HELP - Big fight and I want to jump ship.
DH and I had a big fight last night. I have been worried for weeks that he has lost respect for me and sees me as the "bad guy" which believe me is very unfair. I turned up at a very difficult situation (SD17 attached to Dad and BM who has not acknowledged and been a bad influence on SD) and have done a great job of supporting him with SD17 and never once took it out on SD. I have been honest and open all the way and searched continuously for the best part of me every day to deal with it all.
I asked for four things last night;
1) To be updated and consulted more in communications that seem to have reverted to be SD and DH having discussions and me getting an update if I enquire.
2) Could we get back to encouraging SD17 to raise things that impact our household with both of us.
3) If SD's Mum is not working on holidays, can we talk to SD about whether she wants to spend the holiday days there and come back at night with him picking up. I said this is what I would like as a mum if I were home and could look after or spend time with my child.
4) Could he update me on his comments last year that he wanted to prepare SD17 for independence in the long run e.g. flatting with a friend and travelling.
I was diplomatic and said I knew he had been busy and has probably forgotten. The reaction "I know you hate my daughter and you want her gone."
I was controlled and said "No, that is not true and would not make sense. You would hate me for that. What I do want to know is what messages you want us to give her about independence and what steps we want to prepare her for."
His response "You hate her so much, you do not even want her in the house for the one day she was in the house these holidays."
The background is that he snooped and went into my browser history and read some things I wrote on this site. I am not ashamed of them and also had been open that I found going on here useful. Since then I have felt he has not been treating me the same way. He took great offence that I wrote that I had been the person pushing for the positives that have happened like driving lessons and more getting out of the house and socialising for SD. I am not ashamed of that because it is true. I have also given him a lot of credit for all the hard work he has done to deliver on that. (BM has done 2 hours out of 70 hours driving practice. He has done the rest.)
I feel so sad.
I do not think I can stay with someone who does not respect me. This is what I was afraid of and I suspected that he felt. It is sort of a relief to know that the disrespect I was feeling was not in my imagination.
I am going to see a counsellor today but my brain is so mixed up. I want to get calm and use the time with her well.
Trust your instinct, you're
Trust your instinct, you're being excluded. However, that's not necessarily a bad thing. But with things that affect you, DH should tell SD that he will discuss things with you first and get back to her. Otherwise, they can talk without you, as long as it's not things concerning your home, your finances, etc.
The "you hate my daughter" tactic is classic defensive response. My SO did this too. I'm an evil woman who ignores and hates his son, it's all my fault he has no social skills and fails to acknowledge I'm even in the same room. I used to take it to heart until I got on ST, and now I'm like, whatever, you're full of shit. This would happen when I would want to talk about and negotiate proposed household rules. How dumb I was.
So now, I just tell SS to shut off the video games, I tell him myself, I don't go through SS for things that affect me.
You absolutely deserve to be respected, however, you're not going to get it from SD by waiting for DH to do something about it, probably. You can do things like I did, stop cooking for SD, stop doing anything for her. Just do things for you and DH. And avoid putting yourself in a position to be disrespected.
Also, be prepared to walk away if SD doesn't move out and become independent. This is the hardest thing. I will be facing this dilemma in a couple of years. My emotionally stunted SS16 probably won't be ready to be independent after he graduates high school. And I don't think I can handle living with an emotionally stunted adult SK. So we shall see. But I'd stop asking for 'updates,' it will just aggravate him. Try to approach it with some humor or sarcasm. I find that gets my point across without starting a big fight. But I agree this is all very tough to deal with.
You know I like the
You know I like the disengaging approach and tried it successfully but then DH said "You don't like my daughter, you don't do anything with her."
He wants me to be the mum and loving role model and then he is happy to continue to have communications direct with her. I am asking for communications that affect our household to be shared with me. Like when SD's holidays are, whether she will or will not be in the house for a number of days in a row (she does not socialise much and is very attached to her dad, so I like to make my plans to get out in advance), Uni timetable, a little advance notice of her plans or lack of plans on the weekend. This impacts us because we have to drop her places and sometimes alter our plans.
I know you are very experienced so I am reading and trying to take it in.
Maybe I just do not ask for this and if the things they leave me out of look like impacting me, I just say, "No sorry I cannot do that, you did not let me know." and not ask for information.
Are you saying just accept that they will have this exclusive communication? Don't you worry that it teaches SD/s to disrespect us as adults and partners? I was brought up in a household where the 2 adults were in charge and we as children respected that. My parents discussed things and I understood that was right. Am I wrong to want that?
