Germs, germs everywhere! I don't want to be mean but...
Help, am I overreacting? My SS17 is generally a good kid but he has some bad habits that have my stomach turning. He is frequently digging in crotch, picking at feet and face without ever washing his hands. Then he reaches into family snacks like chips and peanuts. Last week he chewed skin off his nails and spit it on the floor right in front of me and DH. Ugh! It's gotten to the point that I'll hide a few stashes of some of my favorites to be SS17 germ free.
These are some bad habits that I think should be discouraged anyway, but I'm so grossed out. When I've made a few comments recently (as nicely as possible) I get accused of picking on SS17. Seems like the only one noticing.
Anyone experienced this?
Oh brother...yes! Husband's
Oh brother...yes! Husband's son is still picks if a zits on his face. Stands there talking to someone messing with the zit...disgusting. All 3 of the never blow their nose and make that obnoxious sniffing sound. THe girls would shower, do their hair and makeup, if they didn't like, back into the shower start all over again.
However, not unusual for them to have dirty nails and toenails....but wowzie, are they made up and their hair done.
Yeah, they're nasty, always have been probably always will be. Yuck.
OMG I would freak..I wont
OMG I would freak..I wont even do potluck at just turns my stomach..people are not clean.
My SD knows I will not put up with her being dirty..and I have to say she has really been good..
As for you situation, OMG I would tell this kid under no uncertain terms would he be sticking his dirty disgusting hands in any bag of chips or anything else for that matter. And I would not be nice about it...sorry but I have a serious issue about people being dirty..
For christ sake...wash your hands after you use the gosh the water is there and the soap is there..what is stopping them...yuck..yuck..yuck..
How could a kid this age live
How could a kid this age live to the age of 17 and not have anyone else tell him he was behaving grossly! In my opinion his BD and BM are failing him by ignoring this filthy behavior, not to mention that if he does this at home he must do the same thing at school and in public! I would speak to my DH immediately and put a stop to this socially unacceptable filthy behavior or you may end up with his until he's 30!
I had to have a conversation with my fiance about how rude he and his boys dinner habits were, as soon as the meal was done it was a free for all, the first time I witnessed it I almost ran out the door it was like a scene from "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers"! Maybe not that bad but you get the point. I'm happy to say family meal time has greatly improved, at least when I am around!
Best of luck but definately speak up and be heard!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you everyone for the
Thank you everyone for the sanity check. I feel empowered to stand my ground. I will continue to do my part to make him a gentleman before he is fully released into the world. For the record my DH has good manners.
I agree, you need to address
I agree, you need to address the issue. If you chose not to, have DH talk to him but someone needs to or it's only going to get more repulsive as he gets older. And as an adult, women will find him gross too and the first thing they'll think is . .he didn't have any home training. Germs are not our friends, and don't get me started on MRSA.
Until he changes his nasty ways, I'd separate the snacks. Or you can do like I have to do w/DH . . who also likes to dig in my snack bag. I'll simply ask him "did you wash your hands"? At first he was embarrassed by it, but I'll be damned if he's going to take out the trash, walk in the house, not wash his hands, and dip his hands in my snack after handling a filthy garbage can. Now the first thing he'll do before asking, is tell me that he's washed his hands. I know it's juvenille, but it works.
My SD (27) is also nasty. I've seen her go in the bathroom, change her sanitary pad, come right out and go back into her bedroom. This happens all the time. She simply will not wash her hands. Strange thing is, if you saw her in the street, she's the epitome of fashion and cleanliness. So I'm always trying to figure out a way of not eating her cooking. A few months ago she got sick and was walking around coughing not covering her mouth. I had to tell DH to tell her to cover her mouth. How pathetic is this? He looked uncomfortable about it, but I stood my ground and told him if he didn't I would.
Time to speak up.
I feel your pain. SS12 and
I feel your pain. SS12 and SS7 are two of the nastiest little creatures with whom I've ever crossed paths... The youngest STILL "forgets" to wash his hands after he drops a deuce. The oldest one NEVER remembers to wash his hands before he goes in MY refrigerator or MY pantry. I'm to the point where I won't eat things that they rifle through. Chips, snacks of any kind, cereal, bread, etc... They can have it all! I have contemplated getting a small refrigerator for my room... Bitchy? Yup. But they shouldn't be so disgusting. And since SS12 unloads the dishwasher and has to touch the ENTIRE fork/spoon/knife and the rim of each glass, the entire plate, etc... I have to pretty much wash everything I use beforehand.
FML... Have I mentioned that I hate it here?
BellaMia - ugh don't get me
BellaMia - ugh don't get me started on how I have to practically rewash all items from the dishwasher on the rare occaision he empties. Glad I'm not the only one that thinks about this stuff . What happened to a good old fasioned finishing school. Input on this string has been very therapeutic.
"Glad I'm not the only one
"Glad I'm not the only one that thinks about this stuff."
Nope, you're in great company. LOL! They are disgusting and, as a result, often have colds during the school year. SS12 will come home from SCHOOL, drop his bookbag and go straight to the kitchen. I want to lose my mind and yell, but I maintain my cool and remind him. I've tried making jokes about it. I've tried telling him about MRSA, staph infections, germs in general, but it never seems to stop. I considered putting signs on the pantry and fridge door that read, "Did you remember to wash your hands?"
In the meantime, I use a napkin to open doors and cabinets in my own kitchen, I keep antibacterial kitchen spray around at all times, and I wipe down light switchplates, door knobs, refrigerator door handles, etc... And, as I said, if I didn't open it, I don't eat it. I hate it here...
Sourgirl, You are my hero.
1. Stop them and hand them a
1. Stop them and hand them a warm white washcloth to wipe their hands.
2. Have them take a good look at the wash cloth.
3. Explain since they're hand, as their habits, are nasty, they will need to put the chips in a bowl to eat from now on.
Gross!! I occasionally have
Gross!! I occasionally have to remind ours to wash hands and do not touch hair or faces when cooking. Cooking temperatures pretty much kill of anything!! Chips and snacks I open, eat what I want and leave out for general consumption. Kids seldom think to wash hands and do need to be reminded.
I have a steam cleaner that pretty much kills anything they can bring to a surface or a countertop.
OH yes my SD comes into the
OH yes my SD comes into the kitchen brushing her hair...OMG I loose it..what the hell are they thinking..
My SD use to bite her nails and the one day she went to use the restroom and did not wash her hands..I didnt say anything because I knew what was coming next..sure enough she is bitting her nails..I said to her "Taste Good"" she looked at me and I said "It must taste good considering you just went for a number 2 and didnt wash your hands and now you are eating it"...OMG her face went red and bammmm she was in the washroom washing her hands..
As I said she has been really good at taking showers and washing her hands without me telling her....