About to go insane & need some advice, help, words of wisdom ect
Some background information in short...my BF and I have been friends for close to 12 years, and friends is all we were until several months ago. He worked with my ex husband and I went to school/acquaintances with his soon to be ex wife. The 4 of us were friends for awhile until I found out my husband was cheating on me and he disbanded from our group of friends. While dealing with the pain & frustration of finding out about my husbands cheating, I found out my BFs wife was cheating on him as well. At this time they had one child together and I spent the majority of my time with him. I chose not to inform him of his wife's infidelity. I didn't want to be the cause of a broken home, make him upset with me when she said I was lying...which she said she would do when I attempted to speak with her about it. I chose to walk away from the friendship as a whole, and she promised to stop cheating on him. In this period of time he was in Basic training and the MP schooling...away from home for several months.
About a year later he was deployed over seas, prior to his deployment we had ran into each other a few times and their relationship seemed to have improved but I still had trouble facing a "friend" knowing that I was lying to his face. 1 month into his deployment, at this time...with 2 child & his wife back here in the states and his biggest concern is staying safe to come home to them; he calls home to check in & his world falls apart in his face. She had moved another man into their material home, he was raising his children, wearing his clothes & guess what...she was pregnant with the other guys baby. Great way to start a deployment.
After returning home 18 months later, he came home to nothing. He had no place to live, no clothes, no belongings, no wife, and she refused to let him see his children. All during this time period I talked to him via the internet & tried to encourage him to keep his head up and make it home for his babies.
After 2 years of busting his tail end to make ends meet, fighting to see his children, trying to mend his marriage (she wanted nothing to do with him), fighting to get his life on track and making himself feel whole again; there was a spark between us. Not sure exactly what happened to turn the pages from a friendship into a relationship, but it's amazing. We get along great, our relationship is strong, the children love me and everything is great. That is...until the devil sticks her nose into everything!
He was finally able to get her to agree to following the court appointed parenting scheduling per the child support agreement, (after not seeing the kids for over 4 months!!!) and she keeps changing the schedule. One minute we have the children on Monday & Wednesday and then the next week it's Tuesday & Thursday. Then we'll be scheduled to have the kids this weekend, and then she decides she's taking the kids out of town. Needless to say, our visitation has been limited. The children are a mess! They cry and plead to stay at our house. They tell us they don't want to go back to Mommys...they want to live with us. They like me because I'm nice and don't yell at them all the time.
Most recently we had the children for an evening visitation and the youngest proceeded to sleep the whole evening, despite every attempt we could to wake her up. The older child informed us that Mommy kept waking her up because Daddy didn't deserve to spend time with her. Really? That's not okay!
The oldest child...8 going on 16, still pees the bed, unless he stays at our house. You tell him he can go outside & play and he wont go without making sure the youngest child is being cared for. The 8 year old is more of a parent than the mother is. The poor children are ignored, left alone at their Moms house...the only form of socialization they receive is each other. They are so attention starved that when they get to our house...the 2 of us can barely keep up with them. They are fighting over our laps, fighting for us to play with them and tell us a million times through a 2 hours visit how much they love us and don't want to ever have to go home.
Mom regularly informs that kids that Daddy doesn't love them, Daddy doesn't want to see them, it's Daddy fault that they aren't a family anymore, it's Daddy fault they have to move. (She is being evicted out of their marital home because she hasn't made a house payment since the beginning of his deployment...obviously not using the child support for a roof over the children head!) Everything is their Daddy or myself fault.
Anytime she tries to change the visitation, especially if there is a real reason that we can't do it...work, military obligation, ect...she throws a fight & says that he can't see the children anymore. The children are pawns to her...even when she "has the kids" she never truly has them...she drops them off at her Moms house. Where they smoke in the house, smoke weed around the children, have a pitt bull that regularly bites the youngest child & they just laugh, and the house is so dirty that you can see bugs crawling around.
