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Need legal advice, can bm go against court ordered parenting plan?

Buzybee82's picture

we have a court ordered parenting plan with bm. according to the plan we were supposed to have my sd for the labor day weekend. bm didnt meet us at drop off and has kept sd for the weekend. can she legally do this? what can we do? i called the police (we live in washington) and they said they cant do anything, we have to go through the lawyers/courts. does anyone have experience with this? do u know what we can do? she pulls this bullshit all the time cuz she knows we never do anything about it, but ive had it and am sick of living life under her controll! she always changes the dates/times/locations of drop off & pick ups.
this time shes pissed that we didnt pay her cash for some extra "classes" she wants to sign sd up for...a.k.a more day care. the parenting plan clearly states that she is to pay the place 60% of the bill, then give us the invoive with the remaining 40% balance and we pay the place directly. she e mailed this week and said she wants us to pay her cash for 50% of the "classes" she is signing her up for. my husband said no, and that he would pay the place directly. she freaked out and said fuck you! im keeping her this weekend. also we had made a new plan for sd to start living with us every other week (starting this last friday) and she said we wont be doing that either!
what can we do? what power does she have to go against a court ordered parenting plan that clearly states sd is to be with father for labor day weekend in odd # years?
please help! im so sick of her bullshit! we are always walking on egg shells with this bitch cuz if we dont kiss her ass and do everything the way she wants she takes away our time with sd. sd wants to live with us, she hates her mom. it was sd/bm idea in the first place for her to be with us every other week cuz bm cant deal w/sd any more. sd is out of controll, and we are her only hope of turning out at all ok!
what age can sd choose to live with us?
thanks so much for your help! its time we put a stop to all this!

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

Take her back to court for being in contempt of the CO. without a CO in place you can't enforce the week on and week off of your SD. You can enforce what is in writing
By taking BM back to court.