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Hubby's ex calls several times a week about their kids who are over 30.

justwondering007's picture

My husband and I are newly married. I have three kids from a previous marriage who are grown. I don't talk to the dad of the oldest, the younger two's dad is a deadbeat so definetely no contact there. My husband's is older than me and his kids are in their early thirties. My husband's ex is always (several times a week) calling him about drama going on in their lives and there is plenty. It is ridiculous to me. I wouldn't mind serious issues but this constant stuff is really irritating. The adults are having marital trouble or legal trouble, one of their spouse is being mean it just goes on and on. These are adult kids. I do not see why they have to talk about it like they are kids. I get along with both of them and I don't care how much he talks to his kids but I do mind her. Also we go to see his mom and she brings up conversations she's had with her. She is married but her husband lives 3 hours away. I don't want to deal with all of the drama and I am about ready to dump him. It has ruined many an evening. I have said something, and he says he told her not to call him anymore. I know if the situation was reversed he would have a fit. Help. Am I wrong?

briarmommy's picture

If his kids are grown there is no reason for them to speak unless it is an emergancy with the children or a event that they both are at. I would tell your spouse that he needs to have a talk with her about emergancy contact only. His kids will tell him what he needs to know they are no longer married and it is not her job.

buttercookie's picture

My BM did this also, well not to that extent, we just blocked her phone number on the cells. Problem solved. She can call the house phone and leave a message since the ringer is off and we will get back to her if its an emergency, no need for her to call at all since the "kids" are adults.

Eyes Wide Open's picture

When we first met, DH was the same way. Said he had to keep in touch with BM to "discuss the children". OK...both kids were adults, they were busy screwing up their lives all by themselves, what on EARTH could they have to "DISCUSS" about the children. It took me awhile, but I finally had to tell DH that there wasn't enough room in the bed for him, me, and the X. If he wanted to be with her and her husband, fine. But, if he wanted to be with me, then he had to step away from her. He finally caught on, and dear BM lost her free handiman who she could call whenever she wanted and he'd go running. You see, she didn't want him or the kids when she had them, but if they are "of use" to her, then she's all about calling for help. Thus, I am "evil". They aint' seen evil, yet.

angelbeth's picture

That is just crazy. They are adults and it really needs to stop. Husband has been divorced for 28 years and ex is still bad mouthing him to the kids. It is a shame that some people never grow up or get over it. You do not need to be friends with an ex you just have to be civil for the kids sake.
One stepson comes around and the other does not. It is a shame but enough is enough and they need to grow up. I agree with the emergency contact only.

justwondering007's picture

It is crazy. I am an exwife, and I would never dream of creating all of this drama. They have been divorced for 20 years. She called today despite supposedly being told not to. Some new crisis with their son who is 33 years old. DH talked to her got all caught up in the drama. He left to whatever. I was so disgusted that I took a shower and left the room. I had to work this afternoon and just didn't care. He came back and said he was distancing himself from it. He said he had once again told her to not call him again unless it was an emergency. He said he could not deal with all of the drama. Go figure. I didn't say much. I am going to give this a little but I've told him that I'm basically done if this does not stop. I am with you eyeswideopen. I may make a call to her DH and tell him to deal with his wife.