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What to do,part 2

mndad's picture

Thank you,each and every one who commented on my post here.Wife & i talked last night for over an hour,discussing the SD & our marriage and the chao`s going on here.The sad part is,wife cannot see the damage that has been done here by her daughter.I`m a very flexiable on certain thing`s,but the issue with SD 24.I`m steadfast on.I asked the wife,"why is it ok" to let SD rule the house ?? I told the wife that what SD 24 is doing will effect her younger sister who`s 15.Sd 15 her & i get along pretty good,no issue`s with her.I explained to wife[which i`ve done numerous time`s] that i`m having panic and anxiety problem`s[which i haven`t had in years] arising from what`s going on here with SD 24 and her so called b/f.Wife`s respounce was,"you`re making a mountain out of a mole hill".To her the problem`s are normal behavior.So with that respounce,the wife`s comment to me mean`s "tough shit" live with it.Not much other to do is to leave and file for divorce.With the financial situation here,i`ll have to stay here and save up money so i can leave.Again I want to thank each and everyone who sent advice to me.

Jsmom's picture

I don't understand why SD24 is still living there. Can't you get your wife to understand that it is time for her to move on to her own life?

mndad's picture

Wife believe`s that if she say`s some thing to her daughter SD24 that she`ll leave and never see her again.SD 24 has a very nasty ass attitude and a mouth on her.SD24 wasn`t like this before until she started hanging around her black boyfriend.And boy !!! he`s a work of art.Even my black friend`s don`t like him also,kinda tell`s ya some thing.

Shannon61's picture

You are so right that SD's behavior will have a negative effect on her sisters. I'm sorry your DW doesn't realize that it's time for her ADULT daughter to stand on her own 2 feet. Her coddling her is only making it worse and she's doing her a huge injustice. At that rate SD is going, it's just a matter of time before she ends up preggars by the loser.

Not only that, I doubt that anything DW does would keep SD from ever seeing her again. She's using that as an excuse. You tried and maybe when DW sees your stuff packed, she'll realize just how serious you were.

Good luck.