Does your DH still socialize with BM of adult skids?
I'm moving this question to a new topic hoping for some advice. It is the last post under my original topic "First Time Post - DH Siding with Stepdaughter who is threatening me." Since posting this, my DD, who is familiar with the situation and all the family members, told me she does not think it is a big deal for DH to go to these events with BM. She and I usually see things the same way, but she does not have the perspective you SMs have. What do you think of my question below?
How do you handle DH socializing with BM of adult skid? Do any of you have that problem? I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that my DH was invited to SIL birthday but gave an excuse and didn't go after I complained to him and asked him not to go. He did visit SD Christmas morning and BM was there. He went back later that day but BM had left. Now he's invited to SD birthday in a few days and BM will be there again. I told him I knew going in to the marriage that we were moving near SD and BM and that I was prepared to attend grandskid events with BM, but I think this is getting out of hand. I asked him how he would feel if I was going to events at DD's and socializing with my ex. He says I don't have anything to worry about. I know he does not have any feelings for her; divorce was over thirty years ago, but she caused a lot of problems for him when SD was growing up and I just feel uncomfortable with him going to events with her there. I think DH and I should present a unified front; I don't like BM knowing there is a problem between DH and I. She knows SD has caused the problem. Also, as I mentioned previously, SD and SIL have banned BMs husband from their home. I told DH I understand if it is an event for grandskid that can't be changed, such as graduation, but for family events I think he should visit when she is not there. This is SD 40th birthday and she wants to go to a restaurant then to a movie. So, this would not be a big birthday bash where DH and BM might be mingling with different people. It will be SD, SIL, grandskid, SIL's parents, BM and DH. I didn't much like going to these events with him before the big blowup with SD, and he knows I won't go now, but I really don't like him going without me. In fact, he says he doesn't like going without me. Do I draw the line in the sand and tell him he'd better not go or else? (or else what? not sure what I'm prepared to do). Also, grandskid told DH something her mother, SD, said the other day that really hurt his feelings. He told me he is going to have a talk with her after her birthday. Geesh...don't want to interfere with the princess birthday party.
Just tell him no...I would.
Just tell him no...I would. Public functions I understand, but not the private affairs.
No way!! SO would never do
No way!! SO would never do that I think I would hurt him if he even tried it }:) }:)
There's no blanket answer for
There's no blanket answer for this.
Just because it works for some doesn't mean you have to accept it. And just because many would HATE it doesn't mean that it is not for you.
It's for you and your DH to discuss and come to a mutally acceptable solution.
If it really bothers you then I don't think your husband should go. No spouse should do things that intentionally hurt their partner. But that works two ways - is it really going to hurt your DH not to go?
Nobody but you and your DH can decide what is the right decision for you.
In my case it is a no brainer - but for a lot of reasons that might not apply to you. I'd disown DH if he so much as calls BM. I'd have to kill him if he took her to dinner. But there's a lot of history there that has nothing to do with you.
WTF!!!!!! "This is SD 40th
WTF!!!!!! "This is SD 40th birthday and she wants to go to a restaurant then to a movie."
OMG this is your SD's 40th BIRTHDAY????? I think your post alone helps me decide on my current situation!!!!!! my SD is 5 and I will first kill myself or someone else before having this be my reality for the next 35 years!!!!!
Thanks for your post I think my decision is made.
Yes, from what I have read of
Yes, from what I have read of your posts, your SO is never going to cut ties with BM. Ever.
My husband won't go anywhere
My husband won't go anywhere near BM. That is his choice and I don't blame him.
Oh I didn't realize this was
Oh I didn't realize this was for a 40 year old woman.
Hell no he shouldn't go. This is not a birthday treat for a 10 year old.
