Reality not living up to my fantasy.New marriage First time step mom. Advice plz.
Hello Everybody
This is the first time I have joined a support group on this issue and we have been married for 4 months. I did not live with my new hubby while we were courting one another in fact we didn't live in the same state most the time due to his job. While getting to know each other I would talk to his daughter and Skype and she was AWESOME. Loved her, she is funny, beautiful, smart and very talkative. She is 11 years old and is their only child. I have no children and have been looking forward to the opportunity to be a stepmom. It is really hard to know a child very well over Skype, but I was sure we would be best friends and I would win stepmom of the year award...But unfortunately online, You see the best side of them as they see the best side of you.
So FF to now. I am so stressed out when she is with us. Everything has to be an argument with her, she throws fits like she is five years old, and will do whatever she wants because she thinks rules don't apply to her. My husband usually dismisses it like thats just how kids are. Well I have about 13 nieces and nephews and NONE act like her. I am aware children have behavior issues naturally but she is over the top. Her parents are just used to it by now...We have her half the week and her mother has her half. She is disrespectful and rude and tries to run things like SHE is the adult. Im told that a lot of only children are like this bc they are used to being around adults so they think they are one. I think my husband lets her get away with WAY too much but trying to get him to properly discipline her is impossible at times because I think he has the attitude of "what do u know? " I understand that he has been doing this longer than I have and Im not saying I have all the answers, I just think he needs to be more firm with her and honestly, I have fantasized about leaving. But I know thats not what I want because I love him so much and can not imagine life with out him but the idea of her being big sister to my future kids makes me want to run for the hills... My big sister never learned to like her step son, just tolerate him. So When I realized I may not have the dream relationship with mine either, I actually cried.
Leaving is not an option. I am staying and I am not going to tell him I don't like his child because it has only been four months... Does it get better? I feel like I am at a disadvantage because I have not had ten years to bond with and get used to her like her parents have and she didn't grown in my tummy for 9 months so I don't feel that connection. But yet I am expected to love her just as much as they do or at least almost and I don't ... Will I eventually? Am I just not giving it enough time? Because I don't even like her personality and I try to just let him handle everything and disengage but that is so hard because I don't like how she talks to him and he can not tell when she is lying but I can. I don't like how she talks to me or other adults or her behavior. I have seen worse from children so I try to count my blessings but just because it could be worse, doesn't mean i should not want it to be better. Um, some help from people who have survived this please? lol. .. Also I will add that my hubby and I never argue except when it comes to her or the ex.
I agree! I do this with my
I agree! I do this with my skids as well, works like a charm. If they want to have a fit, they can have it in their room. When they learn that it doesn't get them anywhere, it stops. I don't argue or debate. Having a fit? Then I will walk you to your room and close the door so I don't have to be the audience.
I wish I could personally
I wish I could personally tell you it gets better but then my nose would grow really long lol. I came into my relationship with my BF wanting to give his S10 a chance and at first we seemed to hit it off and get along seemingly well. But the more time I spent with him the more I got to see what he was really like! Whiney, bratty, sore loser, spies like us, etc. So NOW I cant stand him and dont ever want to be around him. Ever. I was/am honest with my BF about my feelings towards/about skid and he accepts and respects my feelings. Obviously Im sure he wishes that everything could be sunshine and rainbows but its not and it never will be!!!
His kid and bm are literally in my mind a road block to me & BF having the perfect relationship. If they werent in the picture everything would be great! For sooo many reasons! Of course BF and I have our disagreements and issues but nothing that gets me to the point where I just want to end it permanently. There is nothing and I mean NOTHING positive or beneficial about having them in the picture. When they are out of sight out of mind things are BF, myself, and my S8 have the perfect family dynamic going. Then they waltz in the picture and BAM there is nothing but stress, dread, and bullshit.
I am however thankful that my BF puts ME & US FIRST!!! Yes we can have little squabbles about skid/bm bullshit but at the end of the day he wants to be with me and for us to work and last forever! Skid and bm have NO CONTROL OR POWER over us and our relationship unless we let them...its hard at times but it is what it is unfortunately. I really wish they would fall off the face of the earth but I guess only having skid EOWE and Wedn for 2 hours is not as bad as it COULD be
The only way that this can work, successfully, is for you and DH to be on the SAME PAGE!!! Do not let skid or bm run and control DH, you, or your relationship. Bottom line.
