Little Annoyances-feel free to add yours
Even little things my SD does irritates the crap out of me. Some things I know would not bother me if my BD did them, like eating all of the left overs when I planned on taking them for lunch the next day (after slaving for 2 hours in the kitchen to make a gourmet meal). However, leaving pop cans and brand new plastic cups at the end of the driveway (where she waits for the bus) definitely would! On Monday, I praised SD for having such a great attitude for a few days...that was apparently giving her permission to eliminate the good attitude. If I don't praise her, she is usually horrible, if I do praise her, she becomes horrible AHH! On second thought, she only seemed to have a good attitude because she spent the weekend with her grandparents and wasn't home! DUH! I knew I was forgetting something lol!
Are there little annoying things your steps do that only annoy you because they are your steps?
OMG your number 1 is a big
OMG your number 1 is a big one with me. I shop every friday for the Week, when it's my SS11 weekend he feels free to eat everything and my two boys who do live there during the week do not have any after school snacks. My BS14 begs me to go shopping on Sundays on his weekends and always tells me how at night time when we are all sleeping he gets up to eat.
Yes this one too. SD15 is
Yes this one too. SD15 is insanely jealous of DD10 and BD3. She tells everyone that they get treated like princesses and we are so mean to her. Give me a freakin break!!
My DH treats my DD10 like she
My DH treats my DD10 like she is his daughter because her father is not around and I think SD15 gets really jealous. One day she went up to her and she was like you know he's not YOUR dad, he is MY dad and DH flipped out. Mean bitch!
Yours are younger so thats a whole new dynamic!
um, Breathing? Other than
um, Breathing?
Other than that-most of the stuff ss does that annoys me is pretty unique to just ss13. He's one in a million and my other kids tend not to do so many annoying things as I will tell them to stop and they will listen.
But some of my faves are:
1)Starting every sentence with "hey,dad"
2)Wanting to eat at ALL times even after a large meal with a dessert-he will want to eat again within 15 minutes
3)Talking constantly about nothing at all
4) Talking about my inlaws over and over again-I dont need a play by play on what video games my freaking mil plays nor do I care if "Uncle" made sloppy joes and mac and cheese for dinner last night
5) Pretending I am not there
6) "Forgetting" everything-He forgets what day he comes over to visit, forgets what day it is, forgets to shower before he comes over, forgets to speak to me, etc, etc
Those are just a few off the top of my head!
oh how I love these blogs as
oh how I love these blogs as I am annoyed by sooooo many things SD15 does...
1. Does some weird alien voice while playing with the dogs (outside of my room)
2. Stalking DH-everytime she hears him walk into the kitchen she magically appears and stalks until he walks away.
3. loses everything and forgets everything.
4. She locks my pugs in her room and holds them prisoner.
5. While I am talking to DH she stands behind me pretending we are talking to her and keeps making comments. Go away!!
6. lying about EVERYTHING!
7. Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky
8. Eats all the food in the house the day I buy it
9. Shes mean to my BD3 all the time.
I mean really this list could go on for miles and miles......
Not contacting DH. I could
Not contacting DH. I could care less if MY BS21 contacts him (his SF) but since HIS OWN CHILDREN are the ones who aren't contacting him....after EVERYTHING that he has done and all the fighting and psycho-bitchy-ness he's had to put up with and all the money spent JUST TO BE A PART OF THEIR LIVES.
And THIS is how he gets repaid. Makes me really re-think EVERYTHING positive I ever thought about my skids.
That she keeps hurting her
That she keeps hurting her father. But on a side note, I really am afraid if they get some consistency that she will try to come back into all of our lives. Hell no!!!
There are too many list, so
There are too many list, so I'll go with a new one...
He's started coming in the side slider instead of the front door when coming back from BM's. Not sure why this bugs me so much but it does.
The biggest one for me
The biggest one for me talking like a baby, baby talk!! When she is 13. I have noticed she only does it when her daddy around. Of course, he don't see it!!
I am right there with you
I am right there with you both! The baby talking is like nails on a chalkboard. We should write a book on baby talk to english translation! LOL We would be rich!
