SS needs a addittude adjustment right quick! Im Pist
For the past couple weeks I have tolerated disrespect to avoid confrontation, But yesterday I HAD HAD IT!!!
SS 19 was told to straighten up the livingroom, do some yard work and take out the trash. So when he was done with the livingroom ( which only takes 10 mins) he did not have in mind to vaccume, so I told him don't forget to vaccume, He stood there with a real cocky addittude and said " Ya know, your not the boss of me", I looked up at him as I was cleanng out the Kitty litter box and I said, well I may not be but when your dad asks you to do something and I have to reinforce it I am for the minute. So he started popping off at the mouth and I told him you have no respect me for but your about to learn it real quick in 45 mins( cuz BF would be home from work), Basicly tells me he isn't scared.
Im so pissed and frustrated with the cuts and comments and ANYTHING I tell him even just in plain convo he is cocoky and rude and a total a*s towards me, that same day he put his fist up against my face while I was doing dishes and says what would you do if punched you, I said i'll tell you what I would do..I would tell your dad and he will laye you flat out, CONSTANTLY trying me...consistantly..non fricken stop. So its now about 10mins before BF gets home and were on the front porch, he acts like he is going to kick the dog, our dog is old and sweet and it scared the crap out of her, so I tell him dont be doing that I dont like that and its not right, he tells me he does it all the time playing around with her, I told him I dont like it so dont do it and she didn't look like she seen it as play( as she moved over by me), I told him how mnay times has your father told you not be picking on these animals, he was like..he dont tell me anything.. I said I have heard him and I asked you not to do it. Well anyways, he gets mad..tells me I am just like his BM, In-which I AM FAR from it, and I am thinking if I was you wouldn't be pulling this crap,so I told him no you are like all of them over there( meaning at BM house)because if things don't go your way and you don't get what you want or your told something you get a addittude, he said F*ck this I am leaving. Right about this time BF comes around as SS is walking away and I said where ya going,your dads here now we can talk about it...he kept walking. So I fill in BF and he was pist, SS comes back not even 3mins later and BF says everything all right( seeing what replye SS would give), He says yeah, I am just going to pack my things and leave ( this is suppose to hurt and upset BF of course), So he looks at S and says...then what you got to do. SS wouldn't even look at BF in the face because he knows he will laye his a*s out. Prior before he left I told him I refuse to argue with him which pissed him off because it showed that I HAVE control and I told him he is not going to stand there and correct me, that if I am wrong about something his father can talk to me about it but he will NOT correct me, he did not like that one bit. So anyways SS has not come home and BF is at work and I know how SS is he will make his way back here when BF is not here. BF told me if he comes back here to call him and he will leave work to deal with him, because I told him if he comes back here I will stay layed up in the bedroom til he gets home because I refuse to deal with him at all at this point in time. BF told me S was looking for a arguement with me,and really... I am tired of it. I told BF if he does not want anyone to tell him what to do then he needs to move out and pay his own bills and no one will. Then BF tells me that S made comment to grandma there that I am against him( SS is a manipulator), that pissed me off, and I told him really...whos against who because he is the one out of line making nasty remarks and comments and asking " what if" gestures and I said because I took a stand for myself now Im out for him, and I told BF kinda like the rest of the kids over at BM correct them and tell them dont do something and now your a as*hole, samething. NONE of the kids like to be told what to do and how to do it and when to do it, and its not like we are dealing with babys here, were talking 16 to 19( SS almost 20), and heaven forbid...FORBID you try to exercise structure and order because you will be told....
" F*CK THIS" and you will be everything but white. This is not like a new relationship with these kids, I been in this for over 6 years, and I am tired of the addittude and SS treating me like I am beneath him and he is in charge and I just have no say what so ever...I am sick of it.He has a nasty chip on his shoulder and unfortunately I am getting the brunt of it.Bf told me he thinks S does not like me because in his mind he thinks BF would be more laid have exspectations of him and not set ground rules and stuff, and that SS would be able to do whatever he wants basicly, and he feels I am the wedge between him being able to manipulate BF.
First of all, whose house is
First of all, whose house is this - yours or your BF's or did you buy it between you? If you have any stake in it at all I would just throw him out. As for faux-kicking your dog I would tell him in no uncertain terms that if his foot comes into contact in any way, shape or form with that dog, you will call the police and have him charged with animal cruelty. Make sure he knows you mean it too.
Well, the living situation is
Well, the living situation is this : BF cares for his mother because she has very bad health and she can not do alot, so we are here helping her..BF pays portion of the bills as his mother has not been able to return to work do to health conditions.
