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are any of you truly friend with the BM?

leftfield's picture

I work with a girl who has been dating a man with 2 kids for around a year. He and BM have an excellent relationship and are there for their kids 100%. My coworker said she used to be extremely jealous of how they interacted and it caused a strain between her and her man, but after she finally met BM, they just clicked. She said now, when the bm calls, they talk to eachother more than her man and BM talk and they've only known eachother for 7 months. They were going to get manicures together last night. she said she considers her a great friend. doesn't that seem soooooooooo nice???

skylarksms's picture

Soooooo nice....until BM wants something that SM doesn't think she should be entitled to...then watch the claws get bared!

Yes, I am bitter after 12 years of being f*cked with by our BM and watching SD getting PASed out.

leftfield's picture

What does PASed mean??

And yea, I'm bitter too.

I talk to my coworker ALOT about her relationship, her future skids, her man.....and the girl is sooo happy. You can see it in her face and eyes. She never used to be this happy, but she credits her relationship with BM as the best thing that could have happened to her relationship. I questioned what she will do if BM starts to interfere with their life as a couple and she said she hasn't prepared herself for that because BM seems to have truly moved on - live-in boyfriend, a 2 month old baby. This could definetely come crumbling down, but hopefully they will come out stronger.

Auteur's picture

PAS equals Parental Alienation Syndrome. It's when (usually) the custodial Biomom brainwashes the kids against (usually) non-custodial biodad ESPECIALLY if said biodad has *DARED* to "move on" to a new relationship.

PAS out or PASed out means to so brainwash a child that said child refuses to see (usually) non-custodial biodad and SM. Visitation is not usually enforced by the courts (witness ZERO "Child VISITATION Enforcement Units") but you can bet your boots "child" SUPPORT is. So basically the biomom can do a wallet grab from guilty daddy and keep his children from him as well.

BSgoinon's picture

Yes and no. BM and I get along fine. We are there for SS 100%. She knows that if she needs anything (that will effect SS) she can come to me. And I know that if something is going on with SS, I can go to her and talk about it without the fear of her telling me I am out of line or he is not my son. She introduces me as "SS's other mom" (which sucks sometimes because it makes us look like lezbian lovers). When she is having a bad day or something happens with her mom or BF, she will usually call me, because I listen. If she is asking for advice, I give her advice, if not, I just listen. I talk to her FAR more than DH does.

HOWEVER, I think she is a complete idiot, and she knows that. She knows that I think she is lazy, selfish and a basically a bad mom. She knows that in ANY other situation in life she is not someone I would associate with. She considers me a friend.... I consider her, SS's BM. I have told her this. I have told her WHY I don't consider her a friend, and WHY I wouldn't be her friend even if the STEP situation doesn't exist. We are two differant people. VERY different.

So, friends...? Eh depends on which one of us you ask.... do we get along really well for sake of SS, absolutely.

CowGirl's picture

It can happen. I am on the flip side being that I (the BM) is very close with my BD12's SM. I always liked SM. She loves my BD and my BD loves her. SM & the ExH have always lived out of state but moved a year ago even further away. SM and her kids have stayed with us before on vacation (w/o my Ex). They have been married 8 yrs now. I love my BD's SM Smile I rarely talk to ExH - i always talk to SM and she respects me and actually asks me if BD can do certain things while in their care ... like color/cut hair and no i am not controlling - haha.

TheBrightSide's picture

If you asked BM, she would say that her and I are friends. It couldn't be further from the truth. I fake it every time we're face to face. It just makes things so much easier. And, compared to a whole lot of people here, our situation with BM is relatively smooth going.

Truthfully, she's either narcisistic or just extremely lazy. I have no respect for either of those traits.

Honestly, I don't see how it could even be possible to be truly BFF's with the BM.

Its just creepy being true friends with a woman who slept with and had kids with your husband.

TheBrightSide's picture

Creepy to me. I had a life too, but DH doesn't have to hear me take calls from my ex's every day, or help raise the children I had with an ex (I don't have any bios), or have to deal with the fact that my ex's are part of my life or that my ex's, to a large degree, has an effect on our relationship.