As if all this wasn't bad enough...she continually attempts to cause issues in our relationship. She refuses to give him a dissolution or divorce because she isn't ready yet. (Maybe she should have thought about that over 3 years ago when she moved another man into their house & got pregnant by him?!?!) She says that if he files she will move and take the kids with her and he'll never see them again. My BF will stand up to her a little, but really wont stand up too much because he lives in fear of her taking the kids away completely from him. She is constantly causing some kind of issue, saying nasty things about my BF & I, sending me nasty messages on fb...to the point that I had to block her. She blows up his phone while he's working, shows up at his work if he doesn't answer her calls, shows up at our door step, ect. She haunts our lives and I'm tired of my life having to revolve around her to be able to see the kids.
Help...before I completely loose my mind & pull out all my hair!!!!!!!!!!!
This is so sad... I'm really
This is so sad... I'm really sorry.
First things first, if the housing situation is that bad over there-- call CPS.
Second, you can't file for divorce FOR your man, but tell him he needs to stop living in fear and DO IT. Even if she can keep the kids from him temporarily, once the divorce proceedings start, she can't keep them from them indefinitely.
As for the children, you have your work cut out for you, and it's a LONG road ahead. You can count on the fact that they won't be getting any "home training" from their mom. So the sooner you get the divorce/custody/financial aspect out of the way, the sooner you can move forward with being the only semblance of family they have.
Good luck to you all!
Thank you for your response.
Thank you for your response.
We have spoken with CPS and unfortunately...apparently this case is not bad enough for them to do an at home check. They said they are overloaded with current cases and they'll get to it as soon as they can, but there at higher priority cases. I thought they were there to help children...isn't that part of what their name states?
I wish there was some way I could take the kids completely away from her & show them how a real family is suppose to work & how a Mother is suppose to love & care for her children.
We have been told to leave the divorce alone, until the custody issue is resolved. It seems as tho her games are working to her advantage. She refuses to give him a divorce anyways because she is using his VA benefits to go to school, ect. (Very frustrating for us) However you have a good point...she could get mad & temporarily keep the children away, however the courts would order visitations. Unfortunately we can only guess what poison she'd tried to push into heads while they are away from us. Hopefully the courts will see that we have the children's best interest in mind, allow us to get the 8 year old the help he needs...atleast someone to talk and hopefully resolve the bed wetting issues.
It just breaks my heart to hear the children beg to stay with us and know we can't keep them. Knowing that right now we are helpless. Hopefully we can get things moving along soon.
You are correct though...it's going to be a long road & many headaches. I have nightmares of this woman...she is so mentally unstable. I actually had a dream the other day that she came to drop off the children, shoved me into the door & stabbed me in the leg. Not she has physically never touched me...however she has hit my BF multiple times...while together & during the original separation. As well as hit herself then called the police to have him arrest because she said he hit her. This is unfortunately what the kids have as their every day role model!
You know the youngest asked my BF & I the other day why we live together and don't have other friends. We were confused by what she meant with this question. We explained that we love each other and want to spend our lives together and sometimes this is what grown ups do, like when your mommy & daddy lived together. We then said we both still have all our friends, and asked why she asked about that. She said well Mommy doesn't live with any of her friends, but she has a lot of boyfriends. Sometimes she stays with #1, #2, #3 or sometimes we go visit them all the same day. Mommy likes to sleep in their beds, she said they are more comfortable than hers.
Ummm...really...the youngest child is 2 almost 3. This is not okay.
The youngest also asked me if she could lick my tongue. I said that we don't lick other peoples tongues, and asked her where she learned that. She said well Mommy likes to do it with #1 and #2 all the times. Sometimes Mommy lets me lick her tongue!
I just don't even know what to do anymore. I get more & more frustrated with every story I hear.
But the only thing I/we (BF & I) can do is shower the children with as much love & support as we can, and continue fighting for them.
WOW. WOW. I just don't know
I just don't know what to say about these things that you're hearing. If this isn't neglect and abuse, then I don't know WTF CPS wants to see... :?
