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worried about bf.....

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

someone had posted about their husband's suicide (so sorry for your loss). it got me thinking about bf and all the stress he has been under. granted, he caused the stress; allowing sd14 to spin so out of control....but i cant imagine the feeling of knowing your daughter is a drug addict/whore, knowing you had many chances to prevent it, but did nothing for whatever reason u have....

his mother thinks he is either going to kill himself one day or have a heart attack. i have to agree with her.

i think i love this man simply due to the fact he is the father of my child, bd6. in love? no. and im not sure how i can call him a 'man' when he is pussified by sd. it just seems to get worse. she took more money from his wallet today, and brought over the boy who she fucked 2 nights prior while bf slept in the next room (he found the used condoms the next day in her room :sick: ). he called me and asked me to take sd to her friends, to which i replied 'fuck you, no' and he filled my voicemail box with hateful messages mixed with messages of saying he cant take any more of this.

i really dont know how this nightmare will end, but i think the end is near. :? Sad

Orange County Ca's picture

Call a suicide hot line and see what help may be available. I'm sorry that's the best I can offer other than this:

If he has custody (not just visitation) of the girl) he can contact the police and tell them that she is out of parental control and he is locking her out of the house. When she arrives he will call them. They will at first react with threats of child abandonment but technically its not.

Once Child Protective Services is involved some of the pressure can be relieved. You can effectively do the same thing under by stating that you have to protect your younger child from her drug use and drug using friends whom she sneaks into the home.

feelinglost's picture

Where is BM? Get in contact with BM even if you don't like it and explain the situation. She should take some responsibility in this issue as well. If she is pretty much missed in action then I am afraid after DH, it becomes your responsibility to deal with in the best way possible. Increase your support group. If she got grandparents, get them involved. Anyone that can support get them to support. Seek professional help. that is what all these rehab are out there for. I know you feel like it is not your responsibility, but you will feel guilty if you didn't because it is clear your DH is just can't handle it by himself.

Disneyfan's picture

Did you move back in? If not, just walk away. He and BM created this mess. They made choices that put their child on this path now it's burden to deal with.

All you can do is protect your daughter from their crazy world.

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

no, didnt move back in. the last few weeks bd and i have stayed over night on and off when sd is at her friends. but the shit never ends, keep finding drugs and drug stuff in her room, other drama, ect.

bd and i have been stayin at my sister's, which used to be my parents house. it isnt ideal but its waaaaaaaaaaay better then bf's crazy nightmare place.

Disneyfan's picture

So nothing has changed. The man still isn't willing to step up and parent his daughter.

My heart breaks for that girl. With the parents she ended up with, she never had a chance. They crushed their own child.

DeeDeeTX's picture

My sister is in somewhat of the same situation but it has ended with her being dangerously codependent and her trying to solve all of the guy's problems. She's afraid he'll commit suicide if she leaves.

IMHO if he's not willing to admit he needs help and gets it, right away, I'd gently disengage from him. You should not be his savior or caretaker.