TANTRUMS!!! The child is 11
TANTRUMS!!! The child is 11 years old for gods sake and still throwing tantrums to get what he wants......I dont put up with them from my almost 4yo BS, not sure why BF expects me to put up with it from SS.
And the fact that BF is incredibly hurt by SS's refusal to come see him......unless he wants something like a fishing trip in the tinny.
OMG I thought that was just
OMG I thought that was just me.
i have to make 2 lists. one
i have to make 2 lists. one for when she was here eowe, and later lived here, and one for now that she's out on her own.
1. you sit in the back seat and lean forward so your head is between us when we talk so you don't miss a single word.
2. if we aren't talking in the car, you sit back there and just stare at me endlessly.
3. if you have headphones on and i laugh at something your dad said, you rip them out and ask him "dad, what's so funny? what's she laughing about dad? dad, what did you say? why is she laughing, dad?" hello! if you want to know why i'm laughing, why don't you ask ME instead of acting like i'm not there? anyway, it's none of your damn business!
4. the way you do your annoying cheers and back walkovers IN THE HOUSE and then look at me to see if i'm watching the show you're putting on.
5. the way you start every sentence with "Dad", as if to make sure i know you're not talking to me. (even though you have to know everything i say when i'm not talking to you).
6. the way you hide behind doors and listen thru the register in your room that leads to our room in an attempt to eavesdrop and get information you aren't meant to hear.
7. the way i can't do anything with bs without you having some fond memory of when your dad did that with you (it's all in your head, your dad did not bathe you when you were a baby, your grandma did).
8. i hate how you help yourself to my personal belongings all the time. would you be so quick to use my razor if you knew i shave my crotch with it? }:)
9. the way you refuse to leave the room if i'm on the phone and you visibly absorb every word i say, looking for a way to make some scandalous rumor for your family based on my side of every conversation.
10. i hate how you question everything i do with my son. I am the one with years of parenting experience, you are the one with NONE. don't f'g worry about how i take care of my baby, what i feed him, how i bathe him, or anything else.
i could go on for days, but i'll stop.
1. the way you come over with no notice and just barge right in.
2. the way you yell at the dogs as soon as you get in the door. they are dogs. they are not used to seeing you. their job is to bark. :?
3. the way you help yourself to my kitchen when you are here and eat whatever the hell you want, don't ask, and offer it to your bf, too.
4. the way you think your life is SO stressful because you are learning what i already told you. life isn't free. you have to pay for what you want. it's not stress, it's LIFE.
5. the way you still think everything is yours, even my daughter's bedroom. this is not your house and nothing in it belongs to you.
6. the way you think you're pregnant every other month. does your bf know you're skipping pills trying to have a baby you are far from prepared for?
Ahhh... An annoyance
Ahhh... An annoyance vent!
FSS makes noises ALL THE TIME
Both Skids complain about everything. Nothing is good enough, no food is delicious enough, clothes not cool enough, this is boring, blah, blah blah
The way FSD whines "I knooooow" when you try to tell her anything. But when she doesn't do it, she freaks out screaming, I don't know, or you didn't tell me!
FSS back talks and tries to negotiate everything
Wash your hands after you use the bathroom! Ick!
Take a shower, and use the soap when you do bother. Why are kids so yucky? And why does FDH seem to be blind to the fact that they don't shower for days at a time?
Don't leave your shoes in the foyer inside the door for me to trip over and break my neck.
FSS, learn to eat cereal without slurping and smacking. Oh it is nails on a chalkboard to me!
And I will end with... Neither one of them should EVER be allowed to tell FDH to shut up but they do it all the time and he just takes it. I so want to smack their little mouths when they do this, but alas, I would never touch them. Not my kids.
