prefer to be here. BM responded as predicted - that it's not that the kids prefer to be here and that she can take care of them just fine. She also said that because she has a friend who lives here she has just as much right to use the facilities as we do and that she isn't going to stop. DH replied by stating that the facilities are for residents only and that she doesn't have the right to be here just because she is friends with someone here. He also asked her very kindly to visit a different park and pool (like her own!) because he feels harassed and like it's a violation of his privacy and not in the spirit of their legal agreement by her hanging out outside our window (we actually caught her looking in last time, like she made eye contact with me while I saw sitting at the table drinking a glass of soda!).

We'll see where it goes from here. Like I said, we've had issues with her in the past - showing up and hanging out outside our place. Usually us asking that she stays away has been enough, but during the court battle, we actually drafted a letter sent from our lawyer to her's to get her to back off. We assume that her lawyer told her that it was not good for her case to be coming over uninvited and she stopped. So, hopefully it will stop again now.

CaliStepMomma's picture

Update: BM replied to DH's request that she not use the pool and park behind our house and she said she would "do her best not to use that pool."

I hate when people give me that line. Growing up there were a few lines my parents wouldn't stand for because they were almost just as bad as saying, "Fuck you, I don't care." The first was, "I'm sorry, but..." If you have to add "but" onto "I'm sorry," then you are not sorry. The second is, "I'll try my best." That's kinda a Yoda thing, "Try not. Only do or do not." These lines are just lip service. It's understandable that with certain things, like swearing, you may slip up, but saying, "I'll try my best not to swear," means that you aren't going to take these slip ups very seriously.

But, we aren't gonna push it with BM unless she shows up again. And DH is going to talk to the police to get a better understanding of our rights. Like, our agreement states that she cannot come to our home uninvited. So, is the park behind our house, like 50 feet from our window, close enough to consider it within the realm of our home? We'll see.

Hopefully this is all over. But, with BM, it never is...

I am confused's picture

Is there any chance that you or DH can have a calm rational discussion with the friend and make it clear how uncomfortable it makes you, and possibly get a little understanding?

CaliStepMomma's picture

Oh, you mean the friend that nearly assaulted me over this issue in the past? Hmm...NO! Hahahahaha! Not trying to be a jerk to you, it's just that there is no way to talk to the friend, she is actually, if you can believe it, crazier than BM, but that's another story.

lots_of_issues's picture

I totally relate to your story. It's hard having to deal with a crazy BM. And I hate feeling like a hostage in my home too. I am also fortunate enough to live in the same town as my skids BM. And she randomly stops by without calling to see if I will watch the kids. Who does this and who thinks it's okay??? I can;t imagine going door to door and asking for someone else to take my kids. I couldn't imagine EVER doing that to my ex husbands new wife. It's a shame the way we have to live sometimes, it really makes my blood boil too. I've even thought about moving out of town to be away from my husband's ex. She's came over to the house and threw tantrums in our yard, stopped in the street to yell and carry on, she's just embarrassing and insane. There is nothing wrong with the way you are feeling. You and your husband have your own life now, and I think these crazy exes just have a hard time swallowing that. When we had custody of my skids for a while, my crazy BM would want to just come hang out and have dinner with us. Then would have the nerve to ask my husband in front of me why things didn't work out with them! Women like these need to just be put away, and stripped of parenting rights. Some people just don't have tact, or common sense. I put my foot down though, and we told her it was just too awkward for her to hang around. She even asked if she could stay the night! LOL...I almost fainted. Really? I mean really? I hate even having to deal with this woman. You sound like you are in a very similar boat, my best advice is to get your hubby involved and have him talk to her about invading your personal space. You could talk to her yourself, but if she is anything like the one I have to deal with, it won't mean much coming from you. So yeah, that's what I did. We almost had to get an EPO on her, because she would cause such a scene sometimes, for no reason. You are not by ANY means a failure, you just have a low tolerance for crazy, as do many of us on this site. The best of luck to you!

lots_of_issues's picture

I have come to the conclusion that you can't be nice to these women. Diplomacy only makes them behave more inappropriately. It's like they just don't get that they impose or either they don't care. Probably a little of both, lol...The more nice I was to my husbands ex, the more she would want to just "hang". And I know she was only doing it to make me uncomfortable. I think they just want that kind of power, because they don't have any say so anymore over your husband/their former husband. So look at it as jealousy or envy. The less I let mine bother me, the more she backs off, so really it's just a power trip I think. They want to make us squirm, because apparently their lives are so lack luster they have to stir up ours.

godess-clueless's picture

If this situation were happening to me I would feel upset. Does not make much sense that the step kids mom would want to hang out with other children on days that she is child free.

She is sitting at the pool, under the guise that she is hanging out with a friend that lives there. She is well aware that what she is doing is making herself present to undermine your authority and family schedule. It becomes very difficult to run your own household when mom is a matter of feet away. Of course the children are going to go running off to be with her. And calling them back makes you the bad guy.

I would be tempted to make it uncomfortable for her and a convenience for myself. Have you considered walking down to her with the children, telling her since she is there for the day that you will be leaving them with her. Then just go off and do what you want. Lock the door. Her good friend can entertain them all and let them into her house. A few times of this will not only put a damper on their friendship but also leave mom feeling that she is getting used.