I am hurt that no matter how much I do whenever there is an issue it comes down to "You hate my daughter." How is that an Are you saying just get over it because that is what dads revert to in these situations? Daughter comes first?
Honestly at this stage I accept all advice. Maybe I need to forget what I learned in my traditional upbringing? I can see now I think about it, that is the core of my expectations which are probably unreasonable.
No, not really. I think both
No, not really. I think both your DH and your SD are probably excluding you. They've had years to bond and you haven't. Your DH needs to be more inclusive of you in general. Then if he was, you wouldn't feel so bad when he and SD have exclusive conversations. Like I said, trust your instincts. It's hard to get a feel for what's really going on from your post, it's hard to get all the facts, but I do understand how you feel.
But the less you care about their boring stupid 'exclusive' conversations, the less power they have over you. And you're right to not participate in activities in which you are the last to be invited. You should be the first invited and then maybe SD if you are okay with it. You are not the third wheel, your SD is.
You and your DH need more date nights, more exclusive times together. Right now, seems like your DH is treating his daughter as #1 woman, and that's not right. But how you resolve it is tricky. I know.
I do not go to have hot wings with DH and SS on some Friday nights, especially since I'm mostly invited out of politeness, it's not really my activity. I always bow out because it's the only time I can have the house to myself. Same with when DH and SS go to the shooting range. I'm usually invited at the end, but hell no, I'm not going to learn how to shoot with dork face SS know it all competing with daddy for attention. I made it clear to SO that if he teaches me how to shoot it will be one on one time me and him only. But I don't begrudge them going to the range together. In fact, I don't like going anywhere with SO and dork face anymore, it's either SO and SS or SO and onefoot, but not all three of us together. Exception was SS' last night dinner before going to visit his mom for a month, as well as SS' band concert performances at school.
And you certainly can take or leave any advice on this site, since we're not there to see what's going on first hand. Take what you need and leave the rest!
Good luck.
Ha, ha bamamama! Never
Ha, ha bamamama! Never thought of it that way. Yes, it's for SS' own safety I don't go. I can just see it, "But daad, daad, daad, I can do that. Daad, daad, daad...." Oh Lord help me. }:) }:)
ps thankyou for the advice. I
ps thankyou for the advice.
I think that maybe getting over the "You hate my daughter" comments is a big one. I am reading too much into what that means about his love of me. Maybe it is just defensive dad stuff. It's nasty and weak though. Disappointing to say the least.
Oh, very nasty indeed. SO and
Oh, very nasty indeed. SO and I were on shaky ground for two months after he pulled that with me. You know what else he said to me? His crazy ex-wife, the one who ripped out dry wall to find hidden cameras, was better with his son than I was. F-ing bastard. I still haven't forgiven him for that.
I told him he needs to start learning how not to fight dirty, or we're through. He admitted he fights dirty and can say mean hurtful things. I told him I was not down with that and he needs to learn to fight clean.
We're doing better now, but that comment still stings, trust me.
that is disgusting and pisses
that is disgusting and pisses me off to no end. wth does something horrible that was done to you have to do with whatever you are arguing about? that fucker would have been unable to pee for weeks and unable to procreate ever if that were me!
This has really helped me get
This has really helped me get to the truth of what is wrong.
The "You hate my daughter" sentiment and comment that i knew was lurking. So unfair after the last 3 years. Yes it hurts a lot and it is ok that I am feeling that.
The double standard of encouraging an exclusive familial relationship with his SD17 and then high expectations of me as some sort of superwoman mother figure with no authority and very little information.
I need to toughen up and see that comment as his weakness not mine. I need to disengage and ignore any negative feedback from him for doing so. Where their secret squirrel business impacts me just say "Oh I did not, now I cannot change my plans." and make sure that I do not wear the consequences.
Truth is I do not want to go near him physically or emotionally at the moment and he will have to just be patient. I will not accept pressure and be my goody two shoes nice appeasing self. I have had enough. My DH needs to learn that if you say nasty things to people, especially your wife, then that person will naturally have a reaction which he needs to live with.