Maybe for those of you who have children from previous relationships, it doesn't bother because you're coming into the relationship on equal footing.

Disneyfan's picture

"Maybe for those of you who have children from previous relationships, it doesn't bother because you're coming into the relationship on equal footing."

I think that's it.

I really think being a mom first, has kept me from getting hurt or angry about some of the silly stuff BM2 demands.

She doesn't want me meeting with her kids teachers, or doing holiday stuff with them, or going on trips...

HELLO, I've BTDT with my son. I don't give a rat's ass about doing those things with her kids.

shayj's picture

I totally agree. DH and I have 2 kids together and then there are the 2 SS's. I soo wish he knew how it felt if I had to constantly stay in contact with another man regarding kids etc. I think that would make him understand how me as a SM end up feeling in these crazy situations.

Disneyfan's picture

Each time I saw her (we live in NY they live in VA) she was friendly.
When she found out SD was graduating, she called DF and asked to speak to me. She gave me all the details and asked us to come down if we could. When she had her 40th birthday party, she sent me the invite.
Her housewarming was the same weekend as move in day for my son freshmen year. (His campus is about 20 minutes from her house). She invited us over and went out of her way to make sure I felt welcomed.
She's just a nice person.
She knows how it feels to deal with a crazy BM. She had the "pleasure" of dealing with DF's son's mom. (Since he's an adult, I've never met her.) Her DF has a son who is with them 50/50. She gets along with him mom.
She and I just respect each other.

I will never have an ounce of respect for DF’s ex.

overit2's picture

Nah....I could never be. She is a trashy kind of person that I would never, ever associate with IRL. I never had friends like that, my friend are mostly realy and sweet and kind.

I know it sounds snobbish to say this but she is just way beneath me....I guess bf at 18 was not thinking of much more then with his other head.....but his family instantly disliked her. In fact her child is someone my children would not be allowed to associate with either, EVER!

dragonfly5's picture

Wow, I never thought about being friends with crazo. First of all for us it is impossible.

But even if it was, I would not. She isn't the type of person I would be friends with. I wish we could be civil, polite, adults, and give the skids needs the priority they should and deserve to have, but that isn't going to happen either.

Crazo doesn't exist to me, I don't talk to her, take her calls, texts, she is forbidden in my home. I tell the kids this is your mother and your dad's ex wife. She is not a part of me, present or past.

Your dad and her are your parents it is their job and responsibility to take care of you. We crossed paths once not too long ago, I walked past, didn't say a word. I do not engage in any form of communication because all she does is cuss, fuss, rant, rave and makes a fool of herself and embarrasses her children.

Friends, no...I don't want to put my SO in that situation either. She has hurt him and the skids so much. There is a reason they are divorced. He can't stand to hear the sound of her voice.

leftfield's picture

Well, I for one, would love a relationship like this if it were genuine on both sides. My coworker and her BM seem to have a lot in common, so I guess I will never have this type of relationship with my man's BM unless I fake it.

My man's BM is expecting a baby in April. She works like a dawg and doesn't get a dime from BD because they have 50/50. Her BF has no job and she gives him an allowance every week for helping out with my boyfriend and her son when she has to work late. And she pays the mortgage, etc. She created this life for herself, but I am starting to get a warm heart towards her and would like for us to become good friends. We have nothing in common, but I do think life will be sooo much easier if I can fake friend her. I am thinking about getting her a gift certificate for a massage/main/pedi for Xmas. I know she won't get me anything, but hoepfully the dorrs will begin to open a bit....

skylarksms's picture

I think it has to do with the level of mental instability present in any of the "adult" parties involved.

leftfield's picture

^ this. I consider myself to be pretty jealous over BM, but I haven't met her yet!!! so I hope when we meet, we will click. She is extremly stable right now. We think she is taking meds, but whatever works!!!!!

wonderland0819's picture

I think it is odd to be that close to BM only because you would think that since that relationship didn't work out, if you are that much alike, its probably something to be concerned with. I hate that BM isn't in the Skids lives, but at least I don't ever have to deal with her.

twopines's picture

Yuck, I can't imagine being friends with someone who was stupid enough to divorce my DH, who is a very nice and caring person, and marry an alcoholic who literally drank himself into a coma.