I kinda think some of these
I kinda think some of these things are to be expected when u get involved with a man that has children. BM will ALWAYS be at least a small part of your life, even when the kids are grown... You can't expect everyone to tip-toe around you cause its uncomfortable for you! And believe me i do know it is very uncomfortable! The kids have a right to invite BOTH of their parents to any event and if the bio's are willing to be at the same place then there is no way you can protest and not come out looking like an insecure bad guy. Im pleasant and civil with BM and pretend it doesn't bother me at all! And really its never usually as bad as i hype it up in my own head before hand. The only way i could see me saying i don't want to be in the same room as her is if MIL was there too... MIL hated BM the whole time she was with DH and now she seems to have passed that hatred on to me because Im 18 years younger then DH. Now she sings BMs praises, and shes the kind of woman that would definitely pull some stunts if the 3 of us were ever in the same room... Thankfully she lives 6 hours away and dosent drive lol
I disagree with you that BM
I disagree with you that BM will always be in my life. I am older (over 60).
BM has absolutely no place in my life whatsoever. She blew that early on.
She's called once in the past year because SS was sick and she did not want to drive the 6 blocks to take him to the ER. Fortunately we were about 700 miles away so she had to really extend herself and take him.
I get more calls from telemarketers. I put her in the same category.
There is a huge difference
There is a huge difference between not wanting to be there yourself... Suck it up!, and not being allowed to be there... tell whoever where to go and how to get there!
In this case my impression was that SHE did not want to go, not that she was asked/told not to go.
And as for banning DH from attending his children's events he wants to go to, just because you don't... I find that incredibly arrogant, no matter the problems we've had over the kids and there have been a few... I could never demand that anyone not play an active role in their children's lives whether or not i chose to include myself. If i was worried that BM still wanted him or was trying to cause harm to my relationship... Then i would definitely set aside my awkwardness and be there to make sure she didn't get away with it!
I disagree that it's family
I disagree that it's family tradition and that he should go. When couples divorce, it is unrealistic to carry on all the family traditions, instead, new ones are created. Stepped on, you and your DH need to do what feels right for you. You mention DH doesn't feel comfortable doing this, isn't that your answer right there? For large gatherings, I can see that it would be okay, but for this type of gathering it sounds like SD isn't letting go of the fact that her parents are divorced. Banning BM's husband and then you not going? Sounds to me like she had this planned all along to recreate her "happy family" but it just isn't realistic.
Go with your gut. When DH and his ex first split up, she kept turning up for years at his brother's for their family Christmas and even the kids started saying it felt awkward. So DH just stopped going and she still goes! So you see, sometimes one person has to make the shift into the new reality...
Thank you for all the
Thank you for all the feedback. I didn't include all the details in this post that are in my orignal post. That is, DH and I have been married thirteen years and I have gone with him to his SD family events all that time. Last September SD just exploded at me because I asked when she was going to remove her horse from our yard. She told me I was not going to tell her how things would be done on our property; SHE was going to tell ME, etc. etc. Then her husband got on the phone and threatened to take DH and my property by adverse possession. She has no intention of apologizing so I have not had any contact with them since then. That's the short version of why I am no longer going to her events and am upset that DH is going without me.
Well that's even more reason
Well that's even more reason for your DH not to go. He should have been the one to deal with the horse issue, why did he not say something and why are you now the bad guy? Why do so many DH's let the SM be the bad guy in the relationship, it's maddening! I would imagine BM knows about this falling out which puts you in an even more vulnerable position.
What has your DH done about this issue???
I know of many people who
I know of many people who have remarried and they are almost friends (or really are) with their ex and their new spouse. Great for them. I see nothing wrong with it IF it works.
But when there is drama, friction, and hatred it just doesn't work.
And the whole crap about keeping "traditions" is just bullshit. I had a tradition of having sex with my ex on my birthday - anyone think I needed to continue that because it was a "tradition"?
And the whole crap about
And the whole crap about keeping "traditions" is just bullshit. I had a tradition of having sex with my ex on my birthday - anyone think I needed to continue that because it was a "tradition"?
^^^ LOVE IT! You can bet I will pull this card out of my sleeve if needed...
LOL oldone! Man I love this
LOL oldone! Man I love this site!
Ok Nodoormat, Oldone and
Ok Nodoormat, Oldone and others...prop me up tonight. DH called today and said he would be home soon since SD was leaving earlier than he thought. I said You're still planning to go? His response? "It is what it is" That made me furious. I said "no it ISN'T what it is" and hung up, packed some things and left. Got a voicemail from him saying he knew why I was mad...he saw BM s car there and so he wouldn't ride with her but would drive himself. Told me not to be mad "it's my DDs 40th birthday and I'm going to honor her". Oh and he may skip the movie after.
