Anti Depressants
Has any of you had to resort to taking Antidepressants because of having to deal with skids? At one point about 6 months ago I started taking Prozac because I felt like I was going to be in this situation for the rest of my life and nothing would ever change. It helped to calm me down some and not get so stressed out about things, but I realize now that this is just situational and I truly won't feel better until SD21 is out of our house.
My shrink wants me to go on
My shrink wants me to go on anti anxiety meds because of the stress BM is causing me. I dont sleep at night because part of me thinks that she will try and break in again, kidnap the girls, or worse. Part of me knows that she is scared of me because I have had her arrested twice already and the police are looking for her now for the third time, but I have a gut feeling that she is going to try and pull something. My FDH hasn't realized how much stress his ex-wife has caused me if he did he would be just as stressed out, so for now it is me and my shrink dealing with the stress together, I think I will be on them by next week. I have an appointment Monday.
I was diagnosed with
I was diagnosed with "situational depression"about three years ago and tried Lexapro,and also talked to a therapist for help with managing the "situation" in other words BM(AKA Darth Vader)and me allowing myself to be sucked in to her chaos and drama. The meds took the edge off my depression and gave me a head start,but the therapy has taught me how to change how I deal with the situation and that has helped more than anything.
Celexa - after a year of
Celexa - after a year of marrriage to DH / swins. Three years on it. Turns out its also good for menopause hot flashes. In some ways I resent being on it, b.c. it silienced me. Coupled with disengagement I don't care anymore what swins do/don't do.
BUT - its sad that I keep my feelings & thoughts to myself now. I don't feel like I have partner, let alone a marriage. He does no parenting, BM is entitled, skids are not well (one's failing school, other one has either chronic fatigue or mono again due to horrid diet & lack of sleep).
Exercising his HUGE for me
Exercising his HUGE for me too. I've found myself looking forward to going to the gym. I can only go 3-4 times at the most every week, but YES, I have found lately that I really look forward to it.
On another note, me and my DH discovered I am mildly bipolar and "reacted" to the drama that was dished out (SD's & BM). I'm taking Seroquel 50mg a day. I take it at night, and it's been HUGE for me to sleep through the night. Between getting a better nights rest, and cutting off the drama-sources (disengaging from SD's & cutting the BM's balls off), and exercise, I'm MUCH MUCH calmer than I was, say a year or more ago.
I agree with everyone here ~ 1) have to address the real issues and how I respond (or lack thereof), and 2) it does take practice/time to change "me" and how I handle things
I was on antidepressants
I was on antidepressants (fluoxetine) before I married DH but let's just say that the crap BM has pulled has made my doctor increase my dosage significantly.
I am thinking of stopping the
I am thinking of stopping the Prozac. Even though it does calm me down and I don't get so stressed out, I don't like having to be dependant on them because like some of you have said, it doesn't address the REAL issue.
Glad to see I'm not alone in
Glad to see I'm not alone in this then...LOL
I have chronic depression so
I have chronic depression so I've been on anti-depressants for awhile. Recently, however, I had to double the dose as it was no longer working. I've also added an anti-anxiety med to the mix which does seem to be helping with the OCD traits. Sigh. You're not alone.
And, yes, I've done therapy too...~13 years out of the past 19 but I'm not currently in counseling.
Nope. You are not alone.
Er, john_d_serb... frustrated
Er, john_d_serb... frustrated stepdad can't get pregnant? Or maybe that's why he's frustrated ho ho ho (sorry frustrated, couldn't resist). Another good one for calming temporarily is beta blockers.
Just a major warning with
Just a major warning with anti depressants. They inhibit your prefrontal cortex (inhibition) and a couple things can happen. A) you make decisions you normally wouldn't make. You lose your inhibition. I made a major life altering decision with barely a thought 2 wks after I got on them. Normally I am very calculated.
Things don't bother you as much. Unfortunately you also don't stick up for yourself or people as you normally would because nothings a big deal, it's all good. c) If you do get mad, because of the lose of inhibition you can really go off because you are less inhibited D) You can really gain weight. I am 5'8 and my biggest weight ever was 155 at 35 years old. I went on an antidepressant and within 6 months I was pushing 200 lbs. Then, yes, then I got pregnant!
I read an excerpt of Dr. Amen's book "Magnificant Mind at any Age" which explained very well the period of my life I was on antidepressants. I had seen the nurse practitioner only once when she prescribed them for anxiety.
They did help my anxiety but I wished I had been warned about them ahead of time. Of course, once you're on them, it's all good.
Yeah I heard that Prozac can
Yeah I heard that Prozac can cause a real problem in the area of (c) that Jennaspace mentions, including an increased risk not only of violence but of suicide.
I have experience with
I have experience with needing antidepressants, it can be a helpful tool but you should fix the problem that is bringing to down. I'm a believer with someone taking medication to get the person back on their feet than for that person find a way to deal with the real problem. When I was on antidepressants & not dealing with the problem, I only ended up taking higher doses & eventually became zombie like. Lower doses is your best best until you find & use your inner strength. Mind you that im making the assumption that you normally are not the type to use antidepressants.
Also please take the time to look into any & all long term side effects of any antidepressants that you may try to use. I was put on Effexor (hope that is the correct spelling) after the other antidepressants did not seem to be of help for me, higher dose roughly 8 years ago now. It worked great, I was happy & sleeping without the nightmares & so on. Well my husband lost his health insurance & I was a part time worker so was forced to stop taking the medication. I suffered the worst pain ever! Hurt more than my miscarriage! They had to give me another prescription & have me ween off of it. Now, I have been off of it since & still deal with minor "what feels like" brain shocks. They are minor now pain wise thank goodness & only happen on some mornings when I wake up but I do not know if that is brain damage or what. So please be careful if using & if you can, deal with the real issues that are making you feel down. Mine was a bad marriage that I ended up getting out of.
Good luck!!!!!!