Truth is I have noticed him looking down on me a bit too. His career is going great guns so he thinks he is a bit of a winner. No time stuck at home to observe his 17 year old daughter who has clearly lolled around the house until daddy gets home for any spare time she has had over the last 3 years. He is too busy and important to worry about that. I on the other hand am balancing full-time work with a 5 year old so beg to work at home in the holidays and have unpaid leave so I can spend quality time with my son. Side affect is I have to witness the sad state of maturity of SD17. Oh that's right that makes me the bad guy because I suggest SD might like to have a friend over, go to her friends, get a part time job, participate in a some fun sport or hobby or have a driving lesson. All things I have contributed to paying for and arranging. All of those things have happened and made for a better life for her. I Iose time and sanity trying to make it happen. So bad. What a bad woman.
Even his tone of voice to her at the moment oozes of how are you my poor darling. Yes I know wicked stepmother ignores you all day. Nice gig. Dump your child on someone else and blame them that child is lonely and sad. Wow they can have that pretence all to themselves. I know I am a good person and I know how much he damages his child with this crap.
OK I am quite angry. I need to calm down. Think I have plenty to now discuss with the counsellor.
thankyou and thankyou for saying this sort of stuff has made you nuts and angry too.
His remark, "I know you hate
His remark, "I know you hate my daughter and you want her gone" is a cheap shot, used to manipulate you into being on the defensive. Don't buy it. Ask for specifics. Have him tell you - specifically - why he has that 'impression', and don't allow vague answers. My DH used the, "You are not making SD comfortable here", while SD was slamming doors in my face, being totally obnoxious, treating me as if I was invisible, etc. - until I asked for specifics. He could not come up with one instance in 20 years!
DH is giving you double messages, wanting you to be a Super-mom all day to SD while stressing you have a hands off approach, only allowing you to have a limited say in the relationship with SD and limited access to communications which impact the lives of both of you. Let him know you are giving him the gift of being a parent to his daughter without your interference. Your plans take precedence because you are excluded from being in the communication loop between he and SD, you will not be adjusting your plans. He'll have to find a way to accommodate SD despite his career. How can he expect otherwise?
"Do you really think his daughter likes you or respects you? One of the most liberating moments in my marriage to DH was the time he was on the phone with SD and blurted out, "SD says she LIKES you!", with the 'now don't your feel bad?' look on his face. I replied, so SD could hear me, "SD doesn't like me and I don't like her", with the 'end of the B.S.' look on MY face.
Yeah I am sort of getting
Yeah I am sort of getting your drift I think.
He just did the worst thing. He said "I knew I would pay for having a nice road trip with my daughter." That is so insulting as not only did I suggest the road trip to visit his parents who are not well, I pushed for it to happen.
I am trying to be tough but hate his apparent low opinion of me at the drop of a hat.
I am really not recovering very well. Counsellor really helped today and yet I fell straight into the trap again tonight. So frustrating.
I meant to also say, thankyou
I meant to also say, thankyou for your care to write. This sucks and I tell you I do not slightly deserve it. I have been a wonderful wife and a truly caring mother and step mother even with all the crap that has been landed on me. I never once treated SD in any way that was unkind. I saw her as a foot soldier in bitter BM's war.
I think DH just thinks he is pretty wonderful at the moment because he has a big team at work and vendors that suck up to him. He really is misjudging me and it is causing systemic damage in our household. I do not need this at all. Wonder if any of these people would care for him in his old age or provide sexual favours. Probably! I need to respect myself and not put up with this.
Plan A - He moves out and I pay him rent. We own the house so that could work and be fair.
Plan B - Go to a counsellor together and give it a deadline then move to Plan A.
Plan C - Make plans more with friends and family to get out. Harder with a 5 year old but there are some nice mums I enjoy seeing. (probably need to implement Plan C regardless).
You hate my daughter, you
You hate my daughter, you just don't want me to have a relationship with her, she can't do anything right as far as your concerned, your just looking for trouble, it's all in your imagination, your crazy, you just don't like her, your too sensitive, you are the adult (they still use this one when their kids are in their forties), you need to try harder, you need to understand they're mad because I left their mum, (yeah, how long ago, and what's that got to do with me). She didn't say that, I didn't hear it,(yeah, he did), she didn't do that, I didn't see it,(yeah, he did).
These and so much more are all written in a book for chicken shit dads who are too terrified to parent their kids in case their kids won't talk to them. These men make such terrifyingly loud noises about how special their kids are to them, how they will never give up on their kids, no matter how badly their kids treat you, their wife. You, the wife will be the adult, the punching bag for them, the victim for your DH, because he believes if they hate you, that means they love him. Then one day when you the wife finally says enough is enough, I'm done. Dad just as suddenly bails on the kids. Dads love for the kids you see in cases like this, is only superseded by his love for himself. As long as you accept the situation, dad has nothing to lose, and nothing changes. When you refuse to put up with it, dad suddenly becomes DH. He realises then he has a wife whom he is losing and just like that, dad dumps the kids in favour of keeping his creature comforts.