How sweet that the four of
How sweet that the four of them can have a double date. :sick: :sick: :sick:
I stayed out last night then
I stayed out last night then slept in the guest room so didn't see DH till this afternoon. He asked if I was still YES!!! He doesn't understand why. I said I already explained this several times and asked you not to go with BM and you used hurtful words like "It is what it is" and said you were going to "honor" your daughter. He said those don't sound like words he would use but if I say he said it ... Again he said he has no feelings for BM. I said that's not the point...I did not expect BM to be in our lives this much. I told him his divorced sister isn't expected to socialize with her ex of 30 years ago in order to see her adult son and grandson. DH said that is different. I told him it is exactly the same. Revisited SD disrespect to me and no apology and how he hasn't defended me. He thinks he has supported me. Do we live on different planets? He says he won't see BM for a long time now since holidays and birthdays are over. I told him I will defend myself if he won't. He said I was getting mad about nothing which caused me to get in the car to leave. He came to car and said that's not what he meant. Thanks for listening. My DD again told me last night it's no big deal especially since he drove separately. I told to stay neutral, not her problem.
You really need to ask
You really need to ask yourself...Is it that you don't want to go to these events because of the BM...or is it that you don't want your husband to go to these events? It is just plain selfish for you not to expect your hubby to go or go at another time. Who are you really fighting with? It seems like you are trying to establish a battle line here. But I think you are the only one really concerned. Your husband - poor guy - is caught between being there for his kids and you. Sometimes in order to get our feelings out - we create much more drama that there really needs to be. When you marry into a family with kids and really don't get to change the family dynamics. I feel for you but think you should let some of this frustration go....
Ours arent grown and my DH
Ours arent grown and my DH hasent done ANYTHING with BM since she left. EVERYTHING we do, we do together as couple and the one playing niceties is me. He always stands with me and lets me say the hellos..its just his way. He wants nothing to do with them and prefers I handle the niceties as I think they should be there for the kids. Along with that, is everything is seperated private, we tried shared bday parties and christmas's I did it all and everytime BM and her family would leave and tear the children apart with lies and nasty things to we ended them. We do things this way at everything we should and do attend for the kids, as adults we will do the same for weddings and such as its how we are comfortable doing things. It helps me feel secure and him as he isnt much of a talker anyway lol! And he hates them all and would rather be a rude brat to them than anything else and act like they dont exist
This is an important topic.
This is an important topic. I had to go to events with BM and former SM during our marriage (husband now dead). I didn't like it but he made it clear that he thought the need to hate the ex was just old-fashioned and he thought it would be best if we all tried to get along. Well, I did it for 20 years, but I never enjoyed it. Of course I stopped after he died. The BM also died and the ex-step has sided with the kids over me. It's just ridiculous. She wouldn't attend the memorial I gave for him but then the kids did a second one and she attended that one. I came for a brief period, against my better judgment. So much for the good it did me to put up with her for 20 years.
I've been unhappy to be estranged from his kids since his death, but they treat me like a dart board and fought tooth and nail for whatever they could get from his estate. It was very ugly. In so many ways it is a relief to not have to see those people. The only regrets I have are my grandchildren, who have been poisoned against me. I've just had to let it all go, even the grandkids. I'm so much more relaxed and peaceful with all that crap behind me. Sure, I'm lonely and I lost an entire family, but I'm moving on, taking it a day at a time, and hoping to make new friends. No more men with adult kids - ever.
My hubbys ex-wife has caused
My hubbys ex-wife has caused so many problems between hubby and his daughter. Ex-wife just loves to keep drama going. Ex-wife was divorced from hubby 10 years before I came along. But for whatever crazy reason she loves to make sure SD and I dont' get along. And of course it causes hubby to choose me over SD. Drama.....However, I realize that we are all going to be invited to the skids homes for events. It is a reality and I am not going to tell my hubby not to go. That is ridiculous, they are his children. We don't expect them to hold 2 thanksgiving and 2 christmases just because we don't particularly like the ex-wife. The way to offset some of that is to hold the events at our house. If the skids can't make it do to schedule conflicts...oh well... my family will be there. I support my husband by going and being nice to everyone. That really gives them something to talk about...
