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I'm just sayin...'s picture

Ok, I've listened to my bf whine about how his time is so limited with his kids, how the kids want to see him more, etc. For over a year! So I've noticed that the past couple of months EVERY time he has them on weekends they watch movies at night. Sometimes 2 different movies in different rooms bc boy is older than the girls.

Last night they went to the drive in and watched TWO movies! Tonight we were talking on the phone after a storm came through and they had been watching ANOTHER movie. WTH!

Today when they were at my house, I was reading a book (on parenting lol) on the couch and he was on the floor with his girls. One wanted to play war (cards) and the other didn't. He had just finished showing older daughter how to play solitaire, and then let her pick the next game, leaving the younger daughter to lay there doing nothing. For quite a while. I watched her grow increasingly defeated and she just laid there feeling left out. YD is 7. Has been wetting her pants. Baby talks BAD. Beats the shit out of OD who is almost 9. There are issues. So all of a sudden he notices she's not happy and she won't tell him why. So i say, "I know what's wrong with her." And he asks what, so I tell him what I've just observed. He asks her if I am right and she never says yes, but then he lets her pick something she can do with him and everything is great.

So tonight when I hear they are watching ANOTHER movie I kind of gave him a hard time. These girls are NOT doing well. Both of their parents are paying so much attention to what they are/are not doing to each other that they have forgotten about the kids. I told him that he needed to spend one on one time with the kids, because when you divorce that hardly every happens, with either the mom or the dad. It's fine to leave the child watching a movie (he lives w/ adult niece) while he takes another child out, then comes back and takes the other child somewhere. But instead they sit and watch movies. Even married couples need to make one/one time for each child, it's even more important when you hardly get to see them! He went on about how much stuff they did all day together, etc. and the fact is, he wanted a break so he got movies. He has them 48 hours and can't make it without a break? He has the whole rest of the week(s) to break!

I'm just sayin...If you are going to whine about your limited time, DON'T FREAKIN WASTE IT! Yes, he's mad at me for criticizing his parenting LOL's picture

I can't even believe he tried to defend watching the movies. Because when he doesn't have them and we rent or go to the movies, he almost ALWAYS falls asleep! He does do activities with them, but it's things to occupy the time. Not really things where he can spend time individually and really talk or get to know his kids better. His girls are ALWAYS having to do everything together, including the few activities they have ever done. The 7 yo is holding back the almost9 yo and neither of them have really developed their own personalities. My daughter is almost 9.5 and there is SUCH a difference between them. I know my daughter is advanced, but that didn't happen by chance. He is more concerned with doing what will make the kids happy. They wanted to watch the movies. So? He used to read books with them at night. No more. He is definitely being lazy. His parenting style has become, "buy them something every time they are with me, and get some movies." Oh yeah, and then he complains about how much money bm gets, and how broke it makes him. LOL S I G H