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ewf looking for...

dodgegal05's picture

EWF looking for sensitive man to fill in when df is being "male". Must be excellent listener, give amazing body massages and be able to talk about feelings. Also not jumping to conclusions when I'm talking (about skids) would be a plus. All qualified men may apply.
Blum 3 this is a joke of course, just the way I'm feeling tonight.

Soon-to-be-Step-Mommy's picture

Amen. If I ever delve back into the dating world it surely will be with childless men!!

novemberm's picture

I absolutely agree. I would not even consider a man with kids, and that is sad. I adore my boyfriend, but this is so tough some days.

beyond pissed-off's picture

Could not agree more. I adore FH and still plan on marrying despite his nightmare children. However, if something ever happened to him, I would NEVER - and I am old enough to know never say never - but NEVER EVER date a man with children. "Oh, you have kids? Gee, I am late for my flight to Bolivia. I'll be there for the next...uhm...forever! See ya'!"

KirbyKat's picture

LOL!!! Actually, when I got divorced and just had DS, I intentionally looked for a guy with 1-2 young kids. I figured I wanted someone who had never been married and had kids, because they would have similar experience to me. I figured a single guy, no kids, wouldn’t have a clue about the world of relationship yet, and understand parenting. Maybe I had it all wrong from the start……….argggghhh!!