( lord knows I dont want exstra bedrooms, then you get unexspected guests who want to stay and not do sh*T), so I am struggling mean while and trying to keep my cool as this is not fully my is my soon to be mother inlaws home. He kinda gives her a hard time..but not as bad as he does me. I feel like I am kinda limited persay,as I dont want drama. I am just sooo aggervated with him period!
She has also told SS if he dont like it theres the door because he would pop off at her. We are currently making plans to move out of state at income taxs time and debateing on buying a house up North, might just do a rent with option to buy, My family has a home thats perfect for two people
NEED HONEST ADVICE: If anyone has read my post above please know I am in need of advice, I was right when I told BF where SS was last night, well BF is at work and here comes SS who is my BF BS and BF confronts son on all of the above...He told BF he does not respect me, I told him to vaccume like he was my B*tch ( and I did NOT, I asked kindly), Then proceeeded to tell BF that I kept b*tching for hm to do it AGAIN....I did not, Then trys pulling the old guilt card tricks to his dad to make him feel bad, It just went on and on. I told BF its all lie, he told me that he told BS that he can come back to the house when he gets off work and we can sit down together and talk about this.
FIRST OFF....Its a mute point....really,
He is disrespectful period, he BARELY respects his father. I told BF well am gong to tell SS if he does not respect me then do not ask me for anything, and I am also going to tell him if this is how he chooses to be with me then I have no use in futhering any relationship with him of even trying. BF told BS that if my son had talked to him the he talked to me he would of layed him out. SS is being hateful and I do not care to be around him let alone even do ths convo thing, SS told BF he gets made whenever I say I am going to tell BF on him, and BF told BS that I would tell my own son the samething because they have no respect for me when ask them to do something. I do not know how to really handle this convo this evening..personally I wsh he would just go away, I am TIRED of dealing with unessary drama and low a*s manipulation. I am going to do this for BF because he said if it dont work out then it dont but he has to try this before he lets his s walk out the door. HOW SHOULD I APROACH this convo with SS? what exactly should I say? he argues and manipulates and is a total know it all, and its everyone but him...everything from his personal opnion to throwng a pitty party to TRY and manipulate BF. ANY advice in ths would greatly help..I am stressed and my nervs are on edge ! ty sorry its so long...I am just utterly disgusted.
What's to talk about? 19 year
What's to talk about? 19 year old won't respect the people he lives with? Change the locks. Let him find someplace ELSE to live.
Thats what I'm saying :/
Thats what I'm saying :/ but its BD thats recruting the session. I personally feel like you do..nothng to discuss, WHY should I have to explain something so simple that he took and caused havoc over all because I asked?????? SS is not retarted....lazy...but not retarted. Smary a*s and cocky!
If he isn't on board with
If he isn't on board with making the "child" move out, then YOU move.
Is it fair? Maybe not to him but to you, hell YEAH!
One time my DH said something wasn't "fair." I said, "But it is the choice you put yourself into. It is like a husband saying it's 'not fair' because their wife won't let them have sex with anyone they want. If that is what they wanted, they shouldn't have placed themselves into the situation of getting married to a woman who didn't WANT an open marriage."
Well, he just callled me and
Well, he just callled me and said SS is not coming back tonight because he is going to be helping some buddys of his, I told BF I really dont think there is anything to discuss..I was fed up. He told not the way a family works, we cant say someone is wrong and then not discuss it, he said we have to discuss ths as a family. I told him I dont feel theres a pont in it because SS does not respect me and as long as he feels that way it will solve nothing, but BF is being persistant and im getting exstreamly upset. He said he will not let SS disrespect me but this has to be talked about. I could use a glass of wine " Really". and I feeli like this is going to cause a issue between me and BF, even my own BS was a havoc I am not bias at all, I do not want to deal with drama..I didnt want to deal with it with my own son and I got to the point I didnt. SS is the only one out of 5 kids of BF that has anything to do with him..and so we have to do this cuz BM turned other kids sour, but SS is almost 20..give me a break.
Oh and I also told him we get
Oh and I also told him we get along just fine when the boys are not around...and its true..and I am talkng about SS 19 and my BS 19, he told me that its fairy tale world that we have a couple years dealing with them..I am thinking ...NOOOO..we dont !! If I see them as grown men ...and society sees them AS GROWN men and they want to not tighten up..why should we deal it the next couple years? can see parents helping thier adult young children..but am NOT catering to ANYONE including my own that does not help themself or resoect do get it in his head..SS IS NOT A BABY HE CAN GET A LIFE SO WE CAN LIVE OURS!!!!