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Clingy SD driving me nuts

ish's picture

My SD4 is very clingy towards me and often mean to her dad, it is driving me crazy. She always wants to sit near/ on me, says "NOT YOU Dad, I just want *Ish*", she's always saying stuff like, "I love you the best", "you look so beautiful' " I love you SO MUCH" which I do NOT encourage. I mean, you could say it's sweet but it seems really needy and NQR in my opinion, I feel really stifled by it and kind of tired out after a weekend of this kind of stuff. Sometimes I just have to walk away and shut myself in the bedroom. I am very fond of SD and affectionate with her but I do have boundaries, and it is not ME she needs, it's her dad. BM is toxic and there have always been strong signs of PA against FDH, but I am surprised not me (not so far). SD has often been a bit angry with FDH, even though she was only 10 months old when they split up and has no memory of it, she gives him a hard time, which I hate. FDH says her reaction to me is because I'm a girl, and SD likes my girlie stuff, dresses, so on (but I bloody hate Barbies!) ANYWAY! it is suffocating me..

Anyone have similar experience/ some insight into what it's all about/ how to stop it? Thanks...

ctnmom's picture

I wouldn't worry about the CAUSE of it, because it could be a number of things, as you say. IMO you need to address the BEHAVIOR., which will be an easy task because a. she likes you, and b., she's only four. Set boundries like, "SD, we can have one kiss and one hug, and then you can sit next to me. But if you continue to touch me you'll have to move Sweetie. Everyone needs a little space." "SD, I love you too. But lets only tell each other that two times a day, then we can have more time for other stuff." Be firm, consistint, and loving, and you can probably turn this around quickly. Good luck!

ish's picture

CTNmom, thanks for your tips. Kitttkattt, I think that's what I was trying to say. I think she does love me but I think this behaviour is manipulative and that she is trying to see what effect it has on her dad, that's why it annoys me. When did yours stop? Do you get along with her now?