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Home/Garage invasion by BM and agressive boyfriend

Kasey21's picture

Does anyone think its ok for the BM and her nasty boyfriend to walk all the way into our garage and stand at our kitchen door when dropping the kids off? Just to say.......things are very bad now with Friday's mediation going badly. DH is not giving into BM's ridiculous demands and Saturday she sent three threatening texts "if you don't give me more money I will make sure I take your kids from you" blah blah. We didnt know what time she was dropping the kids off Saturday as she refused to say and then we we sitting eating dinner and the kitchen door opened. The kids of course are used to coming in and out, its their home. But there was BM and DA (dumb ass) standing glaring at us in all their agressiveness. Yuck, it felt like our home had been invaded. DH didnt want to make a thing of it and neither did I and we both agreed to keep our garage door shut from now on. But even having to do that is crazy. Why would they come right up to the kitchen door just to glare at us? So white trash. Oh and best yet, BM sent a week's load of laundry with the kids knowing that I do the laundry at our home. DH helped me with it because he said its not right, I didnt mind actually doing the laundry but its the principal of the thing. God this woman is the wicked witch of the east, wish the laundry water would melt her if I threw it at her!!

SMof2Girls's picture

Do the kids have clothes at your house? I'd send them right back home with the dirty clothes they came with.

misSTEP's picture

Could you do pick ups/drop offs at a neutral site? Like a local Walmart or cop shop?

This would not fly in my world. Your home is your sanctuary. How old are the skids? Young enough that they HAVE to be walked in? You can forbid her (them) from being on your property, but you will get blow back from that too.

Make sure that your DH does NOT delete those texts. He needs to show them in mediation or to the judge if/when it goes to court. That is extortion. I am pretty sure judges don't like to see that kind of stuff.

Kasey21's picture

The skids are 15 and 11 and have never had to be walked in before. This was BM's way of threatening behavior. So now we have to keep the garage door closed on the day she is dropping them off. We forward all her texts to the attorney now, via email and she is aware of this.....and yet she continues to send them. As for the laundry - this is the first time this has happened. No matter what we do, they take most of their clothes back to BM's house, thats because she wont buy them any clothes anymore so all their clothes are bought by us. We did think of stopping that but really the kids would suffer while this nightmare goes on and its not their fault. Our attorney is saving all this information when we go to court, as we surely will have to.

just.his.wife's picture

Yeah... ever consider a pet? Like a really BIG intimidating looking dog that is prejudice against white trash?

If you don't want an aggressive one, get one that is big, overly friendly that slobbers A LOT. Mastiff's work good for this! One slurp and they will be wiping shoe sting slobber off their faces and outta their hair for hours. Even better if you can train the dog to shake on command and fling shoestrings on unwelcome 'guests'.

SMof2Girls's picture

We have 3 big babies .. one lab/doberman mutt, one lab/chow mix, and one German shepherd/pitt bull cross. These 3 are my rescue/foster "failures" .. I just fell in love with them while fostering and couldn't bear to adopt them out to anyone else Wink

BM doesn't come near my door .. while my babies are very well trained and gentle, they can be very intimidating to people who don't know any better Blum 3

realitycheckmom's picture

Get a bluetick coonhound. They have an odor and constantly fling smelly slobber. You can't get it off. They also are food aggressive so if BM smells like food the dog will be all over her. I love my bluetick! Smile

fakemommy's picture

We have a GIANT slobbery dog and leaving her outside for drop offs works SO well! GBM HATES the dog, so she keeps her out of our yard! So awesome.

c-mom's picture

You do not have to keep your garage door shut. Your DH needs to tell her that when she drops the kids off, she and DB (douchebag) are to stay in their vehicle. They can watch until the children make it into the door and then drive away and if they do not abide by that rule, you will call the police and charge them with trespassing. Don't bow down to her and don't let him do it either. Otherwise you will find yourself having to bow down more and more for the rest of your life together.

soon2bestepmum's picture

Yes, keep all doors locked and shut. It would most definitely not be okay with me, especially given the circumstances. Do they even need to come up to the house at all? Can't the kids walk from their car to your front door? Also, save all of these harassing msgs from BM.

BSgoinon's picture

I always lock the door if I know BM is coming. Lately she has been dropping him at the curb, and I feel bad when SS has to knock to come in to his own home if BM isn't standing there with him. But she is just a little to comfortable with making herself at home in my space.

Kasey21's picture

BM is extremely manipulative. The last time DH sent a "don't do this" email to her, she immediately showed it to the skids and they were upset that he was "being mean to her". This b&*^h plays the victim and martyr so well its hard to keep up with her. She cries poor-me all the time and has the skids feeling sorry for her. The PAS is so bad its hard to know what to do. Honestly, DH feels that the only way to get to this woman is through her pocket book. But we will definitely be keeping the doors shut firm and while I think thats not quite right, for now its probably the best approach. As for the laundry, DH agreed with me that we wont do any more of her laundry and if the kids bring dirty clothes with them, we will send it back dirty. I cant get DH to stay firm on not buying all the clothes but hee hee the more evil she gets with the mediation (court case) the more he is seeing her for what she really is and the tougher he is getting, even without me prompting him. He loves his kids and the thought of her taking them for more time is toughening him up - a lot.