I'm so disgusted by this
:sick: I'm so disgusted by this situation. Found out Mom has decided that she is going to enroll the 8 year old in her residing school district, and wait until she gets kicked out of the house. (defaulted on for 3 years!) When she gets kicked out she'll then decided where she is moving and then change into a different school district. That is soo unhealthy for this child! He already is suffer enough with the emotional & mental abuse. Now he's going to have to deal with getting completely uprooted & kicked out of the only home he's ever known & have to go into a new school district. Why not just allow him to reside with us during the week and allow him to be in a stable home & stay in one school district. Why would a mother really not put the best interest of her child first?!?! How can someone be so selfish & heartless.
Do you have to have an
Do you have to have an attorney to seek emergency court? How do you do that? Everything is all about money to attornies not the well being of the children. My BF would have the money to hire an attorney if it wasn't for the Mom putting the house in foreclosure & establishing Child Support based on his deployment pay. He's tried to go back & have the CS reduced since he is no longer deployed...they say he's still in the Military & it hasn't been 4 years so he can't request it to be re-established.
Am I the only one who thinks
Am I the only one who thinks that boyfriend #1, #2, and #3 on the same day is actually the BM taking the children with her while she visits her johns???? Maybe my mind is in the gutter but who visits 3 boyfriends in one day - not to mention regularly enough that small children understand and comment on it? Sounds like prostitution to me - with children in tow. Ick!
It has crossed our minds as
It has crossed our minds as to what she is doing with her Johns* and it is gross. You know she always has brand new clothes on while the kids walk around in wrinkled, torn and wore out clothes. Of course we buy new clothes for the kids, but as bad as it sounds, we wont send the kids home in the good clothes because we'd never see them again.
On a side note...am I crazy, over sensitive or would anyone else be upset about this?
Yesterday evening we had the kids and when we went to drop the kids off at 8:30pm, Mom was not home. She called at 8:40 to tell us she was running late. Not a huge deal, we just sat in the car with the kids singing & such. Mom pulls up 20 minutes after our scheduled drop off time, says nothing to us. My BF was getting out of the car to get the kids out, and she walks over open my back door & grabs the youngest out of the car and yells for the older one to hurry up. I'm pretty upset about this. She was 20 minutes late, and she has the balls to come to my car (parked on the street, not her drive way) and open the door and grab the child out! I felt that was very rude & just plain wrong.
This woman & I are about to
This woman & I are about to battle it out. She broke into my BF bank account & paid her bills using his money. Like she doesn't get enough child support! We had the children all weekend, paid for everything and had to buy them clothes, swim suits, and shoes for the weekend. (All of which we kept at our house cause we'll never see it again if Mom has them) And she has the balls to fraudulently go into his bank account & pay her bills. Mind you...they have been separated for 3 years +, and every time he changes the password she figures it out again. Now we know it was her, but of course we can't prove it right now. One of the payments was to Time Warner Cable, so I'm hoping she was stupid enough to put her account number on the payment so we can get her!
Happy to report that the
Happy to report that the account has his name completely removed from it. Attorney recommended that we leave all changes she made to the account in place and leave her name as the only one on it. This way if she decides to play anymore games thinking she's taking his money...she's only screwing herself!
I am also happy to report that we've found an AMAZING attorney in the greater Columbus area who is willing to work with us on payments for the retainer fee, and he'll go ahead and file. She will be served by a Sheriff either the end of this week or the beginning of next week. It's going to get ugly before things are on the mend, but like the attorney said...the more she refuses to follow the visitation schedule ect., she is only damaging her own character in the eyes of the courts. This will be difficult for us concerning it could take up to a month or more to have the temporary orders put into place, have the Child Support ect brought up to our residing county & the first court hearing to be scheduled; but in the end it should fall together. I just truly hope she does not keep the children away from us for over a month. But considering the children are nothing more than pawns to her...most likely she will.
Any recommendations on how to cope over the next month???