Lucy I am sorry you were
Lucy I am sorry you were treated that way by your SK's. It really goes to show that this resentment can last forever and that's what scares me about staying in a relationship like this. I feel sad and sick to think that if my SO were to pass away, his actual funeral could be a source of tension. Everyone will be grieving and why can't the real feelings of sadness and loss come out instead of bitterness and anger? Life is short - I feel so sad reading what happens...
Thank you, Candy. I was so
Thank you, Candy. I was so overwhelmed with grief when planning his memorial, and I'm a slow processor, so it took me awhile to understand that there was conflict about the memorial. In the end I had to pay my step daughter to attend - down to the penny for her very expensive flight. I can't even imagine not attending a parents' memorial. And they claimed to have loved him so dearly. Hogwash. They loved what he was leaving them.
Lucy - weren't you thinking
Lucy - weren't you thinking of moving near your friends? What did you decide? Hope you are in a better place, physically and mentally now. Thanks for responding to my situation.
Last night as we were getting
Last night as we were getting into bed DH says "You seem grumpy lately" eye roll ... Really? I wasn't about to get into it again at bedtime.
I don't care if he drove
I don't care if he drove another car or not. He took BM out to dinner (you know he paid). That is a huge slap in the face to any wife. This was not a wedding or a graduation. This was a date.
My husband is not allowed to date. Not even if he does not sleep with them.
My best friend was wife #2 to a man that has now been married to his 3rd wife for about 20 years. I went with her to his home for Christmas a few years ago.
It was absolutely sickening. He had his 2 children from first marriage (and spouses and gk), his first wife and her husband, and then his two kids from my friend and the two of us. He felt like he had his little "harem" all under his roof. He was so happy.
His wife was gracious and they all made nice. But the part that is sickening to me is that I know for a fact that he still sleeps with my friend from whom he has been divorced for 25 years. Don't know about wife #1.
And yes I think my friend is stupid for doing so. He left her with a 6 month old baby to pursue the current wife. She came home from the grocery store one day and he had moved out. Never had a clue. But he still drops by for a little action even after two decades.
Stepped, Imo, you are
Stepped, Imo, you are completely right and your DH and even DD is wrong. If for no other reason your DH shouldn't go because you are uncomfortable about him attending events with BM present.
This is a 40 year old woman and all activities and events could and should be done with parents individually.
My DD got married so should she now expect my SIL's parents to attend every holiday, etc with me just because they are married and she doesn't want to have to divide her time between households.
No, she now has to divide holiday/birthday time between both sets of parents!
This woman needs to grow up and your DH needs to get some balls! Ugghhh.
BTW, the day my DH starts
BTW, the day my DH starts going to "events" (especially a birthday) with SS AND BM without me is the day I will pack my bags.
Stepped on step thanks for
Stepped on step thanks for asking. I'm still thinking of moving but my friend just left for Africa for a big project. She plans to stay 6 mos, but the project lasts 7 years, so I'm waiting to see what happens there. I'm also starting to feel more connected to my community, volunteering, joining groups, and meeting new people. A move across the country is a big deal and I'm one of these people who thinks deeply about things. I still have some residual anger, as is evident here, but on a daily basis I feel much better when there is no contact with his kids. There was one thing that happened over the holidays that upset me and put me on the path of letting go of the grandchildren as hard as that is. Other than that, everything has been quiet and calm and I'm back to nesting in this house so I guess I'm in no hurry to move.
Again, thanks for asking.
How are you communicating
I wonder if you worded and communicated your feelings to DH in a different way he would understand why you feel the way you do and that would change his behavior? Speak from your heart and with out anger, hold his hand, be humble, look him in the eye. Tell him why you have a fear of he and BM being together and why his response to you hurts your feelings. Thinking about what you would say in that situation and then doing it will calrify on so many levels. Works for me.
Thanks for pointing that Guess she may not be reading this anylonger.