Just because you don't like
Just because you don't like SD, doesn't mean you don't love her. Stepkids are very hard. I am not married but I am a first time stepmom figure so to speak. SD4 (stepdaughter age 4) is the hardest for me. SS6 (stepson age 6) is easier to handle. SD4 will fight and argue. BM (baby mama) will tell the kids not to listen to me just to make my life harder when the kids are with us. The father does not discipline the way I would either. For example, SD4 was on punishment for not listening so I had her standing in the corner facing the wall in the kitchen. I went to check on her and she peeled the paint off the cabinet!! I was so mad when the father got home I told him what happened and all he did was have her apologize to me. Now, I have to repaint all of my cabinets so they will all still be matching. The father lets these kids get away with murder. I feel out of place telling him they need more discipline because they aren't my bio kids. But something's gotta give. I would love to tell you it gets better but for me, so far no. The BM even throws the kids bags and shoes and stuff literally at my car and in the street, she screams and yells, occasionally cops escort off the premesis whether it be at a residence or a neutral public place. The bio parents never understand what it is like coming into the game as a step parent and trying to gain that trust, understanding, and respect from a stepchild. Especially when the other bio parent is working against you. You have to stay strong and stay consistent with the stepkids. If SD13 is being rude and disrespectful, punish her. Just tell her, I don't care if you like me but you will respect me. Give her special cleaning projects to do while she is grounded or take away all electronics for a while. Come up with unique punishments she will remember. If she is trying so hard to run things, let her run the household for about a month. Meaning, let her use all of her allowance to put on bills or buy necessities for the house, let her do all cleaning, yardwork, etc. Make her prepare meals for the family and do all the laundry. Let her see what it is like to be an adult and maybe she won't be in such a rush. If the hubby says no, explain to him when you got married you took on half the responsibility of this child and you will punish her as you see fit in hubby's absence.
Being a SM isn't about being
Being a SM isn't about being a kid's best friend, or SM of the year. Those dreams are usually the first ones shattered.
Discipline needs to also come from your DH. If the two of you don't present a united front, the child continues to get away with murder and walk all over you. It may or may not get better but it certainly isn't going to get better without some rules, consistency and discipline. I cannot stress enough that it also has to come from DH. He is not doing his daughter any favors by allowing her to carry on like this. She is testing the waters, that does not mean you have to allow this. Do not try to be her friend- that's the worst thing, and an unhealthy dynamic. You are an adult and an authority figure. When children are running the house it is because the adults are allowing it. You don't need to give birth to a child to feel a connection, adoptive parents are a prime example of this. You also can't force a connection. This child does not have to love you and worship the ground you walk on. This child has to respect you (and some of that is earned). Be patient but firm with her. This is her way of making sense of her situation and what your role is and what her limits are. Be consistent, and get DH on board.
Yes. I am starting to slowly
Yes. I am starting to slowly see that I will not be writing any books on parenting any time soon... My hubby considers himself her friend and I think now that we are married he gets less time with her and he seems to be feeling very bad about that and I think that may be part of the reason that he lets her get away with some things because he wants her to like him. I don't know but thats what it looks like to me. So I had to eventually give up on her liking me and just settle for her respect, even if she doesn't like me. Thanks for the advice everyone. Really helps.
I try to ignore her but
I try to ignore her but unless he physically removes her from the room she is not going to budge and the mom does not want me to discipline their child only reenforce the fathers choices. She does not act like this as much with her mother. Only her father. In fact her mother has told us that when she gets home to her she attempts to get away with the same stuff and she has to remind her who she is dealing with. He is working on correcting his own behavior because I think he can see it is an issue now that I keep bringing it up and she gets in trouble at school every week. But i think she has been getting away with it for so long that it is very difficult to change. And now they want to blame the teacher for her behavior in school. Like they are unaware that she is an issue.. I try to keep my mouth shut because I know parents get defensive about their children so I have to bite my tongue when he bad mouths the teacher for emailing him every week with another issue.
So how can I deal with it? I am not ok with her disrespecting me and I think I am firm enough to where she is starting to see that I am not a push over but I am also not ok with her treating my husband that way, even if he doesn't say anything. I can not punish her but should I encourage him to be harsher with her. I don't want that to back fire on me but she can not run the house, HE is supposed to be the leader not her. We have a reward system but she still gets out of line, but it has worked to a certain extent.
When her mother complains
When her mother complains that she has to deal with the behavior when ad is back in her care, remind BM that you are reinforcing your DH's discipline (which is to do nothing), maybe she'll change her tune. So, if BM left her daughter with a sitter, the daughter should have free reign of the house? I think not.
