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Happy Birthday SS14 - with a pinata that appears to be ME!

Redsonya's picture

I kid you not - there are photos of SS14 at his birthday and BM appears to have gotten him a pinata of a red haired girl. I am sure its just a coincidence that I have a red hair. Is this how Norman Bates got started?

Redsonya's picture

ummmm.....yep. I guess teaching your child to call his former SM the "c" word at 13, "liking" his post about how I am a "foul bitch" and his general lack of any friends/visits from the truant officer/failing elementary and middle school grades isn't enough. Lets REALLY mess him up.

Anon2009's picture

I wouldn't look at his fb profile anymore. That way you won't have to be exposed to BMs bad parenting anymore.

Redsonya's picture

When you have absolutely no friends, so a party isn't really going to happen and your white trash mother and her friends suggest a pinata of your former SM, I guess it sounds like fun, lol? I remember my 14th birthday party involving a slumber party, cake, and lots of girlfriends, but I guess my family was a little more normal.

theoutsider's picture


luchay's picture

Hey - people - you all failed to see the bright side -

They think you are full of sweetness Smile Wink Dirol

But seriously - 14 yo BOY with a piƱata.... kinda tragic in itself.

stepmom_5's picture
