Things you didn't used to hate or dislike .. until BM and the skids
The post about Sharpies made me think .. are there things you used to not mind until BM and/or skids ruined them for you?
For me .. BM is in the military, and she really milks it .. makes her feel like the most important person in the world. Now, my dad was Navy too .. my DH is former Navy. I do respect and love the military, but hearing BM's version of how important she is makes me want to puke on the whole damn branch.
Same goes with her self-tooting horn about her recent "graduation". She's 33 (almost 34) and just now graduating her C-school with an equivalent of an associate's degree. Normally, I'd say it's great that she didn't give up on her education and pursued a course of study even though she's well past the normal age .. but because she's so "in your face" about how important and how big of a deal this is .. I just want to say, "b*tch please .. i got my ACTUAL (not equivalent) Associate's Degree when I was 19, followed by a Bachelor's and a Master's and had all 4 parts of my CPA exam by the time i was 25". She hadn't even joined the Navy by that point in her life ..
/end rant!
red haired children
red haired children
Holidays. Family dinners.
Family dinners.
Our husbands must have the
Our husbands must have the same ex.
her name... SD has a pretty
her name... SD has a pretty name. Now hearing it makes me cringe..
Nothing that SS has made me
Nothing that SS has made me hate, but PLENTY that BM makes me hate:
Hawks (she thinks they "protect" her)
The phrase "no worries"
WWE (yes the wresting, I was never a "fan" but now I HATE it)
MMA (same thing)
One particular road in my town, she grew up on that road, and that is where she and DH met when they were young... she never grew out of that street. She continued to live there for 4 years after DH left and she seriously lived in the past there.
Poetry- she completely ruined it for me
Little White pick up trucks
White Buicks
Red Toyota's
Green sedan's with gold packages and tinted windows on them (never a fan, but now I LOATH)
Venice Beach (since she shared with me about how she gave some random dude a blowie in the parking lot a few years back)
A Children's Store in the mall (she worked at for 5 minutes)
BM's name, or anything that sounds remotely LIKE her name.
So many things, I could go on all night.
^^^yup! BM's name is just a
^^^yup! BM's name is just a different spelling than the good witch in the wizard of Oz. The good witch spells her name with an "I" and trust me, that "I" makes a WORLD of difference!
I also have an aunt by the same name and I've NEVER liked her either!
That's a really stupid way to
That's a really stupid way to spell that name. I guess her mom knew how selfish she would turn out to be so she started her off right by inserting "I" where it doesn't belong. Like "I" am the best mom ever and "I" deserve to make everyone's life miserable and "I" don't know how to spell my name.
SMof2girls don't hate because
SMof2girls don't hate because BM is over the top bragging. Just remember that this is a major accomplishment, for BM anyway. I am sure she thought she would never make it this far. Frankly we should celebrate that she is still alive. I am sure just breathing is difficult for her.
}:) }:)
Oh, if it was just bragging,
Oh, if it was just bragging, I don't think it would bother AS much. Halfway through her training, she took the skids to the doctor and had their entire asthma treatment plans changed. SD7 (then 6) went from one low does inhaler to the highest dose available for kids, plus a nasal spray, plus an allergy medicine (despite never testing positive for any allergies).. daily.
She did all of this without so much as a text to DH to let him know what was going on .. all because she is an "expert in her field" and she's the "qualified parent to make these decisions" .. uh, no .. there's a custody agreemeent in place that says ALL non-emergency medical decisions are 50/50 .. despite whatever little certification program you're in.
And if she's such a fantastic expert, you'd think she'd stop smoking with her kids in the car .. you know, since they have this extreme case of severe asthma and all .. :sick:
But thank you for the positive outlook .. it's important to not get bogged down in the negative
Same for me, weekends,
Same for me, weekends, planning trips and holidays.
Cooking dinner when skids are
Cooking dinner when skids are there.
Ugh yeah. I love cooking. I
Ugh yeah.
I love cooking. I love getting creative and making yummy meals.
I HATE meat and 3 veg, (f*ck these days I'd even be happy with that though LOL)
It kills me to serve them hot dogs and tacos for dinner.
Chips and pies, and sausages. (yes there are some lovely gourmet snags out there now, but the kids won't eat those oh,no!)
Holidays, weekends, any kind of family event.
Next Christmas.
Shit, next christmas. I
Shit, next christmas. I cannot bear the thought!
Christmas used to be my
Christmas used to be my favourite time of year.
Next Christmas we are supposed to go interstate to my family.
BM most likely won't let the skids come (they actually do Christmas where she has them all day, he gets them from 5pm every year.
I told OH in no uncertain terms that NEXT year we are all expected at my families.
This year my kids are with their father interstate so I won't see them for 3+ weeks over the Christmas period and next year is MINE. And if she won't let them come with us then he is expected regardless and if he lets me down on that it is the end.
I KNOW already it will be a problem (see my last blog for how he can't stand to be away from his babies)
So yeah, Christmas has become my nightmare.
Children. And BMs.
Children. And BMs.
Men that have pre-existing
Men that have pre-existing offspring & paying child support.
I will NEVER ever go near a man that has spawned with another woman EVER again if BF and I don't work out. In fact, that will be the FIRST thing I ask a man from here on out.
And I have never hated/had ill will towards the whole "paying CS" thing until I saw just how much a woman can get for ONE kid and use it however she pleases and that most men go without and barely get by because of it. *smh*
^^^This. To add to your CS
To add to your CS thing - it does go both ways. I pay $500 per month in CS for DD15 to her dad and he uses it to pay for his girlfriend's Jeep payment. Meanwhile, DD is borrowing things like tampons and bodywash from her friends because her dad will make any excuse he can not to have to go shopping and the gf is always "busy"...
So yes, the CS thing is very frustrating for us BM's too - when we see that absolutely ZERO is being spent on our kid and he just hands the check over to his girlfriend.
Oh, now that is beyond
Oh, now that is beyond ridiculous...poor DD!!
That is fucked up RWF!!!
That is fucked up RWF!!!
Shame on him!!!
Family trips, softball,
Family trips, softball, shopping, breathing, cooking, etc. Pretty much anything I do isn't as much fun as before skid....unless she and BM are in no way, shape or form involved, thought of, mentioned, etc. I've gotten to the point when as soon as DH mentions skid like "Oh, I wish SD was here" I want to puke...literally...want to puke.
EX's Her name. Anybody that
Her name.
Anybody that has her name or looks like her.
Any place that BM, SS and DH went together. Actually I have made it a point to revisit these places with DH. Replacing the memory!
The cell phones and answering machines. I can't stand to hear her voice.
Certain vehicles
Chicken nuggets
Steve Austin - never really cared for him anyway.
Women that dress like teenage boys. (I still wonder if BM is bi).?
Single women (acting like a damsel in distress)
Women with tattoos. --- sorry tatted girls.
Mulan. Yes the Disney movie.
Mulan. Yes the Disney movie.
Bm gained some
Bm gained some education...mind you she's in section 8 housing and on welfare and hasn't worked in years and years...she's early 40s and all about how educated she is. No student loans either. all grants. have a bachelors and I'm all for education but it makes me want to barf. Also James avery jewelry. Love me some James avery and she "discovered" it as well. Annoying.
Bleached blonde hair Long,
Bleached blonde hair
Long, fake, bright painted nails
BM's name
Adoption (she has milked her adopted parents out of tons of guilt money & it's really sad)
Fire dept
Ocean City
Judicial system (I've lost all faith in them since that crazy train never pays bills, gets judgments against her & never has to pay)
Her voice...enough said!