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HELP!? Do i go back there???

Chocoshoes123's picture

So I just split up with my bf of 2 years due to the fact he has a child and I just cannot bear it
Obviously I still love him and I want to be with him, but only him
Im in such emotional turmoil just now, like if I go back will I be able to deal with the kid and my bf even just talkin to his vile BM? Or have I just pretty much answered my own question?
I would love to be with him just one last time, for closure. Is that psychotic? Am I just playing with both our emotions if I go back to him for one more night of sex. What in the hell do I do?????

Anne Boleyn's picture


Anne Boleyn's picture

Did you break up with him again or was the 5/19 break-up the one you speak of now?

oldone's picture

If you want a ONS just go find some guy and have a night of sex. But use lots of protection.

A ONS with some guy you pick up will be far less psychologically damaging.