O/T but very sad.
Watching the news and a woman left her 1 month old baby in her hot car to go in walmart! Now he is in the hospital. She said she forgot he was in there??? Seriously?? You forgot!!?? :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:
What a horrible mother! Oh wait she is NO mother! I have no words for this woman other than I want to strangle her! This happened in my town!
What a loser!
What a loser!
I hope this poor child is
I hope this poor child is ok.... and I hope this idiot loses custody of this precious baby.... so sad..
WTF is wrong with people..I mean really you forgot??? I dont believe that at all...
I know I was talking to my dh
I know I was talking to my dh about this and he even heard it at work and couldn't believe she 'forgot' I think i want to out her in a hot truck and 'forget' she is there! How can anyone forget you have a baby in the car?? Unless they are on something! :sick:
Maybe she was who knows it's
Maybe she was who knows it's just sickening..I have a dog and would never forget she was in the car. I mean this is your child, your flesh and blood, part of you, a living breathing human being...
I hope they put her in jail and throw away the key....but then again they found Casey Anthony not guilty..
What is this world coming toooooo

This isn't the first time
This isn't the first time that we have all heard about this in the media. How can you just forget about your child? I have never understood that. Especially after you just gave birth. I was in labor for almost 36 hours with my BD. There is no way in hell after that I would ever forget about having a child. I've always thought it was intentional. How do you forget?