But that's just me.

Also, I guarantee that my DH would not like me hanging around his ex. Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries. I have better things to do, like hanging around my own family.

littlemommy's picture

Ya know I was actually friendly with BM for about 5 minutes. When I first met her, she acted very nice and added me as a friend on FB. I accepted it and she sent me a msg and asked if I'd like to go to lunch with her. I said "sure" at this point sweet little naive me thought she was decent. Oh if I only knew! She spent the whole time bashing DH, and asking questions trying to be sly to get info about our relationship. Not to mention that she brought SD along and she ran all over the restaurant and had a major temper tantrum the entire time. Ahhh good times.

shayj's picture

LOL adding BM as FB friend is a big NO NO. This is where it went down hill for me and BM. She started bashing DH and we all went to highschool together and have all of the SAME friends, so I was upset as I didn't want his rep trashed. DH really didn't care so I left it alone. THen she created a post about ME. Of course, I went left on her and we have not been cool since. We are cordial but that about IT. I am the type of person that if you have problem with me, talk to me about it which she didn't as she is not a true WOMAN.

dreamingofhappiness's picture

Nope... this BITCH thinks I am the wicked SM... she accuses me, blames me, backstabs me, talks shit about me... all because she is jealous because of the relationship I have built with the children. Up until recently, I had a great relationship with the kids until she began lieing to the kids and to my MIL

Not-the-mom's picture

I would NOT want to have a relationship with my stepkids BM!!

The situation with her is that she is a master at manipulation. She could ACT like she likes you for YEARS, and the real reason she is doing it was to get inside information from you about her EX. Things she can use against him in relation with the kids.

Now that my DH's mother has died (whom his EX remained close friends with even after the divorce), the EX has now begun to "become friends" with my DH's sister! They NEVER were in contact before. We find it a very strange that the BM is now wanting to become friendly with my DH's sister.

We are pretty confident she it doing it only to try and keep tabs on us. Well it isn't going to work because my DH doesn't contact or be around his sister that much - very seldom. He loves her, but they have absolutely nothing in common.

No, I would not want to be "friends" with my stepkids BM!

giveitago's picture

Hell would freeze over before I would consider BM as a friend of mine.
The damage that woman has done to the people I love is beyond anything I have ever seen. I can let go of all the crap and deal with the issues in hand currently and move forward, I will NEVER forget though!
I am polite, I will inform her if there's something she needs to know. I am not mean to her, I will not converse with her beyond the kids. It did bug me for a while that DH would cater to her, she used the kids as pawns, knowing how much he loves the kids.
It took DH some time to get around to it all, I put my own boundaries down because if I waited for him to 'help' me I'd still be waiting! You know the old 'if it aint broke don't fix it' type thing? Well, as long as I was willing to be reasonable with her he thought I was fine, I told him that once the kids came of age then WE had absolutely no reason to interact with her, their relationship/or lack thereof is their own busines. He just said 'I agree'. There has been no contact with her since the kids came of age.

harmony07's picture

When i first started seeing my bf i heard horror stories about the bm and how she treated him, left him and their daughter to join the military, cheated on him, got married and divorced and engaged again just a few weeks after leaving him, when i found out she was coming home (in the same town we are in) i will admit i was scared. But as immature as she can be, her and i now actually get along surprisingly well, i know that my bf would never get back with her and BM wouldnt with him, i can just tell by the way they interact with eachother. It helps a great deal to trust the fact that they dont have those feelings anymore. BM and i arent the best of friends, that may be just a little awkward, but she is mature enough to realize that i am a good person and that her BD loves being around me, it helps a lot to at least have this kind of relationship because it helps the daughter to realize she can trust me and not be afraid to connect but also because i feel i can ask her where my boundaries are with her BD and she will be honest and trusting. Its sometimes awkward but it takes a lot of stress off of me not having to worry about the BM, i wish everybody could be as lucky as me with it Smile