Help with BD adjusting to new school!
Hi All,
My BD just started 1st grade yesterday. She is starting a new school and switching from a private school to a public school (not my choice!!!). So she went from a school with 15 kindergarteners to a school that has 5 1st grade classes each with 22 kids. This is a huge change for her!! She is a very shy kid and I am worried she might not make friends at the new school or she will be so quiet and just get lost in the crowd!
Any ideas how I can help her with this transition? This morning I dropped her off and she just stood in the line where they are supposed to line up when the bell rings and didn't want to go and play at all. Perhaps she was just observing and taking it all in.
I know I am being over-worried since this is only the second day. But any advice or tips on how to help her would be great!
A couple things that helped
A couple things that helped my daughter at different stages in her life:
1) When she first started school...she loved it, but as most kids will...she would have times of missing mommy. We came up with the idea of kissing each little finger and both thumbs and then giving a big kiss in the middle of her palm--I would tell her that if she missed me, she was to "give herself one of my kisses" and if was a doozie of a day..the "big kiss" in the palm was the one to help get her through.
2) When she started junior high, she got lost on her first day. They put so much pressure on getting to class on time, that she had her first ever panic attack. It was the most horrible time to help her through. My child, who always loved school and somewhat independent, suddenly wanted me to quit my job, so that we could both stay home...and she wasn't kidding. I found a ring (from JCPenny) that had some nice saying like "Love" and "Hope", but on the inside, there was a little inscription that said "Be Strong". It was like it was meant for her. I bought it for her and told her that when she felt nervous, that she was to look at the ring and imagine me giving her a big hug!
All that was really helpful, but it really boils down to just taking some time in the morning and evening to talk. Re-affirm her that it's ok to be a little nervous to be in a whole new place, but all those new people are also potential new friends!! She will adjust before you know it and all will be right in her world!
Talk to her teacher and voice
Talk to her teacher and voice your concerns. Tell her to let you know if bd has any problems then check back with the teacher. Could you volunteer there once a week? In her class or another just to see how bd is doing? I really bet she'll do fine though. Talk to your daughter and let her tell you what she thinks. She's 6 and can tell you How she feels.
Thanks for the advice ladies!
Thanks for the advice ladies! I am sure she will be fine. Its just such a big change for her and I know she is feeling overwhelmed about it. I do plan on talking to the teacher about it and will definitely be volunteering in her class.
It is reassuring to hear other's experiences and how they got through it! I just want to have a happy kid that loves school (as she did in kindergarten).
She'll be fine momma! Not
She'll be fine momma! Not only because our kids are more resiliant than we understand, but because she has a mom that cares as much as you do!
Thank you so much wriggsy! I
Thank you so much wriggsy! I needed to hear that. DH thinks I am being crazy and worrying about nothing...which I probably am. But I am a mom! I can't help it sometimes.