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O/T - I need a push!!!

TASHA1983's picture

To say that I am miserable at my current job is an understatement. I work 40 hours a week with thee biggest fake, ass kissing, attention whore that has ever "graced" planet Earth and I work with people who are for the most part fake, cliquey, two face, backstabbers, etc. I am aware that those kinds of people are everywhere for the most part but maybe just maybe there is hope for me to find something that is at least better than THIS nightmare!?

I keep muddling over it daily, I just want out! I have money in savings and would have 2 weeks vacation pay coming to me as well. I am just so fed up with feeling like I am literally going to have a damn heart attack every day because of how being here and being surrounded by this shit daily is affecting me. My Mgmt is of no help. I have brought issues to them regarding the lazy douchebag that I have to deal with and there always seems to be a reason or excuse made for her or that I just basically need to get over it etc. Easier said than done! Of course they are going to say that because she kisses their asses and puts on an act for them too!

I just want to be happy and not be constantly miserable, depressed, angry, feel anxious, and I also have pains and tightness in my chest alot over this too. Sad
I have a son that needs me and I don't want anything to happen to me but I am just torn and afraid of the "what ifs" I know I will be happy NOT being here but I don't want to shoot myself in the foot and not have anything happen for me when I do finally say enough is enough!

Anybody ever leave a job they were miserable at and regret it?

I just need someone to give me that "push" and perspective I need to make that choice to leave this nightmare! I know that ultimately the choice is mine alone to make but I am seriously desperate for someone to make this make sense in my head so I can just take that leap of faith and quit and know that I will be OK!!! kwim? Sad :?

TASHA1983's picture

So even if you were completely miserable and it was affecting your physical and mental health you still wouldnt quit until you found something else?

I do have plenty of savings and can always build it back up...

SMof2Girls's picture

I am guessing that you will feel a lot better just being in the process of finding a new job. Just taking the steps to get started will lift a weight.

You have a kid .. you need to be responsible for him and quitting a job without any other employment prospects lined up is probably not a wise choice.

amber3902's picture

Yeah, don't quit your job, but start looking for something better. I've never regretted leaving a job I was miserable at.

Good luck, hope you find something soon.

princessmofo's picture

Wow, Tasha! Do you work at my dh's office? LOL! Cause horseface bitch devil cunt bm works there and you just described her to a T!!

TASHA1983's picture

I probably do...LOL!

If this is in fact the woman you speak of...then I feel SO TRULY, DEEPLY, SORRY FOR YOU!!! Seriously!!!

B22S22's picture

I left a job that paid EXTREMELY well because I was miserable... and gladly accepted a non-management position that paid almost $12,000/year less. I've worked in my new position for almost 3 years and I love every minute of it!! I don't miss being a manager either.

Two weeks ago I was offered a different position (promotion of sorts with the same company) which will pay even MORE than the management position I left 3 years ago... and I STILL won't be a manager, but still doing the stuff I love.

I am a firm believer that life is too short to stay in a miserable job -- you figure if you work 8 hrs a day, you are spending AT LEAST 1/3 of your life miserable... That's how I rationalized it... It's bad enough dealing with the whole stepparent thing, then load on top of that a job I hate. Sooooooo not worth it. Smile

And at least in my case, making that change has led to bigger, better things for me! I still keep in contact with people I worked with before in my miserable job and it sounds as though things there have gotten much worse (as if I ever thought they could). Makes me count my blessings every day.

kathc's picture

Update your resume and start sending it out. Then use up your two week's vacation by taking days off to go on interviews. Good luck!

Merry's picture

Do not quit until you have another job to go to. I do a fair amount of hiring, and no matter how good your skills are and what the circumstances are for having left your job, this will probably raise a question. In general, I would rather hire someone who got laid off (for a good reason, such as downsizing) instead of someone who quit a job they didn't like. The hiring person won't know the circumstances, and all you'll be able to tell them is that you didn't get along with the last people (so will you get along in the new place?), a manager was difficult (there are difficult people in the new place too), or it wasn't a good fit (ugh). Seriously, there is nothing you can say that will put you in a good light.

The job market is just too competitive right now to take that risk.

You'll feel GOOD about taking a step toward getting out of that place, and I hope you find something SOON.