Another shitty weekend ruined !!!!
Here we go again – it’s the weekend and it’s ruined.
He came to my home at 1.45pm yesterday afternoon and OMG left his 16.5 year old daughter home alone.
I asked what he would like to do – bear in mind I didn’t know what his and his daughter’s plans were for the weekend because he didn’t tell me again
He informed me he had to be back home to make his 16.5 year old daughter evening meal at 4.30pm and take her to work at 6.00pm (she washes up in a pub).
Anyhow we had 2 3/4hrs on our own and we went out to a local village had a walk and coffee and he brought me back home. He then asked if I wanted him to come round to my house in the evening.
I dared to ask what about his daughter what was she doing when she finished worked at 9ish because if he was going to come round to mine at 8.00pm and leave at 9.00ish to pick her up and take her home there was little point really. He said ‘WAIT FOR IT’ she can get a taxi home and he would stay at mine. I said Ok and should we go for a drink in my local pub together.
We went out at 9.00pm – he was checking his phone most of the night obviously to see when his daughter got home from work but that’s fine he has to know she is safe!! – It was strained and has been all week but hell after a couple of drinks I got brave and I had to open my big mouth.
I asked him if he had heard from his 19 year old son recently he is at Uni about 1 hour away and he went back in Aug after another row with his selfish spoilt sister and his stupid mother, threatening not to come back because of them. Alas, his son has stuck to this and bless him he has not been home since. His sister is so so jealous of her dad and brothers relationship also. I said we should go to see him soon - SO just shrugged.
I then asked if his daughter was going / seeing her mother this weekend – he said no mother had gone away for weekend. Couple more drinks and I got braver – I asked where she had gone and I said (sarcastically) lucky for her we have only ever had 2 weekends away in 10 years due to you and your ex-wife’s rigid visitations and hell now her and her daughter are both dictating our weekends. :sick:
Well now he was getting ‘arsy’ and defensive.
I then asked when his 16.5. year old daughters prize night was a 6th Form – he told me it had happened on Thursday - his daughters school is on my road – he went with his ex-wife and didn’t think to tell me about it – I was livid this is just another thing in a long list of things he tells me nothing about. I have no clue what is going on in his life.
So bottom line we left the pub and came back to my house and yes I was *issed off with him – a huge nasty row erupted with lots of name calling – mostly me I am ashamed to say – I called him a Disney Dad – I said look up Emotional Father Syndrome and Emotional Incest as he has made his daughter his ‘mini wife’.:(
I asked where I fit in, in OUR 10 year relationship – I again ask what about our plans to be together and I asked what was he going to do about his daughter hating me & trying to make things so difficulty and trying her utmost best us to split up – I called him a walking wallet / ATM – I asked had I any say in our so called ‘relationship’ and I called him a bumbling fool and said he had his head so far up his own arse, I accused him of being spin less and I said he had no back bone and told him to man up.
I said he wouldn’t be honest with his daughter about me and would not defend me against his ex-wife (divorced 12 years ago) – I then told him (well shouted at him) to move on and get a grip and his was not the only family to be divorced – AND I said he had no respect / no decency and did not think about me !!!!! Oh Goodness I was a fish wife.
It went on and on he called me a spiteful *ucked up cow’!! Who has ruined his last 15 weekends – Hell no way!!!! He has done this along with his ex-wife and 16 yr. old daughter.
He slept on my sofa – I got up this morning shamed face and what a surprise he had walked out again and I have not heard from him and probably won’t. :sick:
OMG this is a bloody nightmare we just go round and round with no compromise and no resolutions – all I want him to do is talk to me honestly and openly and to think about us for a bloody change – is that too much to ask for from someone you have been in a relationship with for 10 years.
I feel sick to my stomach!!!!
Sorry this may be a multiple
Sorry this may be a multiple post - i amhaving difficulty posting on Forums
The only thing wrong with
The only thing wrong with this entire scenario is that you are still with him. Why would he change anything when it's been this way for 10 years? YOU need to change something. Move on.
I *know* that feeling in the pit of your gut. My relationship was just under 2 years, but the feeling is the same. All the same crap...same story...difference is, I got out because I am worth more than that. You are, too.
You're not married to
You're not married to him.
You don't have kids with him.
You don't live with him.
Why have you put up with this for 10 years?
OMG, so sorry about your
OMG, so sorry about your spoiled weekend and the last 10 years !
I sometimes have little explosions as well, god help me if I am in the mood and would drink....certainly could erupt like a volcano.
Anyway, saying all those things to him couldn't possible go well even though you probably nailed it and got it 100% correct.I think we all come to a point where our hurt feelings and frustration have to come to the surface,sometimes quiet and sometimes loud!
I hope that like after a thunderstorm things are settling a bit for you and he hopefully gets the point .xx
Hello everyone - thanks for
Hello everyone - thanks for your posts.
Just to explain & give a little history as it hasn't always been like the last few months.
I am not under any illusion it has been difficult for 10 years but managenable. His kids lived with their mother and my SO had regular visitation. That were OK whenshe was at a distance.
His daughter has only just moved in 4-5 months ago - the reason for this was because her dad and I decided were were going to be together finally. We had decided to wait for his 2 to grow up a bit and get settled and my daughter is older than his 2.
Waiting so long may have been my subconscious / gut feelings.
We put my house up for sale - I was moving in temporarily into SO house - we were going to spend some cash on his house to get it saleable (batchelor pad uuughh)and with the money we have made on both our houses we 'were' going to buy one together.
Well his daughter suddenly developed 'eating' disorder ( has she hell !!!) and crying for her daddy and wanted to be with him and has regressed by 10 years to a whining child and is being absolutely horrendous with her attention seeking behaviour and it's simply because she doesn't want her dad and I to live together.
Well round 1 to her as my house is no longer for sale. I will not live with her and this 'alien' who i do not even recognise anymore who has been my partner for 10 years. He has turned into an emotional wreck and has completly buried his head in the sand. He really has no clue about 16.5 year old girls.
Her mother won't have her except for tea visits 1 or twice a month and has said we can have her now as she has had her for 16.5 years (her mother was also furious that my house was for sale- oh dear her walking wallet was moving on!!!!) and her brother hates her.
I take onboard and totally respect all you have said and i read the posts here daily - I am seriously thinking of doing what you said - but part of me won't let a 16.5 year old spoilt brat ruin what has been a good 9.5 years.
I just find it quite liberating venting on here - and i totally appreciate all your advice as you are all experts
Lots of thinking to do me thinks.x
You're pretty good at pushing
You're pretty good at pushing his buttons aren't you?
Really Orange County
Really Orange County :?
Thanks for that comment
just ignore that dunce. he
just ignore that dunce. he knows all about pushing buttons. he does it every time he's on here. once you get to know just how ridiculous and ignorant he really is, you'll laugh at the drivel he spews forth!
Thank you Bi - typical I