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He kisses SD5 more often than he kisses me....

lostinbrazil's picture

So, I have a good relationship with my DH's daughter (SD5) she is a pretty good kid and she likes me a lot. But lately I have been resentful because my DH really coddles his kid, kisses her all the time, hugs her tells her he loves her. I used to think that was sweet and how I might like my future babys daddy to treat my own kids if i have any some day. But lately since DH and I have been having problems I feel pissed off he is so sweet and kind to her and he doesnt give me the same attention. I try to tell myself she is just a kid, she deserves the attention but like I said, I want that attention too! But bottom line is, he kisses and hugs her and tells her he loves her way more than he does to me. Am I being crazy or what do you think?

lostinbrazil's picture

Yes the future and how much worse things will get is my biggest fear. If I am on the verge of completely losing it now, how will I feel in a year or 5 or 10? I really dont think I can handle it, I think I deserve to be the number one female in his life and now I feel like # 3 or 4. First SD then BM and her demands, then either his mom or me. SUCKS!

Seriuosly 19 years and it is still the same??? How old is your SD????

StickAFork's picture

This is apples and oranges. Stop comparing how a father kisses his 5 year old to how your DH interacts with you. You say you're "having problems" in your marriage, so focus on those and trying to fix them.

jumanji's picture

I don't think it's all that strange for a parent to love on a little one. If kiddo was 12/13/up? That's something else. But she's 5.

mimi719's picture

This is a hot topic for me.

DH is sweet with his boys, hugs them, snuggles with them. He TALKS to them when they are upset.

He snuggles more with the dog than me. THAT is annoying.

When I'm upset or sad (no matter the reason), he immediately takes it personally and gets mad. It sucks. Everyone in this house, including the dog, can have a bad day and get sympathy, but me.

Really, we're working on how we react to each other.

Maria123's picture

I have had the same exact feelings re: my SD who is 5 and I have been living with them since she was 3. I think jealousy is a natural reaction, although unfortunately the stepparents are probably not in 'the right' on this one. That being said, if he isn't being affectionate with you, having the SD as a comparison point does make it extra hurtful, but when approaching him I wouldn't lead with the affection toward SD as the issue because that will likely shut him down. It sounds, from what you said, like the real issue is affection within your relationship or you feeling insecure about your relationship for whatever reason. Approach the issue that way, and try not to fixate too much on the SD affection thing because it will just drive you crazy and won't bring you any closer to a solution. If the SD affection bothers you when it happens just leave the room (without making a scene) and try to focus on other things. That's my 2 cents anyways.

I disagree with the person who said that the SD always has to be the #1 female. People who always put their children before their adult relationships do not have good, healthy adult relationships.

te4418le1's picture

I'm not a father, so know that before you toss me to the wolves if I'm out of line on this. Lol. The way I see it, his daughter is literally his baby. She always will be. I would encourage his living nature, and be glad he's not another deadbeat dad. If you're feeling neglected, you could always attempt playful hints, such as 'where's my lovins!' or the such. If that doesn't help, express to him that you think affection is very important in a relationship. Many guys, myself included, are hesitant to be 'lovey-dovey' with our girlfriends/wives, but will pour it all over a puppy. It's not that there is a lack of love, just an internal block for showing it to everyone. Trust me, almost all men are guilty of this. I loved my ex with everything I had, but she'd only get a peck on the lips when I got home from work, and our puppy would get loads of my affection. If this is the case, show him some. Not the teenage, whiny, clingy affection, but a deep, romantic kiss after he's done being affectionate with his daughter. You'll be amazed how a sultry gaze or passionate kiss will get you what you want!!
Disclaimer: I'm a 25 year old male with no children...

Andyandme's picture

I have the same problem. He overly kisses and hugs and kisses her every five minutes, she is also very clingy and needs her kisses from her Dadda it drives me crazy. I feel like he should be looking to kiss me every five minutes. I'm also starting to feel resentment towards both of them mainly her. I love them both and wish I never had to feel this way. We have her every weekend and she is 61/2 years old. This morning she jumped into our bed and I wanted to tell her she needs to go back to her bed this is not ok with me. He should only be spooning with me. Not sure if I'm crazy I didn't have a dad around growing up so not sure if these feeling are normal.