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Disagreeing with you just cuz!!

hbell0428's picture

This type of thing happens all the time; and I don't know why I continued to ask for opinion - HIGH hopes I guess...

My I help guide my BD11 in choosing school clothes (she has no clue - still; she is a complete scatter brain and would go in pj's if could)
Anyway; she tries to walk out the door with a cute brown top; brown long sweater and a pair of skinny jeans - UNTIL I look down and see those big blue and red thick cozy sock with these god ugly clogs. So I turn to SD13 and tell her to tell my BD that - THAT LOOKS RIDICULOUS - Instead she looks at me smiles and say "What? That looks fine; I would do that." AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH so off she goes.... I know that may seem stupid and petty; but it's little things like that... WHY. Meanwhile her brothers are telling her not to wear that.

Do you experience this type of - Doing it because they can...(Just to piss you off)

Synaesthete's picture

I don't think it sounds like she's disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing - she's not much older and probably really does think it looks okay. That being said, I don't know the typicals of your relationship with her or your backstory but if it were me, all I would get out of that comment would be that both girls have an odd sense of style.

-shrug- I'm a believer in choosing your battles. For me, her choice of socks and shoes isn't a hill I'd want to die on and it certainly isn't worth stressing myself out over. Same goes for whether or not SD supports her clothing choices or not. Preteens and teenagers go through all kinds of fashion phases; she'll grow out of it and look back on old photos one day going, "What was I thinking?"

hbell0428's picture

OH agreed! Completely - No battle here; just wondering why they do things!! Like that - just to piss you off; Probably could of used a better example ~ not a good one...

ThatGirl's picture

*sorry for the hijack* you seriously let a 3 year old wear his underwear on the outside of his pants??

True mom's picture

I consider my BD7 as the modern day "Punky Bruester"! LOL! Mind you she is only 7, but hey if she likes what she put together then who am I to stop her. I might give pointers here and there though Blum 3

One thing though, involving the SD might be a bad deal, if the relationship is iffy. I would never involve mine as sometimes she seems very ugly towards BD9 so she might encourage it so she would be picked on.

hbell0428's picture

My thoughts exactly True mom........I am not an idiot; WE are not idiots I should say - My SD will VERY QUIETLY get my BD to do things and then sit back and let her take the wrap. It's amazing; what daddy doesnt see.

Yes; i believe it's okay for them to dress like this - you should c what my 4 year old wore!! LOL I just don't get the whole thing about that; my SD has NEVER left the house looking like that?!?!?!?