The Mister reads the Kid a story each night, or tells him one, and the Kid falls asleep. This is part of their tucking-in ritual.
I thought this was maybe a little excessive ss is but then I read some of the posts on here about BPs cosleeping/snuggling with kids all night? or bringing them into their own bed? This seems insane to me! Creepy!
The Kid opened the bedroom door in the morning the second day he visited my house, and I said "This is my room, you have to knock first" and he said "ok joanie"...At the Mister's house they sometimes will fall asleep on the couches in the living room (one apiece) after playing video games late, or movie night...BM still sleeps with the Kid, but Mister says the Kid doesn't like it much...complains about it.
How do people even begin to allow kids to sleep with them?
I find myself turned off a lot of times just knowing the Kid could maybe hear us kissing or talking in intimate ways...I don't understand, if he was EVER in that bed I don't think I could have sex there ever again!
Maybe I am the weird one for finding the Kid's presence in the house kind of disturbing this way? I can't imagine you folks who have to deal with disrespect for your room, or your privacy, or partners who drag the kid into the bedroom or just allow them to intrude there...
* SS is 8yo but sunglasses
* SS is 8yo
but sunglasses work too haha
My SS isn't allowed to
My SS isn't allowed to intrude there, he isn't allowed in our bedroom at all unless we give him permission and he hardly ever gets permission. The only reason is to use our shower since the shower in his bathroom doesn't work. We have strict rules about bedrooms though, SS isn't allowed in our daughters room either and when she gets older and starts going places she won't be allowed in his without permission. My DH and I obviously can go anywhere that we need to be but we think bedrooms should be personal space. That doesn't mean that we don't check for contriband or make sure they keep it clean but we are trying to teach them to respect people's privacy.
My fiance and I are currently
My fiance and I are currently co-sleeping with our kids. We have a 4 month old daughter together so her crib is set up right next to my bed and our soon-to-be two year old son sleeps in the bed with us. Don't cringe yet! I have a darned good reason for this! lol. The plan when moving into our 3 bedroom home was for our little boy and girl to eventually share a room with my fiance's little boy and girl from his previous marriage. Upon learning what little freaks his kids are, there is NO WAY my kids are sleeping in rooms with them until we have some sort of video surveillance installed, and even still I'm not sure. My fiance's daughter is a psychopath-she's 6. I have had to scrub pee off of her walls. Every mattress we buy for her gets pee'd on to the point of mold. The other day she urinated directly into a gift bag from her birthday and left it there to seep out onto the floor. She has these delusions..claiming that people have tried to stab her in her chest and kill her-the stories always vary, but are equally disturbing. She likes to hurt animals, and people. She laughs when you punish her. So I feel like it would be immoral to put my kids on the opposite side of the house from me at night to fend for themselves when this little psycho is lurking in the dark..because yes she does creep around the house at night to observe people in their beds and steal food out of the kitchen. She even likes to touch me in a sexual manner as much as humanly possible and I have to say: if I catch that kid touching my son or daughter-her and I might have to step outside like grown men! Our bedroom has become sort of a safe haven. It is the only place that I feel my kids are completely safe with me and we get to spend happy time as a family. I would for the kids to sleep in their own rooms as soon as possible though and am looking for ways to fix these problems to make it happen. I am 27, and would LOVE to have privacy with my fiance, but the well-being of my children come first. Any suggestions? I discuss these things with my own friends and family and their only solution is to leave my fiance-that is just wrong!
You are right. But I should
You are right. But I should have clarified that it was just my fiance and I up until last summer. We bought a house big enough to room all of the children during visits from his step-kids thinking that that would be the extent of their being here, and they were pretty well behaved during their visits, angels practically. When suddenly his two kids were thrown into our laps-our heads were spinning from the sudden change it has taken some time to make sense of what is happening with these kids. In a way I feel invaded by them, because I was here first you know? This is my home, and they were supposed to be living in their home with their mother. I was happy to take in kids that needed help, but these kids are so screwy that I think I need help now lol. Since I began posting in this forum last night, my fiance and I have discussed removing her from our home at least temporarily. I am not sure how yet but we are looking at our options and I am happy that my man is acknowledging the issues with his daughter especially rather than defending her and succumbing to denial like a lot of men do. I am a stay at home mom and watch these kids like a hawk. I also keep them separated as much as possible without making it to obvious to the kids what I am doing so it is a temporary patch on the situation. I just cannot believe that there are not more options for parents like us with kids like these. They should be rehabilitated as early as possible, they are going to be members of our adult society one day!