SD6(almost 7) Torturous
SD6(almost 7)
Torturous whining at the drop of a hat, she's obnoxious and is rude, she thinks it's funny to pass gas on people and burp in their faces, swearing is a big issue for me as well. She is the hardest child to put to bed, we have fought with her upwards to early hours of 3-4am before and then she get's up at the break of dawn and wakes the entire house up with running around, tearing my house apart, screaming and very badly off key singing. The way she can be rough and grabby with my baby and my animals. She also lies to get the other kids into trouble which pisses me off, she will even do it right in front of me or SO and say so and so hit me! Will begin to cry too but that particular person is no where near her at the time. Although she IS getting better! She's on medication now so it's easier to calm her down most times at the height of a melt down, it's easier to get her to focus so she isn't "as" annoying anymore. YAY!
Abusive to all people of any age range, is abusive towards my animals and thinks it's funny, shows zero remorse, only cares about his video games, premeditates attacks, threatens to kill people with detailed descriptions on how he will do it, swears like a sailor, lies like a rug, is unpredictable, ill mannered when it comes to please and thank you's, eats like a baby just starting solids etc and to be honest the kid has zero personality. When he has a meltdown its full out on the floor, kicking and screaming with limbs flailing everywhere. When he get's upset he get's on of those looks on his face that's sooooooo annoying and disgusting looking you just wanna smack him (of course I never would though lol). He doesn't seem to understand the word NO either which grinds my gears. Stop tearing through my house means STOP! It doesn't mean, stop, grin and then continue, ugh!
I have a couple annoyances about my own kids too.
Her moods are like a light switch, I swear, her outbursts are unreal when she doesn't get her own way, not that she throws herself to the ground or anything but she will scream, stomp around then complain afterwards that her throat hurts. Tonight was a classic example, she was told she would not be going back outside after dinner because she needed to have a shower she started to freak out, I told her to stop otherwise she wouldn't be going out tomorrow either, did she stop? No, matter of fact she got worse! Then 5 minutes later she comes into my room, all bubbly and in a playful mood as if it never even happened! When SO brought it up she started to get all wound up again (I've told him so many times not to press her buttons) she bluntly points out "I may get angry and scream but I am NOT as bad as SD!" Then she walked away, I had to bite my tongue from laughter. No, she's not like the skids BUT she can be just as annoying at times!
He's picking up their bad habits, I hate it! Although it's easier to put him in his place so to speak, my main issue with him is no matter how many times I tell him to ask me for food etc he just goes and raids the fridge and cupboards anyways, it's not like he is starved but it's like he's never full, espesh with junk, he eats it then hides the evidence, I find empty containers, packages, boxes hidden throughout the house ALL the time!
I can't think of anything major at the moment, she does have her moments but she is also Autistic so I guess it's expected. Usually she is very easy to get along with and a big help around the house.
Here are a few for SD11: 1.
Here are a few for SD11:
1. You are a master of manipulation at 11 yrs old
2. You lie and everyone believes you no matter what (except me)
3. You are a 5 year old in an 11 year old body
4. You think that your rude disrespectful behavior is cute and so does your BM, father and grandmother.
5. You think everyone is around just to cater to your every whim.
I have a few more...SD is
I have a few more...SD is 12
*Lying...esp about silly things that I KNOW for FACT she I am too stupid to realize she is lying
*Not doing her chores but trying to make it look like she did (again, I must be stupid)
*Asking me "what's for supper?" before I even have a chance to take my coat off
*Eating things without asking, like an entire box of Little Debbie snacks and them complaining about getting fat
*Eating from a bag of chips and when she is almost done con BD3 into eating one so she can try to make her put them away
*Trying to flirt with her dad in my presence with that "flirty" tone of voice. I am not jealous, you are the dumb weird butt that thinks it is cool to try to flirt with your father...GROSS! I just wish he realized you were screwed up enough to do such a thing consciously.
*Wearing booty shorts and revealing shirts around the house, only when my dad is there or her dad is there...again GROSS!
*Being mean and never using a nice tone of voice to BD3 and BS1...really, you need to be mean to toddlers to make yourself feel better???
I could go on and on...
