Disengaging seems impossible and like it doesn't really work...
My boyfriend is a super permissive guilty Dad. SD will be 10 years old this fall. BM is a semi-functional alcoholic, just sober enough that he would feel bad about "tearing" SD away from her mother, but just bad enough that he is the primary no matter what it says on paper (their divorce says 50-50, give me a break, BM is always "busy" and "overwhelmed", aka, too interested in getting to her next drunken stupor than spending time with this poor child).
I knew early on that I would have to follow his lead on house rules, discipline, etc. He is the parent, SD is confused enough. (I actually really do love her and don't blame her for the madness, it's not her fault her parents are asleep on the job of raising her.) We set some guidelines early on about how much child care help I'd provide and how much he wants me involved with raising her. Obviously I live with them and that involves a lot of support but there was a plan. I just don't know why I ever thought it would work...
His line going in was that "she has a mother," he didn't need me to take on some super central role. We stayed in the town where BM lives because she doesn't have a car, so their custody stuff could all go smoothly. But it's clear now that BM is a mess and does nothing but stress out SD. And then my boyfriend feels guilty that this is her mom, and when SD gets crappy, he does...nothing.
He lets her stay up late as a treat, failing to notice that when he does this, she is only extra crabby and demanding the next day. And her brand of crabby and demanding is yelling at adults like they are her servants and incredibly stupid ones at that. His response is...to do what she asks, and acknowledge her feelings (for example, "I know having to leave camp is hard"). But there's nothing after that! Like, "When I get mad, I count to 10 and take deep breaths." Or, God forbid he should ever say, "Hey, it's not OK to talk to people like that. If you'd like to ask nicely for help getting your game set up, I'll be happy to help you." She is not punished for ANYTHING. In fact, the more outrageous her behavior, the more likely he will spend extra special private alone time with her in her room at the end of the day, and let her watch extra cartoons, since she got so "upset."
I have tried to disengage and even have his support to do it. But it's impossible to not care or ignore it when the atmosphere in our home is so unacceptable to me. She is going to be a teenager in just a few more years and I am terrified of what will happen. He doesn't even ask her to be a good person, and he seems to be teaching her (as far as I can tell) that her feelings justify any and all behavior. The school complains that she has impulse control problems, and I fully understand why: no one ever asks her to control herself.
And I'm telling you, I feel so much for SD. When she is herself and not in the grip of anger, she is just as sweet and wonderful as any child can be. Of course she has the potential to be a GREAT KID! She needs guidance on how to let her better nature win out. No one gives it to her. This whole strategy seems to be about "acknowledging what she's been through." Leave the TV on, let her do what she wants, and hope for the best?
So now I'm seriously considering moving out. I would be open to still being in a relationship with my boyfriend but honestly, I cannot deal with this. Her father does not even ask her to respect him, me or other adults. But I don't see how moving out wouldn't just lead to us breaking up eventually...
If you met this man and saw how respectfully he behaves in his own relationships and how ethically he runs his business, you would never imagine this would be his parenting style. I am amazed and really sad. I don't even think there is a question for the group in this topic, I am just so depressed! He is in for Hell in her teenage years if he doesn't find the cajones to get drunken diva BM out of the picture and set up some boundaries around his daughter's behavior. I don't care if he's nice about it, I'm not talking about taking out a belt here. But the way he just DOESN'T EVEN ADDRESS IT is making me insane and lose all faith in him and us.
And of course I blame myself for not being able to predict where things were going. I am new to this and it was a test and I fee like we've all flunked spectacularly.
I think the exact same thing.
I think the exact same thing. My 2 bios are normal functioning children.
DH blames the divorce for his kids problems. SD was 9, SS was 2. My kids were BD9 and BD3 when I divorced their father - so why aren't my kids screwed up too?
DH says I am too hard on my kids - which is why I am not allowed a say in his unless its only positive - then how come he says he wishes his kids would behave like mine?
DH says I push too hard about school. How come DH complains when SD and SS do poorly?
I disengaged. It works as long as you accept a few things. I don't have control in my own home - that was hard. To disengage, i have to understand things will get broken, things will be untidy and I will do nothing about it if those things are coming from the skids. I only do something about it if its coming from my bios.
I have to accept that the skids are not my responsibility - that means no homework - poor grades = DH complaining = he can do something about it if HE wants to. I take care of my own - its unaccepatble to me that homework is not done and it must be done well - that is a rules DH can choose to enforce for his kids - not my responsibility.
I make meals for all, get groceries for all, I do not sign the skids up for any activities, I do not plan friend dates for the skids, that is up to DH and BM. that is my disengagement - I do what I need to do, I parent my kids, I take care of my house where it makes sense. This works for me for now.
The older the stepkids
The older the stepkids become, the worse the situation will becomes for the step mom or girlfriend. My BF was a disney dad who parented only through guilt. When his daughter (17) could not get along with her biomom, daddy moved her into her own all expenses paid apartment for the next 6 - 7 years. Then daddy could not afford a place of his own, so he could live for free, he moved in with parents. HA What a riot. I love the man, but I have no future expectations for our relationship, and have completely disengaged from the narcissistic manipulative now 32 yo. daughter How can the gf or stepmom be expected to succeed where the biomom failed? His daughter hated her own mother why would she love me, the girlfriend. She tried to get me to babysit her baby. No doubt more of her manipulation. I said NO, there has to some trust between me and the parents in order for me to babysit the baby. I do not trust the daughter of SO.
You haven't disengaged.
You haven't disengaged. That's why its not working. Dis. is more than what goes on physically its also in your head. You still care. Bad step-mommy. You want the kid to turn out good despite that fact that her care givers are failing at their jobs. Worse yet you blame yourself for their failures.
When she addresses you in a impolite manner you simply ignore her. Think about it. Do you really have to care that she doesn't respect you? Is anyone else listening? (Of course you're never in a public place with her so this can only happen in your home). Are any of your relationships changed as a result of her opinion? Does your mother think poorly of you? Your boss? Teachers if you're attending a school?
No of course not. In fact not one person in the world cares one whit what this brat thinks set aside what she thinks about you. And 100% of the people in the world would either have no idea who she is relative to you or fully know that you're not the witch she thinks you are.
You see no matter how this kid turns out you'll get none of the credit and if you can keep your hands and mind off of her you'll get none of the blame.
Plus you will be absolutely amazed at what happens when she realizes that you simply do not care what she does. Good or bad. Oh it will take time for it to sink in. How long depends on how much time she spends under the same roof with you. Once she can't effect your behavoir all her power disappears.
I guess it's true I haven't
I guess it's true I haven't really disengaged. I'll keep trying...and if I get too miserable, I will get up and GO. We are not married. We have talked about it but all that is on hold now, believe you me. If our home isn't a place where we can both be comfortable, then my home will have to be somewhere else.