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Well my birthday SUCKED

Poppy's picture

Well, yesterday (8/5) was my birthday. For two days, my husband asked me what I wanted, and I very decisively informed him that all I wanted was a DATE. I didn't care where we went, or what we did, or how much money we spent- hell, we didn't have to spend a bloody red cent- I just wanted to GO ON A DATE WITH MY HUSBAND.

What did I get-

NOTHING. Until 11:57 when he gave me a half-ass baked weird looking piece of crap birthday cake- with HAPPY BIRTHDAY spelled wrong! WTF?!?!?!

Why do I bother. I don't even know that I expected anything more from him. When we got married, it was a rushed courthouse ceremony with a promise of a "real wedding" in a month. That turned into "on our first anniversary" which quickly became "our fifth anniversary" then our tenth. Whatever. Same with the honeymoon. He hasn't taken me on a date since before our oldest daughter was born- and she turns ten this year. Am I asking too much that he spend a date with me every once in a while??? Hell, I didn't even get a birthday kiss or frickin birthday sex!! We haven't been intimate in three frickin months!!!

Why do I even bother with this ridiculous joke of a relationship?!?! Because if I am the only one taking our ten year marriage seriously, that is all it is, right- a joke.

Kes's picture

Your post made me feel very sad, and sorry that you had such a miserable birthday. I used to get ones like this with my ex-husband. One time we had arranged to go out to lunch on my b'day (it was a weekday and he had the day off, so our kids weren't around) and he sat on a garden bench and sulked from about 11am onwards. I waited for him to come in and tell me we were going to the restaurant - but he continued sitting there till about 3pm and the restaurant had stopped serving. We were married for 24 years, and one of the few good things about it was that I did not have any SKIDS. Now I have a good marriage, but foul SKIDs - hey ho. I suggest you get together with some girl friends and go out and have a nice meal and let them console you.

dodgegal05's picture

Hind sight is 20/20, but next year tell him to not worry about your bday. make plans with your girlfriends and go out and have a rip roaring time. maybe plan a bday weekend/day for yourself after the fact. go do what you want, go for a drive, go see family, party...whatever it takes and dont invite him. he doesnt deserve a good time after that horrible bday. }:)