Your husband is the bigger issue here. He needs to be a parent, and that means disciplining his child. Instead of being mad at the teacher, who is doing her job which is hard enough without your sd disrupting her classroom, he needs to do his job as a parent. Yes people get defensive about their children. But, I'm assuming your DH knew you were capable of having a rational opinion when he married you. Allowing his daughter to be disrespectful to you is the same as him disrespecting you himself.
I've been around plenty of kids and I can tell you the only ones who act like this are the ones who have parents that allow it.
I agree. If I can not get him
I agree. If I can not get him to change then she won't change at all. I am trying but it is not always easy because he is set in his ways.
I have found that the more I
I have found that the more I said to my DH about SS and SS's behaviour DH would either take it personally or think I was picking on SS. He would say you hate my son or think I was calling him an unfit parent.
So I started talking less and showing more. In other words, if I was you and SD is throwing a fit at dinner I would just excuse myself and say "I have lost my appetite" and go to your room or for a drive or walk. If you are at the store or restaurant and she acts out I would just tell your BF "I am sorry but I am embarrassed so I will wait for you all in the car".
If she is especially rude or interupting in the evening call it an early night go take a hot bath, and read a book just make sure that your BF knows you are "asleep" when he comes to bed so there will be no rewarding his behaviour if he chooses to not deal with her!!!
Think about ways that you can let your BF and SD know that you are displeased with both of their behaviours without actually saying a word.
^^^That is EXCELLENT
^^^That is EXCELLENT ADVICE/IDEAS...I am definitely going to use this!!!
That is excellent advice. I
That is excellent advice. I wish I had heard it 7 years ago.
thank you!!! i wish i would
thank you!!! i wish i would have heard it two years ago...
Oy. You're in for it dear.
Oy. You're in for it dear. (We all are in for it, lol). Honestly it does not get much better. It's tough at any age, but you came in at that Tween, emotional age where everything is already set so it's hard to have even a minute bit of impact for the good in this child's life. She's 11--she is who she is. And your dear Husband is Guilt-Parenting which means he's overly permissive and very much unaware of the consequences of allowing a child to be an Adult in the home. Funny thing about the Parents is they marry us and claim us to be as One, but when it comes to their kids, we are definitely on the outside. We are not treated 'as one' or given very much regard in our own homes when it involves the kids. We are to only do what they ask of us (such as babysit, pay for stuff, run errands) and smile and nod. That's the role many Parents want their new spouses to have.
This child is not your child and you will not love it like your own. To me that's Bull that people say to feel like Saints or something but rare does anyone love a child like their own esp when that child is hateful and the Parents, difficult. It's not like adoption where you choose and solely raise a child with your spouse. This is someone else's kid, with someone else as primary influence, behaviors, patterns, genetics and the whole fantasy of 'instabond' or even 'everbond' is just that--a fantasy.
At best we can hope the kids are likable, respectable and decent and we can hope the Parents are structured, mature and open. But what normally happens is what you are going through.
You get into a "wife vs child" situation which is never good. But it's tricky to address because the Parents have such an emotional defensive wall up concerning their kids. Even good input from the outside can be met with resistance. Addressing it as neutral as possible still can be met with anger. So we walk this minefield of trying to remain who we are while being married and trying to be the neutral party in the family.
Parents can cause so much resentment that it becomes impossible to ever look past the drama and embrace the situation. Disengaging becomes the only option in such impassable situations. It's not the best plan -more like living in a Safe Room while your house is being burglarized- but at least it's peaceful and safe in there for the moment. Lol
My SS8 is not the worse kid but I still barely like him and have zero connection to him. He's like a "kid next door" to me so he's not mistreated but he's not adored either. I've adored some of my Ex's children when dating but those were cool, personable kids so I know I'm capable. My own daughter is grown and was a stepkid and that worked out fine. But this child-he is sullen, smug, mouthy, greedy, lazy kid & he's so manipulative that I must always second guess his motives when he's being decent. It's always a set up to ask for something. After several blow ups between DH & I, DH steers him clear of me for most part and I of him but I can't stand the way he talks to my Husband. I'll stop him cold in his tracks when wimpy old DH won't do it. He also must follow the rules of this house so it's tolerable for me. The BM is intolerable and DH is working on that so I'm giving him time. So I guess my best hope is that it gets tolerable. I hope the same for you.
you are soo right..i think we
you are soo right..i think we may be living the same life..its unreal and you are so right about disengaging...i go to my room and watch tv to find peace..i cant stand my Sson and i am as nice as I can run errands.. etc however I have no voice in this childs does help to know i am not the only one..thank you!!!
