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The way we post threads on the forum

Kes's picture

I don't know if I am the only one who feels this, but I find it very difficult reading through a long post where someone has not used any paragraph breaks in the text, ie it is one long block of text, which is quite daunting to plough through. I acknowledge people often have a lot they want to say, but breaking this up into shorter paragraphs would certainly make it a lot easier to read. I am sometimes put off even reading a huge long screed of text because it is quite hard on the old eyes. Just a small point but worth saying.

Still Have Hope's picture

I agree.

cat72196's picture

Thank you for saying something, and I hope everybody reads this!!

Like Simi said, I skip those ones, but then I feel guilty for skipping them, LOL. I have thought about trying to politely point out to specific posters to try breaking up paragraphs, but I don't want to hurt any feelings, so I hope everybody gets a chance to see your suggestion. Smile

oneoffour's picture

On another board this issue has come up. Apparently when people are posting from a cell phone it is really hard to use paragraphs.
I wouldn't know the truth behind that as I only post from my computer.

Dramadramadrama's picture
