Summer Visitation
Hi All,
My DH has full custody of his SS7, and his ex-wife now has week-on/week-off "parenting time". With the summer fast approaching, we are trying to work out how best to split the summer. In the past, we have tried the same week-on/week-off as well as half the summer here and half there (with weekly time with the other parent when it's not their half).
What does everyone else do? Does it work?
And what about extra-curricular activities like sports in the summer? Are all parents entitled to show up, even when it's not their part of the summer?
In fact, he does have full
In fact, he does have full custody. The two Bioparents are in the same town.
Full custody does not mean
Full custody does not mean the other parent's rights are terminated. So, of course there is visitation.
Right. Wasn't thinking of
Right. Wasn't thinking of that because it's not all that normal. And there is often wording which sets down what the parent needs to do to have visitation reinstated.
In my case, ex has sole
In my case, ex has sole custody and I get visitation with DD15 every other spring break and christmas and 8 weeks every summer. I could exercise more visitation (i.e. EOW or whatnot) if I lived closer to ex and DD, but I'm 1300 miles away so I only get her during her school breaks.
The difference between joint and sole is with sole custody - that parent has sole rights over the child's medical, religious and school decisions. The other parent simply has visitation rights, nothing more. With joint, both parents have say so in how their child is raised at home, school and church (if applicable).
You bet Good luck figuring
You bet
Good luck figuring it all out.
DF and BM split the summer.
DF and BM split the summer. The girls are with us from 5pm June 28 until 5pm July 31. They resume their every other weekend visits the week after Labor Day.
I can't tell you how much I love this schedule. Vacations are a breeze to plan. As long the trip isn't during BM's time, she has no say.DF is required to give her an address and phone number to reach the kids but that is it
This schedule gives us plenty of time fot kiid free summer gun.
we are having issues with
we are having issues with this right ss BM is taking us back to court because we cant take my ss for the 6 weeks in summer like we should. she moves out of our town (45 min) puts him in sports (a good thing) and summer school (also a good thing) but how can we be expected to stick to this schedule and pay the gas to go there 3 to 4 times a week?? Also, she gave us issues during xmas break last year and spring break this year about my husband not being home with his son the whole time. he freaking works!!!! so why should we take him for 6 weeks and deal with the constant harrassment and stress?? what to do.....
My DH has primary residential
My DH has primary residential custody with BM getting one weekend a month, alternating Thanksgiving & spring break, the day after Christmas until school resumes and two weeks in the summer.
She has yet to exercise any of these visits in 4.5 years and lives three hours away.
DH is NCP during the school
DH is NCP during the school year, getting skids 2 nights a week. They alternate Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. DH gets every spring break. For the summer, DH has skids full time. BM gets EOWE during the summer months.
It works out to be a 45%/55% split of the year between DH and BM.
It works well for us.
As for extra-curricular activities, if they're held in a public place, both parents have every right to show up and support their kids.
Why wouldn't the current
Why wouldn't the current order stay in place for the summer? If it is 50/50 now, then why wouldn't it stay that way?