In our house, the
In our house, the catch-phrase that describes this phenomenon is:
"Open your heart, your home, and your wallet but keep your damned mouth shut."
YOU are 100% right! Its like
YOU are 100% right! Its like you know her. LOL. If i am getting her father some tea she will knock me over to beat me to it. If i rub his feet she jumps right in and takes the other foot. Those things don't bug me, if she wants to do it then I go right ahead and let her sometimes (sometimes) its even cute when she tries to be this "mini wife". Except that every time she sees him embrace me she jumps in immediately and wants to make it a group hug. I'll admit, that started to get to me a little. Or she would beg us and cry about wanting to sleep in our room in the beginning and i would not allow it so she stopped asking. I don't want to take her place and I think I need to organize more time where she gets to spend time exclusively with him with out me around. That will work out for me in the long run as well.
i will share with you i have
i will share with you i have been married for over a year,, a step parent and i am getting ready to have a baby of our own....when i first started this step parent role i tried hard and no matter what i do or did the child doesnt want to do what i want...we went on vacation this past summer to the beach and i came to the realization that i cant stand my step son and sometimes my husband for allowing this behaviour....i would reccomend therapy and that has worked for us and i know you dont want to tell him you dont like his child and honestly thats normal..the child isnt yours..but you need for yourself to find balance in therapy because no matter how much exposure you have to children its different when you are dealing with a child that isnt yours...and the other parent the ex of your husband...i would say 99% of our arguements are about his child or his exwife...and you dont want to leave and i get you need to find someone to vent to and find ways to deal with this situation..sometimes medication,,just kidding..but the longer you stay the worst it gets and then at your breaking point it will get better...and then somedays it will be worse...but the fact that you wanna stay and try is huge...i feel for you and hope it gets better:):)
thanks. the only tie we have
thanks. the only tie we have tension and disagreements that are huge are always some how connected to x and SD as well. I will try therapy if disengaging is not successful.
Great Idea! I am going to do
Great Idea! I am going to do this. Funny thing is, he DID marry someone like this, her mother. I think the main reason she thinks she can talk to him a certain way is because her mother did it all the time. And he was very unhappy and divorced her because she was just like the daughter is turning out to be now. So maybe I can bring it to his attention that he is raising his ex....
Sorry to say it doesn't get
Sorry to say it doesn't get easier.. only harder.
I met my DH and we lived in different states. (3 hr drive) so we got to spend the weekends together a total of 45 hrs. So his Daughter was no problem during that 6 month courtship. I was thinking she and I could become friends and we would be a big happy family.. oh how that thought got crushed very quickly.
Fast Forward 12 yrs.. SD is now 22 yrs old, she is still trying to destroy the marriage and we are no longer on speaking terms.
Wish I could say it will work out but in my experience it just gets harder.
DO NOT have children. It
DO NOT have children. It does not make things better. Your fantasy of a instant family was likely doomed from the start and is certainly cold dead now. Don't try to revive it as it only gives the girl more power as you try and try and fail and fail to move her. You don't have much time invested in this so my recommendation is to get out. You gave it a college try and it didn't work. Don't throw any more time into this. But if you insist on staying read on.
I haven't read the other replies so perhaps you're already aware of this:
thanks for the link
thanks for the link
crap... This is sad. But I
crap... This is sad. But I guess this is the reality. I think I will just find something else to do when she is here. Get a hobby, go to the gym. Just spend as little time as I can at the house with her and then when I am here I will try to disengage. I tried it in the very beginning but it didn't work bc I couldn't stand seeing her act like a five year old. And it changes how I look at hubby. Because I see a 11 y.o. telling the man of the house how to behave and it makes me question his position as "the man of the house". I am not likely to find too many men that don't have children by now and leaving him could just mean I am trading him in for another version of the same thing. lol... that's not my only incentive to stay but it definitely makes me think twice about leaving when I think about how I could do much worse and end up with more than one Skid who is worse and even curses and hits the parents. I will give this more time but I will take the advice above and hold off on having kids. At least make sure I can handle this for a year or two before I try starting a family. This disengaging might make me look like a major bitch but I am going to do it and maybe my love will even see what a big situation this is.