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Blaze's picture

Well bm showed her cards today. back story, when dh and bm divorced he was to have both sd on his insurance, which he has; they both do. Now bm is like most talked about on here, just cannot move on and money grubbing. well her latest scheme is this--about 2 years ago she started taking the girls to the dentist ( only because dh was going to take them and god forbid he be involve) so when she registered them she gave her info and his. well his info that she gave was incorrect. i called the dentist and gave the correct info,( i work in an office, dh is in a clinic so it is easier for me to make calls and such) anyway here she comes tdy saying that since her insurance has been paying for visits ( about 3 or 4 ) he is responsible for those visits. i.e. reimburse me for what my insurace paid out. can she do that? let me tell you that we (me) got new floors and furniture reciently so i suppose the girls told her. Knowing her, "oh my, he has money that I want to grab onto so let me come up w/something crazy scheme to get it (or not depending on the courts)". Can she do this, can she go and say hey judge, make him pay me back for having insurance on my kids. ofcourse she set the email up w/ request #3 like this has been an ongoing thing. funny i asked the dentist when the last time they went and she said December. ofcouse she didnt tell dh like she is required to on the CO. she could have resolved this then, not 3 months later. any advice would surly help. btw when i 1st contact the dentist when they were 1st registered she told me that whoever registers them is the insurance they go w/. I spoke w/ the same lady last week and she now says that if there is joint custody then the older of the 2 parents is the primary. i suspect bm didnt tell the dentist that they were divorced (no biggie) so the dentist didnt trip.

NCMilGal's picture

I suspect if she tried it, she would get laughed out of court.

Tell her no. Tell her that if she insists, take him to court, you will sue for your court costs for an unnecessary (i.e. vindictive) filing. That should shut her up.

But seriously, your DH has done nothing wrong. He is required to have the girls on his insurance. He does. He can get proof that they were enrolled before the dentistry dates. BM screwed up the paperwork. And asking for the money that HER insurance paid? Really? It didn't come out of her pocket! What DID come out of her pocket was any additional premiums it took to put the girls on her insurance, which was not court-mandated. It was HER CHOICE.

duct_tape's picture

Actually, it is ILLEGAL for her to get reimbursed by anyone for services paid for by an insurance company. That's called insurance fraud. You can't double dip like that.

duct_tape's picture

If he paid her for those visits, the money has to go to the insurance company.

Jsmom's picture

You are only responsible for what is in the CO. No more no less. We pay for Health Insurance on SD, but we are not responsible for any of the bills she incurs. Look at the CO and do exactly what it says. If she doesn't like it, let her take you back to court. If she does, and they find it a nuisance, she can even be forced to pay your attorney's fees.

DO not pay anything outside of what is ordered. It can be seen as a gift.

Blaze's picture

thank you, when i read it i felt sick, we (me) spent 10's of thousand in legal fees fighting w/ this witch. I am tapped out, i got my husband on his feet and even though he cannot contribute a ton it is alot better. Just because we have nice things doesnt mean she is intitled to a cut

PrincessFiona's picture

I've had a similar question in my head for a while now. While health insurance is usually required for one parent to carry, dental may or may not be in the CO. In DH's case there is no mention of it. BM carried it for a while because her employer offered it for free but then changed jobs and no longer had it. She asked us to pick up family dental so it would cover SD. It costs us a pretty good price in premiums every pay.

So SD needs braces. The insurance covers $1000 toward them, parents owe the remaining $4000. I personally think that the insurance carried on SD is optional on our part and the premiums we pay entitle us to use that $1000 as our contribution toward the braces. So we owe $1500 and BM owes $2500. Does that seem reasonable?

In fact when it came right down to it we just agreed to pay half of the out of pocket. It would have been too complicated to get BM to understand our stance. And not really worth the arguement.

Just curious if anyone thinks that would be the fair way to handle it?

SASX's picture

Check the laws in your state and the exact wording of your CO.

In Florida "Medical expenses" are exactly that anything that can be billed through your MEDICAL insurance. (please note: psych does run through medical insurance)

Dental/vision etc costs are not considered "Medical". In which case yes, your $1000.00 benefit would be put towards yours and your DH's 50% of the bill.

Blaze's picture

No out of pocket expenses. check this though 2 day b4 christmas sd10 broke her glasses, total accident. dh gets them fixed and per the co they split costs so she would owe $24.50, mind you that was 2 days b4 christmas, why did dh just get the money order for $24.50 just last week. EXACTLY LAST WEEK 3 MONTH LATER!!!!

Auteur's picture

The Behemoth got "reimbursed" for her (non existent; she has a free cadillac gov't worker health care plan) insurance premiums; rather premiums she *would have had to pay* had she been in the private sector. I kid you not!! And she wanted it retroactive to get it switched over from GG's policy to hers. Which would have put him in arrears for CS. And I warned GG b/c he, once again, thought he could trust the Behemoth and she would simply switch it over out of the "goodness of her heart."

YEAH RIGHT! So he got a token decrease in his CS as his salary had dropped significantly and there were no real health care benefits at this job like there was the last job. He took this current job b/c it was less physically strenous and he has the "neck of a seventy-seven year old" per the doctors due to the jackhammer and various on the job construction incidents.

@newwife BWA HA HA HA HA :evil:

SASX's picture

Your CO states that your DH must have insurance on the children. He does. End of story. You do not owe her any money.

If BM chose to put additional insurance on those same children, that is her choice. She can not hold him liable for any premium payments (what she pays for the policy). Nor can his CS go up due to her choice since he is meeting his CO responsibility. Her gall at stating that your DH owes her for what her insurance paid for is hilarious honestly. Woman has a brass set the size of beach balls.

Advise BM, by replying to the email that she sent you, that her request is denied and if you hear anything further from her in regards to this subject you will be forwarding her email attempt at insurance fraud, to her insurer, for them to prosecute at will (and most will).

Now all of that said: Most of the BM's we deal with on here lack intelligence and responsibility. Is there any chance that your BM might be talking about coinsurance or copay amounts? If she is less than eloquent in her writing and thinking processes, she may be speaking of claims where her insurance processed a physicians visit and found a member responsibility. My thought is this: what if she is asking for his percentage of the copays she had to pay at the time of service. Granted with two insurances she should not have had to pay at the TOS.

Example: BMs insurance is billed for $100.00 Insurance company says that they will pay $50.00 but $25.00 of that is patient responsibility for a co-payment. BM might have been dumb and paid this co-payment.

Instead what should have happened is the remaining $25.00 due the physicians office should have (and likely did) gotten billed through DH's insurance and got part or all of it paid.

Which insurance is primary: Normally the parent whose birthday (month/day) comes first in the year is the primary insurer, the alternate parent would be secondary. In some states Court ordered insurance (such as the order your DH has to insure his kids) trumps the birthday law, and he/she ordered to carry the insurance is the primary insurer. Easiest way to find out? Call your DH's attorney OR a free alternative: call your DH's insurance company because they will NOT want to pay primary if they do not have to.