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I can only IMAGINE how this is going to go over!

Peaceheart's picture

I can only IMAGINE how this is going to go over!

My story is not much different from my sister's stories on this step-parenting path. SD disrespectful to me. Trashes me behind my back and then denies it to daddy....
Anyway, daddy and I had another huge fight regarding this issue. I get so mad that I just can not articulate clearly my feelings. I have composed and sent off this email to him. What do you think? Got a feeling that the :sick: is going to hit the fan when he opens it tomorrow. Blum 3 Biggrin

Here it is....


Contrary to what it might of sounded like....I do not expect or desire for you to pick sides!
This is not a completion. I am not jealous of Tia in any way.
Simply put, what I am feeling is diminished. As though my feelings do not count or matter.

Both you and Tia have separately or together come to conclusion that I am delusional/paranoid. I will have to investigate that but
my understanding of this mental disorder is that a person feels unrealistic symptoms of distrust. Feels that they are being talked about when this is not reality.
Frankly, I do not see this as being the issue.

The reality for me is that Tia has and still does talk about me behind my back.
As far as the last incident is concerned, apparently she was talking with someone on Face book after we went to supper for her birthday. She proceeded to say how she was
having a wonderful birthday until her step-mother turned up at the b/day supper and that she needed someone to 'Dis" her step-mom to as Matt was away and she wasn't able
to talk with him. This is not the first time that she has shared how much she dis-likes me. I realise that this is a pretty common behaviour in a blended family but if she hates me that much,
why continue to talk about me. I am not in her business as she has requested. I am sure that she was aware that it was I that was passing on the messages from the school and as such
letting the cat out of the bag.

What does upset me is the fact that she is able to talk a good tale and I believe, you believe her. Of course we parents want to believe our children.
There is no doubt in my mind that you do think that I am blowing this out of proportion. Maybe I am but I am tired of being treated like a nothing. I do have feelings and it hurts me
immensely each and everytime she says something nasty about me. If she means the stuff that she is saying, then why does she come to where she knows I will be. (To our home)

There is no doubt that you want to believe Tia when she sits in front of you and tears up and talks about how she did not say this or that!
About how hard it is for her to have a relationship with me or however she put it to you. I remember that you came home and told me how upset she was when I asked her why she
hated me so.
My question to you is why was she upset? Because she said stuff that hurt my feelings or because she got caught saying stuff that hurt my feelings.

I am upset because we are now at the place where in my opinion, either you believe that I have a mental problem or that I am a out and out liar!!!!
Even if you do believe me that Tia is trashing me to her friends...(and I have to ask....why are you willing to believe Tia over me?) I feel as though it just does not matter to
you how I am feeling.

I am happy for you that you and Tia have a thriving, ongoing, relationship. If I am at all jealous, it would be that this is what I had wanted in a relationship for Tia and myself.

Having said that I am not prepared to allow Tia to continue to treat me poorly just to try and have a relationship with her. Neither you or I would allow a peer to treat us in such
a way and still maintain that relationship. What makes Tia (or you) think that she can say things to her friends or to me that are inappropriate and that I am just going to feel warm and fuzzy about her.

I am not, nor would I ever ask you to pick between your daughter and anyone else but I do know what my faults are and being a liar is not one of them. You have told me on more than
one occasion that this is what I am. It seems that there are far deeper issues if you are calling me a liar.

One, I am not a liar!
Two, it is not fair to expect me to just sit back and say nothing about Tia treating me with such dis-repect, when in my opinion it is not warranted.
Tia is telling people what a horror that I am. This is her opinion and she is allowed that but please do not tell me that she comes to the house to visit me. Clearly she has little regard for me
to think that I am okay with being treated like that.

Well, there it is. Not sure what type of response I will get but don't think it will be good.

Mamma Jamma's picture


Peaceheart's picture

I do not call my husband Daddy. I just did not feel the need to enter his name. I am sorry that I my post was not clear. I was just trying to get some support when I was feeling down and alone.

The letter was one that I sent to my husband KEVIN..................................

overit2's picture

Oh ok-it just seemed very odd to address your husband as daddy...sorry that's all.

Typically posters refer to their husbands with DH, or something similar.

As for the letter. I'm sorry you feel so displaced.

Peaceheart's picture

Oh good point! DH would of made it all so much clearer. Thank you

The bottom line is it really does not matter! The letter, relationship with both of them is garbage

_Jess_'s picture

Did he respond yet?

My SD talks about me to her friends. The first time I found out about it was because one of her friends parents overheard it, and the parent told me, "just so you know, SD has been saying some really nasty things about you." That was about three years ago, when SD was 10.

I felt awful. DH and I talked to her about it and told her its inappropriate yadda yadda blah blah. She was contrite for a while but long term, things haven't really changed with her behavior. I appreciated that he backed me up though.

I think that's the point really. Your DH won't necessarily be able to stop your SD from saying horrible things about you, but he should tell her its not okay with him. My SD still says horrible things about me to her friends. But that's not something I can control, and its not something DH can control. But at least I know that he's made clear to her that it is not okay with him.

As far as what you can control -- only yourself. My advice: Don't let her know that it gets to you even a little bit. What she says or thinks doesn't matter. Belive me, I know this is easier said than done, but in my experience I've found this works best. You can't let SD think she has any control over you, your emotions, etc, because then she will just always be trying to come up with ways to manipulate you.

Peaceheart's picture

Jess...oh thank you so very much for your response. Smile

DH has not responsed yet and I really do not expect him to.
You have hit the nail on the head with your logic.

I KNOW that my Dh or I can not control what SD says, or anyone for that matter. I guess why I am hurting so much is
because he has not said to her that her actions and words were inappropiate. He just continues to meet her for
Sunday brunch...which he did not tell me about at first, nor did I get an invite might I add.

The last couple of weekends after their private brunch, he has just brought her back to our home. No discussing it with me. No asking me we had other plans. Just brings her home.
Now I am not expecting him to ask me for my permission to have his daughter in our home but in my mind, by not tell her that her talking trash about me is inappropiate and then just bring her home, without even a phone call, makes me feel as though he is condoning her behaviour and that my feelings are irrelivent.