Alright so my SD6 is having ALOT of trouble with the letters of the alphabet. I was writing A-C on a dry erase board. I wrote an A. Told her what it was, the sound it made. Had her to look at it, say it and remember it. Erased it, wrote it again and asked her what it was, and she said P. ummm??? I said nooo... its an A. We worked with the SAME LETTER for I bet 10 minutes and she finally got it right. Right after she got it right, I pointed at it again and asked her what it was and she said K. WHAT!? You JUST said it! Worked another 4-10 minutes. UGH! So I went to the letter B. She knew it pretty well. I went to the letter C, using the same strategy as the letter A and B. Wrote it, told her what it was, the sound it made. Then told her to look at it, say it and remember it. Again she kept just guessing and not paying attention at all. She kept saying Y or K. We did this for another 10-15 minutes.
You can tell her the letter, she would say it, then you could point at it again (without erasing it) and ask her what it was RIGHT AFTER YOU TOLD HER and she would say something like G or F. I got sick of it and gave up.
She is going to First grade this coming Fall and I just KNOW she is going to fail. I already know her BM don't give a rats ass, but I DO! Her learning curve is literally the worse case I have ever herd of.
Any suggestions?
sing the ABC's when washing
sing the ABC's when washing hands (SD3 does this for the length of scrubbing her hands with soap, she has learned how to properly sing the ABC's now)
Have nightly quizzes for a treat (we do fruit with cool whip)
Also if SD5 reads a book without throwing a fit over "Hard" words she gets a star, with 30 stars she gets a new toy.
^^^ ditto. thank god she has
^^^ ditto. thank god she has you to help her... BM needs a kick in the crotch
My BD just turned 4 knows
My BD just turned 4 knows most of her letters because I bought her the leapfrog letter magnets that tells you the letters and sings the abc's. And she watches way too much tv but learns alot!! She can even write some letters of her name! Eventually she will get it!
Video Games. Seriously!
Video Games.
Seriously! Mathblasters and Reading blasters. They are PC based video "games" where the kids learn as they play
Check out diannecraft.org
Check out diannecraft.org
Is she learning disabled?m
Is she learning disabled?m I'm sorry, that doesn't sound right at all. My DD knew all her letters at half that age. If SD is still struggling this hard at six, you might want to get her tested.
My FSD (6) has problems with
has problems with her b's and d's.... she keeps getting them mixed up! I can't seem to find a way of helping her remember which is which.....
A child that can sing the ABC
A child that can sing the ABC song may not know the alphabet. The same with numbers.
Many kids can rote count but do not know numbers. SD5 can count to 10, but can't pick out #s on a hundreds board. If I ask her to show me 5, 7, 12, 20....she can't do it. If I point to a number and ask her to tell me what it is, she can't. She doesn't know number order. She can't tell you want comes before or after a given number.
She has the same problems with the alphabet. She can sing the song, but she doesn't know upper or lower case letters.
The girls (SD7 has to repeat 1st grade because of reading) will be with us for the month of July.
I HOPE to get them on track. If they complain, I'm not going to push it.
Starfalls is a great site for phonics. Hubbardscupboard is great for letters, sight words, word families and blends.