1. Not eating what I prepare
1. Not eating what I prepare (don't worry - I learned to just stop cooking for anyone but myself)
2. Leaving trash where ever she goes
3. The way she ninja walks through the house. Like one moment she's RIGHT behind you and I never hear her!
4. The way she quiet talks and mumbles - I NEVER hear or understand a word that kid says
5. The way she records a billion anime shows on the DVR and then NEVER watches them so the DVR is always trying to delete MY tv shows to make space
6. How she invites her friends over and never introduces them - so they just sit there looking at me
7. The way she lingers in the kitchen (there is a tv in there) so I never feel comfortable being in there trying to make my own food because she is just always there -- even when she's not eating
8. Thinking anything cool on the internet is something we wouldn't understand. Like once I was making a joke about an internet meme and she was just like "how would you know" Well I had to remind her that my JOB is internet marketing which means anything she knows - I've known about a million times longer and possibly even created. It's people like me who make the internet go round.. not her.
9. Saying she doesn't like something just because _I_ made it. Like suddenly she stopped liking guac and her dad called her on it saying it was her favorite so then she had to say "Well, I do like it but only the way my mom makes it."
There are definitely things
There are definitely things SS4 does that I don't mind when say, my nephew does, or something less annoying and more likeable...except the whining, I hate that no matter who it is.
1) Interrupting and believing he should be involved in every adult conversation
2) Crying over absolutely everything
3) Saying "I don't know" when you ask him why he did something wrong
4) Doing things he was specifically asked not to do
5) Playing DH's guilt like a fiddle to get DH to do what ever he wants
6) Whining everything he says
7) Refusing to eat what's for dinner and demanding we make or get him something else
8 ) Saying "but Mom says!!" when we won't let him do something
9) Calling DH by his Step Dad's name
Hmmm This is going to be
Hmmm This is going to be rough so brace yourself:
1. The fact that she exists
2. She has a helpless attitude and refuses to do anything for herself because she "doesn't know how". At 6 years old she refused to tie her own shoes!
3. She has a princess complex and narcissistic personality.
4. The fact that we pay waaaay too much in child support. BM gets to have her happy family on our dime leaving us unable to afford having our own family unless DH does endless hours of overtime.
5. She is rude to my family. Turns her back on them when they go to give her a hug (literally no exaggeration). Doesn't say please or thank you either...she just takes and takes.
6. She is materialistic and spoiled.
7. She exists- DH was able to provide some other girl with a child but now can't his own wife pregnant because his sperm is suddenly useless.
8. I have to stare at her stupid school pictures in my living room as a lovely reminder of what I can't have in my life.
9. I am not #1 OR #2 to DH. I get to be #3...behind the kid and the crack she came out of!
Someone already said it but,
Someone already said it but, starting every sentence with "Hey Dad" gets me to no end. It makes me want to bitch-slap.
Pretending to be sick when there's work to do. Imagine a twenty year old walking around holding their stomach and moaning, FUCKING PATHETIC!!!! Everyone just makes fun of him, but doesn't stop this big baby. Even expects dad to go buy him McD's, "cuz I'm so sick!", ughh!!!
Avoiding talking to his Dad for days and weeks on end in an attempt to make dad worry. Dad then worries, and proceeds to show his eventual relief by giving son whatever he wants. "Oh, you just crashed the car? Jeez son, I thought you were dead, sure no problem here." (ss20 winking behind dad's back, pulled it off again)little prick.
Oh, forgot to mention, Adds
Oh, forgot to mention, Adds f*%#ing red pepper by the inch to every damn thing I cook. Doesn't taste it first, just coats with red pepper with alot of drama and violence as if to say, "I know this is going to be horrible, so let me just fix it now." God, I want to kill him when he does this. I throw away the pepper every chance I get. Maybe I should mix some special ground mustard in with it? }:) Anyone know of a good bitter spice to mix in with the pepper, let me know.
I think I am going to do one
I think I am going to do one of these after every visit. Here's more for ss13-
1)taking his pants off when he's at our house for one day. Yes, he has shorts underneath-but it is freaking 20 degrees out-why the hell do you need to take your pants off?
2)Throwing your pants on my kitchen table where they sat all day.
3)Eating food and then leaving it half eaten on my kitchen counter all day-like there is some magical cleaning fairy that will come along and clean it up.
