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EIDIA Syndrome!

WitchiePoo's picture

EIDIA Syndrome!

Do you have a skid with Everything I Do Is Adorable (EIDIA) Syndrome?! SD12 and SD11 have a psycho BM, so both sides of their family, I think out of guilt, still treat them like they're these little "speshul snowflakes." I understand that this started when they were babies and it was done out of love and concern, but holy smokes!

Does SD11 really expect me to fawn over him because he's managing to eat with a fork instead of using his hands? He's 11 for crying out loud!

Kilgore SMom's picture

Yes! My SS 8 is very smart. I believe he has a photographic memory. SS doesn't forget anything he sees, hears or reads. He can repeat something said 2 weeks ago back to you word for word. All SS life everyone has told him how smart he is. Now he argues every time a person even his teachers disagree. We have tried to break him from this habit. But what do you say when he is almost always right? He comes off as a know it all smart ass and the other kids don't like him because of it. I think he acts out in class to get the kids attention. There for he only attracts the bad kids as friends. I fear he will be a bully or outcast. SS favorite follow up to saying anything is.

DH: The sky is very pretty today.
SS: "I know" its really blue. "Right?"

SS starts almost all sentences like that. Because your answer back will more than likely be yes. Which makes him feel superior. Its like he has to have your approval or a yes answer to everything he says. Or he'll just say something and follow it with "I know right". IT DRIVES ME CRAZY!!! I've heard his damn BM say the same thing to.

WitchiePoo's picture

SS11 is smart, but he thinks he thinks he's smarter than everyone else and likes to correct his classmates and tattle whilst looking down his nose at them - which is a BIG problem when you're a boy with elfin-like features and the size of a third-grader in a class full of burly sixth graders!

SMof2Girls's picture

Why didn't YOU do anything? It's one thing to disengage, it's another thing to let a child flat out disrespect you in your own home.

WitchiePoo's picture

Oh yes, he does think it's his place to correct adults! BUT not in this house. That's one thing I was able to nip in the bud.

Thursdaysarethebestdays's picture

"SS favorite follow up to saying anything is.

DH: The sky is very pretty today.
SS: "I know" its really blue. "Right?"

SS starts almost all sentences like that. Because your answer back will more than likely be yes. Which makes him feel superior. Its like he has to have your approval or a yes answer to everything he says. Or he'll just say something and follow it with "I know right". IT DRIVES ME CRAZY!!!"

Are you sure you're not describing my ss8? I told DH ss8 is so annoying. If you ask him anything that he doesn't know the answer to and then have to give him the answer he says "duh, I knew that, I just wanted to see if you knew". Or, it's "I know right?!"...Seriously? How did you know that it was snowing in July when I was born, especially when I just made that up?!?!?!

To make matters worse, ss8 refuses to allow himself to be proven wrong, he refuses to lose, and he refuses to be shown up by ss6. And by "refuses to" I mean he argues, whines, pouts and basically throws a friggin tantrum if he feels his superiority threatened.

ss6 likes to come home from school and give me the full details of lessons that he really enjoyed and he's a very animated kid, so it's always a lot of fun to listen and watch, which I do. Sometimes, ss6 will tell me things that I know to be in accurate, but I wait until he's done to say something like "so you said blah blah blah, are you sure about that?" Most often, ss6 will correct himself and say "sorry I didn't mean to say that part wrong", but sometimes we have to go on the internet to find the right answers and ss6 really enjoys this. The problem is that if ss6 makes a mistake, ss8 starts to taunt ss6 "even I knew that", "haha, I can't believe you got that wrong", etc, etc.

The sad part is that sometimes, ss8 will make a mistake, ss6 will catch the mistake and will say "ss8, I think you might have gotten part of that wrong" which absolutely makes ss8 flip out.

ss8 is a smart kid, but this behavior has to stop. Someone please tell me that it is a phase...and if it is a phase, tell me what to do to make sure ss6 skids this phase.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

Isn't the phrase "I know right?" more of a rhetorical phrase than an actual question? To me, it is said to agree with the person speaking.

Thursdaysarethebestdays's picture

Well with ss8 its more like "I know right and then he repeats what you said. So DH comes home and says "let me tell you about this weird sign I saw" and at the end of the story, ss8 says "I know right, isn't it weird that you saw a sign that said, blah blah blah? Its weird because so and so. Yea that's so weird"

Step-Volgirl's picture

OMG...yes!!!! There are so many times when SD9 will get her feelings hurt - seriously hurt - when I don't make a huge scene over things she's done. I understand why DH feels like he has to overindulge (his guilt, BM being BSC, etc.), but it's so frustrating that he doesn't see how much damage he's doing.

WitchiePoo's picture

Oh yes, this morning, both skids, knowing how much I HATE "bodily function" talk, at the table or anywhere else, started in with some fart noise game or something that their dad let them download and play with on one of his old cell phones.

I stopped it, but they were full of the giggles and appreciative, knowing looks for each other because, you know, everything they do is adorable.

RedWingsFan's picture

Yes, stepdevil14 had this syndrome down pat for a while. She would literally go running and crying to her room if DH or I hadn't noticed her newest accomplishment/achievement and proceeded to fawn all over her for it. It was QUITE annoying to say the least.

The next time she was just oh so proud of herself for accomplishing a minute task (taking out the trash and replacing the trash bag for instance), I sarcastically made a HUGE deal out of it. I mean, I gushed and raved and praised and just fell over my own feet at her and she was not amused. Neither was DH. But guess what, everything from then on wasn't SUCH a big deal to her anymore!

PeanutandSons's picture

Yep my sd10 has a severe case. She thinks she is the most adorable person ever alive.

Two weeks ago she actually said, unprompted and out of the blue "they should make a movie out of my life, everything I do is amazing."

RedWingsFan's picture

they should make a movie out of my life, everything I do is amazing."

OMFG!!! Talk about a narcissist!!! Holy shit!

PeanutandSons's picture

Yep my sd10 has a severe case. She thinks she is the most adorable person ever alive.

Two weeks ago she actually said, unprompted and out of the blue "they should make a movie out of my life, everything I do is amazing."

luchay's picture

Oh yes, both ss9 and sd12 (stb 10 and 13) suffer from this.

Drives me insane when we have to look at every freaking step they take!

The cutlery thing? Yep - the first time ss SAT at a dinner table and USED a knife and fork - OH was SOOOOO proud, you'd have think the kid cured cancer! Fuck me was what I sat there thinking. What HAVE I gotten myself into LOL

Every comment they make has to be fawned over, every photo sd takes of herself (and there are hundreds every day... has to be admired and told how beautiful she is (she looks like a pig just for the record) Everything she says he looks at her adoringly like she is the cutest funniest thing EVER. SS cannot move without daddy giving him the "you're so amazing" look.

Drives me up the wall.

Let them DO something fantastic before we make a huge deal of how bloody wonderful they are!

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

This is SS8, and he's the way he is because of BM. She thinks the kid farts glitter and shits rainbows. We don't encourage the You're So Special and Better Than Everybody Else bullshit at our house. Whenever SS8 is in trouble, he bats his eyes, puts on his cheesy smile, and starts in with the baby talk. DH is just like, "You're NOT cute. You're NOT funny. Knock it off." And the older he gets, the less cute it is.

WitchiePoo's picture

Last year SS11 was doing a lot of baby talk and still does a little, but at least it's greatly decreased. I can't stand it. We still have to work on his tantrums (yes, crying, stomping, running in place :sigh:), but I think he's over the hump. Maybe.