SS taught my 4yo nephew to play a game called "shoot the cops"- posted once but not showing, sorry if both show later
:jawdrop: The history: SS10 wanted to be a "cop" from the time he could walk and talk until he was 7, at which time loser drug addict BM brought an inmate home from prison. They began telling him that he didn't want to be a cop because cops aren't "cool". When that didn't work they really laid it on thick telling him that cops put people in prison for nothing and then beat them up for no reason and make them do things they shouldn't. BM went to jail 3 times in 2011 and every time poured her heart out to SS who was 8 at the time about how the cops were just being mean to her and all she did was "do one drug". Anytime she has a run in with law enforcement, she tells him all about how they are picking on her. So now, we have been fighting a losing battle with SS ever since thinking cops are the enemy and saying and doing things that are NOT okay. He has now taught my 4 yo nephew a game called "Shoot the cops." where they go around shooting all of the cops that they see because "cops are bad guys". I guess my nephew has been having bad behaviors involving cops and saying disturbing things and my sister in law asked why. He said that cops are bad because SS said so. MY SKIDS ARE SO MESSED UP IN THEIR HEADS!!! Well, SIL took nephew down to the police station and he got to meet all of the police, got stickers and treats, got to talk to them about how they only use their guns to defend people like him from bad guys, etc. etc. They came straight over and nephew told SS, "______ you lied to me! Cops are good guys, not bad guys!", to which SS replied with a sarcastic "Humph!". I don't know if SS is just trying to be "cool" like BM and her never ending string of inmates, if he really believes their lies and thinks cops are bad, or a combination of both. I called the station and am waiting for a call back from the Assistant Chief. Something has got to give. I hope that the people who have the power to help this child do their jobs. I really hope they don't drop the ball on my SS like they did my SD. But in the meantime, have any of you ever dealt with this or have any advice about how we can restore his faith in our police officers? I really don't want him to end up being one of those Sandy Hook whackos but his mom has done a fine job of just completely brainwashing this poor child.
Call your police station and
Call your police station and ask if you have a citizen's police academy in your area. Many cities and towns have them. It's a little "course" where you go weekly and spend a couple hours learning about different parts of police work. Like, one time they might take you on a tour of the police station, let you see the holding cells, evidence room, etc. Another time they do a demonstration with a police dog showing how they're trained and what they do on command, how they sniff out drugs, etc. Ask if you & your dh can attend with your SS. Let them know he wanted to be a cop, which you encouraged, but BM has him convinced all cops are bad guys and you want to expose him to the truth! He's kind of young but with parents present they might let him participate and it would be kind of hard for him to deny what he sees with his own eyes.
I did. They said
I did. They said unfortunately you have to be 21. I asked could I register myself and just bring him along and they said no. I asked if there was anything for kids and they said no.
That sucks. I wonder if
That sucks. I wonder if there's any kind of program you could bring him to...maybe call neighboring towns? I can't believe they have nothing for kids
Do you think they might allow you to bring him down to the station for a tour at least?
I know it, right? I would
I know it, right? I would imagine there are plenty of kids in our society with bad images of police put into their heads. In the summer they have a day camp with the Sheriff's office and he is going for at least the next 4 years. I am waiting for the call back from the Assistant Chief. He told another officer to have me call him, that he could talk to SS and clear things up for him but I'm sure it will go in one ear and out the other because what BM says is scripture to this poor deluded child. I am going to try and see if we know anyone with any officer contacts. Maybe I could get an officer to mentor him? Take him out to lunch on my dime and fun stuff to see that they aren't what she says? I called the assistant chief friday around noonish so I am hoping I will hear back from him on Monday. Fingers crossed. I'm beginning to think it is the area I live in. If you read my blog about SD's issues with sexual behavior you will see what it is like to get kids help around here. I'm hoping it isn't the whole country that is like this but wouldn't surprise me with the way people act now days.
Sure is. I don't understand
Sure is. I don't understand it. What does she get out of setting her kids up for a crappy life? She complains non stop about how unfair and miserable life is for her, but she is going to push them into having her life?
She is a doozy. If you want
She is a doozy. If you want to see a little bit of what we deal with, see some of my blog posts. Some will have you laughing but most will have you crying for these poor children. She is a worthless waste of air.
Thank you. I will do that.
Thank you. I will do that.
I would pose the question to
I would pose the question to SS "So, if someone came into our home while we are at work and school and stole all your games and the TV and threw contents of the fridge all over the floor, what would you do? Who would find your games and TV? And what if someone was driving REALLY close to Dad's car and hit it and then drove off .... who would be able to find that person? Dad can't because he can't drive his car."
As for the Shoot the Cop game, I would put a stop to that right now. Even PRETENDING to shoot a gun in school could have him suspended!
He has been stripped of all
He has been stripped of all gun rights until he shows that he is responsible enough. Real, toys, and pretend. I told him once he was not allowed to play like he was shooting cops and many times about pretending to shoot people, but as with everything else, I guess he was still sneaking behind our backs and doing it. I just want him to see that cops are not bad guys and that his mom is lying to him. Ugh! She is such an idiot!
Those cops are mis-directed,
Those cops are mis-directed, preching to the choir so to speak. Their program should be for kids not adults. They need to catch them before they become teens. No pun intended.
What is Daddy going to do about all of this? He should be suing for custody based on the environment she is providing, his age, and the brainwashing.
Speaking of cops I wonder how StepTalk got the picture of me below?
We have full custody. As of
We have full custody. As of November it has been two years since she voluntarily signed off all rights at a UPS store, but they still talk to her whenever she feels like calling so she is still able to do the brainwashing over the phone. In my opinion she should not be allowed to have any contact as long as this is the kind of parent she is being, but I seem to be the only one. Every time they talk to her she says things like "What are your dad and the big fat f***ing b*tch doing?" "Y'all better not be doing a damn thing that big fat f***ing b*tch says." Encourages them to misbehave. Breaks our rules about what kind of music they can listen to. Cranks her music in the background and sings along with songs like "rude boy" and "s&m" by rhianna. Things of that sort. She is only hurting them, teaching them to act like a bunch of hoodlums and we are the ones who have to explain to teachers and try to correct behavior. I wish she would just OD on her meth. I think it would be better for her kids in the long run.