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BM says SD6 "isn's bright" and wants money for a tutor

Executivestepmother's picture

BM texts my husband and said she wanted 220. for a tutor that SD needs to go to. She says SD6 was not doing well in school and needs to catch up. She hasn't said ANYTHING all school year. SD is in kindergarten, not algebra!!! BM didn't return my husband's calls for two weeks, then asked for the money when he picked SD up. Husband told BM that he didn't have any money, but we would help with the things she needed help on. BM said she didn't know her sight words, and was having trouble sounding out words. BM said she feels bad that SD isn't gifted like her other son it, and that it makes SD feel bad.

SO, I google the list of sight words they recommend for Kindergarteners, and made 40 flash cards. in 2 days SD memorized all of them! I'm like, NOT as gifted my ass, maybe you should work with the kid!!! Like it's the school's job to completely educate your kid! Spend some time with her instead of fucking the next baby daddy!

So I go to drop SD off.. I gave BM the cards, and said, "quiz her, she knows all of them." I'll be working on reading next time. Maybe you could help me out with her development. BM slammed the door in my face! LOLOLOL!!!!!

So I have an Entire summer lesson plan ready to go. This kid will be ready by the end of this summer. I'm hoping to be onto some first grade lessons by the end of the summer, but we will see.

IT IS MY UNDERSTANDING JUST BECAUSE PEOPLE REPRODUCED DOES NOT MEAN THEY KNOW MORE THAN I DO!!!!!! Bring it BM! Whore! At least SD will know someone who isn't worthless!

Executivestepmother's picture

She knows that I always pay for things directly if she wants money. Pre school-we paid the school directly instead of her. SO SHE knows I would never just fork over a check.

step off already's picture

I was thinking the exact same things.

1) Kindergarten does not require a tutor. Get some +/- flash cards, work on alphabet sounds and phonics (if you want to get advanced) and read to the kid.

Starla's picture

"IT IS MY UNDERSTANDING JUST BECAUSE PEOPLE REPRODUCED DOES NOT MEAN THEY KNOW MORE THAN I DO!!!!!!" So true and it gets old quick when parents act like they know everything bc they had a kid{s}.

In your case, it sounds like the BM put her work into the first kid and that is what my Skids BM did too! Its sad bc she created a know it all and a dumb arse. I'm glad my DH tries to work with both of them.

Its fantastic that you worked with her using flash cards and it will most definitely be of help for her being your doing it while she is young.

Executivestepmother's picture


hippiegirl's picture

Love it! You are my personal hero of the day Executivestepmother! Blum 3
Dumb b!tch probably wanted the $ to spend on her boyfriend of the week.

Shook's picture

Niiice! So your skid is actually a fast learner.
You should have asked if BM needed the tutoring. One of my BM's favorite books is "the dictionary".
Yeah right. Are we talking Mirriam Webster? Or is this a baby's bathtub floaty dictionary?

hereiam's picture

My SD's BM tried to get disability by claiming SD was mentally handicapped. The state denied her. Then she tried to hint to DH's lawyer during the divorce, that she might need extra money because SD was mentally challenged due to an eye injury. It went nowhere.

She had SD held back a grade instead of getting a free tutor through the school or sending her to summer school, thereby, putting her behind in school, which meant an extra year of CS. Oh, and she started her a year late for kindergarten, so she was actually 2 years behind.

She also tried everything she could think of, for two years, to get a new CS order in place for an extra 40.00 a month, when her modification was denied. It was almost comical, the stories she came up with.

Some of these BM's will do anything for extra money.

hereiam's picture

Which is why my husband told BM, "When CS is done, I don't ever have to talk to you again." And he hasn't.

And in case you're wondering, we did not have to pay an extra two years because SD got pregnant, dropped out of school and got married. So, that did not really work out for BM at all. And, SD22 and her 2 kids are now living with BM and her boyfriend, as SD's husband left her. I'm surprised BM is not trying to file for child support to be re-instated! Oh, wait, she has SD's food stamps.

Shook's picture

Past the emancipation age. Now they can go for the poor sucker that spawned with SD. Maybe by 10, the grandkids can start having babies of their own on the state.

hereiam's picture

Oh, for sure past the emancipation age and she's married. Just sayin', she is that kind of BM that would try anything. So glad to be done with her.

katietome's picture

(laughing) Oh my!

If you want to really irritate her get a few things and work on those.

Singapore math book 1A workbook, you don't need the text book. About $8 give or take. Usborne books has a series of wonderful books for early readers, but there are hundreds at the library so just start going once a week and pick out 10.

Have fun!


Executivestepmother's picture

Awe thanks ladies! I'm going to make baby mama by bitch. She's going to need a online support group for dealing with me!