4)talking to my dogs-especially the one that is MY dog-you dont acknowledge me then dont freaking acknowledge my dog
5)Laughing at everything-I mean everything. Dh would not help my dd14 with something and told her to go ask me. SS laughed hysterically. My dd14 just looked at him like he was an idiot.
6)trying to make people feel sorry for him-"I just remembered-I havent ate all day"-this said after me and my kids got done with a day of shopping and eating! -what makes this more annoying is the bowl of half eaten food that he left on the counter proving that he did indeed eat-however it just doesnt count because it is not a gourmet meal that someone else prepared for him nor went to a restaurant and bought him.
7)incessant talking about inlaws-I know i said this one the first time I responded-BUT it bears repeating. How many times can I hear about my mil's gaming (weird in my opinion)and multiple stories about what my fil said? Who cares? Noone does this to him. Noone starts telling all these stories about everything else everybody said to them. It'w weird AND BORING.
First post here --- plenty of
First post here --- plenty of things I have wanted to post on in the past few weeks ... but this just got to me:
From upstairs, where there are TWO cellphones and a laptop in the bedroom, "Daddy, is it bedtime yet? No? Oh ... what time is it?"
Seriously?! She is almost 12 years old!
I'm sure I will have more this upcoming week ...
Sometimes, I NEED these
Sometimes, I NEED these lists, just to get things out, so thanks for starting this thread :). Here are some of mine:
1-putting on DIRTY clothes after they get out of the shower, even though they are told EVERY time to put on clean clothes
2-having to sit on their dad's lap ALL THE TIME, and throwing a hissy fit when my 4-year old wants to sit anywhere near his dad (god forbid)
3-filling their cup all the way to the top w/juice, then taking 2 sips and leaving it sit all night just to get thrown out
4-being mean to my bios (who are A LOT younger and don't understand why their older siblings are brats to them)
5-giving me blank stare when I ask them to do something, but the second their dad asks, they go do it
My skids do all that (except
My skids do all that (except #1 is them taking dirty clothes out of the hamper, cause they shower and get into pjs)
SD (stb9) is permenantly attached to Dh... Has to hold his had like its an obsession. If he takes he hand back for something she prances around in a panic trying to get his hand back, walks so close behind him she is constantly stepped on, or elbowed in the face. Just yesterday ss10 sat down on his 17 yr old half brothers lap. I just gave him with Wtf are you doing look, and he slid off. What would possess a ten yr old boy to feel the need to sit on another boys lap?? These kids are mentally stuck at 3 and 4 years old.
They used to do the cup thing all the time. Now we have a rule that you drink what you pour, when you pour it. I was dumping three cups of juice and milk a piece out every night. If I catch a cup with juice/milk on the counter, that kid drinks water the rest of the day.
This one is just SD, and she's an equal opportunity a-hole with my BIOS and ss.
And the last two just drive me insane.
SD 5 - who lives with us (her
SD 5 - who lives with us (her moms in freakin jail):
1.Constantly saying that her momma does this and that and talks about how everything I do isn't like her mom does.
2. Is so good for me infront of her dad but whne hes not around OMG!
3. Its like in the mornings and when shes tired/sick she wants me and LOVES me but its like during the day she thinks about her mom or something and hates me.
5.Tells her daddy & I she doesn't want to live w/us that her mommy/nana have no rules!
AND SO MUCH MORE!!!!!!!!!!!
My stepson is 8: he's
My stepson is 8:
he's borderline obese at this point and watching him eat makes me feel physically ill
he shits his pants and always has shitstained underpants that i have to first look at, then wash!
he doesn't know how to blow his nose so he just wipes runny snot all over his shirt
he drags his feet when he walks
he's lazy and manipulative
seeing him naked or shirtless and seeing all those fat rolls disgusts me
there's alot more but those are biggies for me!
SS6 Is disgustingly thin
SS6 Is disgustingly thin (well-fed, but long and skinny) and every time he climbs on me, his boney-ness freaks me out!!
My SS11 and he constantly has
My SS11 and he constantly has majorly nasty skidmarks in his pants. I HATE it!!! And he and his sister
has to be reminded to flush and there's rarely ever toilet paper used. His BM said she doesn't have that issue at her house. Yeah, right!