Might sound a little rash to
Might sound a little rash to some but maybe you could talk to social services. They can take the child and place her in an environment that is suited to helping her with whatever issues she obviously has. Also, they may have information on where you can get her help more so than her physician. Although talking to her doc is a great idea. This is def something that should be resolved asap. Is your SS anything like that as well?? Is it a result of BMs parenting?? She def needs some help and I am glad that your SO is willing to see that. Gives me hope for your situation. I hope she gets some help but most of all I hope and pray that she stays away from your children!!! Good luck with everything and I hope you will keep us updated on what is going on here...
Social services is not an
Social services is not an option for us. I know those people have great intentions, but there are people out there fostering kids who have bad intentions. Just like the (they call themselves) 'Christians' living behind me...they are notorious in our neighborhood for being these great people that take in troubled kids. Well the fence doesn't block out noise I'll tell you that. Those people have some dirty potty mouths and one of the kids sleeps in the garage. It is pretty apparent that the parents are pocketing the money from having those kids and they go on trips daily (in their brand shiney new cars), leaving most of the kids at their near dump of a home to look after themselves. During this time they light off firecrackers and shoot BB guns into other people's yards. I know that there are great foster families out there, but I have also seen some bad ones and we can't run the risk of doing more damage. Though if my fiance wanted to, at this point I probably wouldn't care that much. I was forced to draw the line a few days back and start leaving my feelings out of this so that I don't lose my mind. We are going to contact the psychologist that we have been working with and let her know that if she does not approach this situation more seriously then we are going to look into other options. The SS has PTSD and other psychological issues that he was genetically pre-disposed to, but he is a gentle giant. He does some pretty strange things at times, but he always had good intentions and is empathetic so I think he is going to do fine. The BM has PTSD, bi-polar disorder and gosh knows what else. I think whatever she has was passed down and amplified in her daughter. It sort of frustrates me that my fiance had kids with this woman knowing that she had mental issues, but he likes to see the best in everyone and I can't get too mad at him for that. I will be posting updates soon as we should have some answers within a week or so...until then the little bobcat is going to be spending a lot of time in her rooM!![Wink](
I spent much of my teen years
I spent much of my teen years in foster care... but not in a foster home but a residential facility. Based on what you are saying about the little devil I highly doubt that they would consider putting her into someone's home. She would probably go into a residential facility that is meant for kids like her. Its just an option should you run out of things to do/try.
If things continue, that is
If things continue, that is definitely an option. If we have to sacrifice one to save three then so be it! If she were older I would send her to one of those Eckerd youth wilderness camps lol. When you get there you have to chop down a tree by yourself, cut youtself some wood to build a hut and that is what you live in until you exit the program. They break you down to the nitty gritty and build you back up. I have friends that lived there for years and they actually got a lot out of it, they probably would not be functional adults if they had not gone there. You don't at all seem angry about living in one of those places, I have met a lot of people that were in the system and they are P/O'd to this day! Good for you.
Well, I wasnt there because
Well, I wasnt there because of my behavior I was there b/c my mother and SF went to jail on drug charges and in all honesty I think that it saved my life as well as my parents lives. I used to be very very angry but Ive grown a lot since then and realized that they really werent all bad. It actually helped me a lot... more so than I would admit till I had been there for quite some time. I really do hope you are able to get this girl some help. She def needs it.
PTSD isn't inherited illness,
PTSD isn't inherited illness, it comes from living through a trauma.
It sounds to me as if the girl was sexually abused.
And your situation is so much more extreme; I wouldn't even call that cosleeping, just protecting! She doesn't need a "tough love camp", she needs social services to get her the help she needs...before she acts out and ends up in jail or worse later on
I feel for you, that must be awful!
BM and FH coslept with SD7
BM and FH coslept with SD7 the entire time they were together. when things took a turn for the worst in their marriage BM started sleeping in SD's bed with her leaving my FH alone. he says it was her excuse not to be intimate as she was witholding sex for the last few months of their marriage. after they split and FH and i got together when SD was 3, she was so used to cosleeping with her parents that FH didn't want to attempt to break her of it just yet. she kept on with this habit (which in my opinion gets harder and harder to break the longer you let it go on) until she was almost 6 years old. BM had built onto their little house to add a room on for SD and had her start sleeping in there. i used the opportunity to speak with BM myself and tell her that FH and i only have a full size bed where we live and SD at almost 6 was getting big! she would take up so much room that i was getting edged out of my own bed almost every night and spent a few nights on the floor!!! i told BM that since she was starting to sleep on her own at home, could she maybe talk to her about sleeping on her own with us too? she had the talk and ever since SD has either been sleeping with FH's grandma (we live with her and hers is the only other bed in the house) where there's much more room, or camping out on the floor with her sleeping bag and lots of padding, with our dog. most times she asks to sleep with the dog lol.