Both my skids are obese/overweight (so is their BM) - SS moreso and they are completely uncoordinated physically. Can't do anything normal kids their age can do.
Does your SS go outside or is he stuck to a screen?
We don't allow much screen time at our house but they are obviously used to having screen time as much as they want at BM.
That he's 24, has 3 babies
That he's 24, has 3 babies with 3 mamas, doesn't take care of any of these babies, doesn't think he should have to work, wants to live on dad's dime forever. I think he has peter pan syndrome. Drink and screw are the only things he does consistently.
1. SS11 whines like a 1 year
1. SS11 whines like a 1 year old every time he wants something
2. SS11 doesn't EVER let his father eat a meal without taking half of it EVEN when he has had seconds and thirds on his OWN plate
3. the putting stinky feet on the couch pillows that i USE on my lunch hour when I go home to take my 15m in power nap
4. SKids go on my sons room when ever they feel like it.... this pisses me off BADLY. AS it's my sons room they need to ask he is older then them and he lives with us.
5. dishes left where ever the contents of what ever was on them was consumed
6. SS11 runs around in his underwear all day long until I get home at 5 and ASK him several times to get dressed
7. Skids won't brush teeth. This one pisses me off because we are at work. They are OLD enough to know to brush their damn teeth. It's not that hard. But nope they don't then McCrazy calls and then we get crazy calls cuz the skids aren't brushing.
1. SS6 exists. 2. SS6 is
1. SS6 exists.
2. SS6 is where I am.
3. SS6 IS ALWAYS the F*** ON TOP OF ME. The kid hates me but is always in my freakin' business, crawling on me.
4. Can't tie his own shoes. Like, isn't that a requirement for kindergarten graduation?
6. I'm in a relationship with his BM. His Biodad is BARELY in the picture. But EVERYTHING is about Daddy. Daddy said- Daddy does- When's Daddy coming over? Shut the hell up about your dad, kid, he's a deadbeat weirdo who wants nothing to do with you.
7. Every little thing is a complete meltdown. Actually, kiddo, continue to do that. Every time you lie on the floor and flap your arms, you blow dust under the furniture, out of eyesight.
9. We're sitting there in companionable silence, watching TV, and suddenly, "You're pretty stupid. You should probably go back to where you used to live."
10. The punching, the hitting, the "play fighting." Kick me one more time.
11. The classic, "OH (insert Grandparent here) SHE'S SO MEAN TO ME!" Which results in nothing pleasant.
12. Telling everyone he knows that I abuse, neglect, or otherwise damage him in all ways possible. You're bruise-less, clean, pop-tart in hand, wearing the clean and name-brand clothes I ironed for you this morning, telling your friend's mom that you lost that baby tooth because I punched you and threw you down the steps before school.
And SO much more than I'm now too flustered to even remember.
Great thread! SS11 and SD6
Great thread! SS11 and SD6 drive me completely batty with mostly everything they do.
1. Horrible table manners that never seem to improve. SMACKING is horrendous!!!
2. Completely ignoring people that speak to them.
3. SS11 back talks constantly and says smarta$$ remarks under his breath.
4. Have no sense of personal boundaries (walking through closed doors without knocking).
5. If some screen is not on to entertain them, they are completely out of control.
6. SD6 monopolizes her father's attention.
7. Both children are very overweight and have no interest in physical activities (neither can or even want to ride a bike).
8. Neither of the have ANY friends even though they always talk about their "best friends" who they NEVER call or get calls from.
9. SD6 thinks "please" will get her anything and she cries when it doesn't work (like we're not going to the store at bedtime for toys).
10. SD6 is the pickiest eater ever. She turns up her nose to her favorite mac-n-cheese because I used shells instead of elbows!! UGH!
11. They both love the words "crap" "liar" "fart" "butthead" "idiot" "Jesus Christ!" and are oblivious to our attempts to stop them.
12. They have no concept of being polite - they interrupt adult conversations all the time.
13. They get overly offended even if we gently correct them for their extreme rudeness.
Must stop - I have too many!