I have always believed that for all these problems to exist in the step parent thing, and ever so commonly with step daughters, the father is the root of the problem. It is becoming more and more apparent these men are narcissists or have some other personality disorder. You cannot change them, you can change yourself, you can take yourself out of the picture and refuse to be a target. You can make a life for yourself that doesn't include them, just as their life doesn't include you. It is then and only then your DH will change his way of doing things or the marriage will end. Either way is far better than living like this for the rest of your life.
Thank guys. Good logical
Thank guys. Good logical stuff. I feel like the universe containing good people is out there and it makes me feel positive.
It has been affecting my self esteem and therefore my career absolutely. I must stop letting it now. It also affects my little boy when my self esteem is affected.
I have a responsibility to myself and my child to pull out of this circle of attack on my character every time I raise this systemic problem in my household that is my right to raise. It is perfectly reasonable to expect two adults to be a team around children. Yes if I have to accept that DH does not and will not ever be able to join the team where it comes to his daughter then I will do that for myself and my child's sanity and security.
I like the definition of "ad hominem" by the way. Good stuff. More sane than the rubbish happening at my house tonight.
Exclusion is a common
Exclusion is a common occurence when stepchildren are involved.
Wow there are people
Wow there are people everywhere in my predicament.
Its crazy alright.
What would make grown men have secret relationships with their daughters and be disrespectful to their wives. Turning on their wives who love them is sickness and in health and are truly supportive loving adults. So many women here love their partners so much and have been really hurt like me. Something goes wrong, turn on your life partner and attack her personality. Yep that will make for a happy harmonious life. Why do they chose to undermine their partnerships that should be the foundation of the family home? It is so crazy. What are they thinking?
Sorry I know the answer really I suppose just finding it hard to be so let down by someone who I thought the world of.
Answer: Guilt? Blinded by the need to be popular. Safe to attack the partner/wife because hey she's reliable and here in the home but SD's come and go and play their games? Dangerous game these men play. What if the partner/wife says I have had enough? Leaves two adults who loved each other high and dry. Great choices fellas.
The hurdle is not step
The hurdle is not step daughter. The hurdle is the DH who choses to run two families, one with his daughter who knows absolutely what is on the agenda, and one with the wife whom he completely keeps in the dark. He does this because he knows he is doing the wrong thing, but he thinks if he can sneak it past you then he can avoid an arguement with you. Win win for DH and daughter. Not so good for wife and marriage.
STEPASIDE. 8 long self esteem, soul and marriage destroying years I heard this crap. during those years my husband and his daughter were their very own version of the three wise monkeys. They heard no evil, except from me. They saw no evil, except from me, and the only evil that was spoken, was by me. SD was not trying to destroy our marriage, even though she openly told people she would destroy our marriage, DH said she didn't mean it. No, SD was above that. I on the other hand, was actively inventing stuff to destroy his relationship with his daughter. It was all my fault. DH was happy having SD talk to him, no matter how disrespectfully, she was talking to him and that's all that mattered. SD to was happy, daddy was allowing her to isolate, humiliate, ignore and insult me. Daddy never said a word, and she was having a ball. The only unhappy person in this threesome - well that was me. About 3 months ago, in counselling, he tells the psychologist, he saw and heard everything, he knew I had gone above and beyond for his daughter and that his daughter was the one who had been causing all the trouble. He told the therapist that he didn't want to say anything to her about her behaviour because he was afraid she would stop talking to him. They know it alright. Each and everyone of them know it. They just deny, deny,deny until the shit as you say hits the fan. When it looks as though the wife who stood by them for years, supported and loved them no matter what, is about to walk out that door, then they tell the truth. They knew, they always knew. But until it is them who stands to lose, they will never admit it.
I found this admission to be bitter sweet to be honest. It was good to know I wasn't insane, that I hadn't imagined it all. But, on the other hand, it hurt like hell to think my husband could do that to me. It confirmed what I suspected for years, my husband is a very selfish man. He allowed me to suffer terrible humiliations, so his daughter would talk to him. It confirmed a lot about the personality of the man I married, all the charm of the narcissist he is, had caused me to allow this man to emotionally abuse me for years. I never, until his admission thought he, well anyone really, could be so cruel to another human being, for any reason, let alone pure selfish gain.
However, on a positive note. I realise now, I had very low self esteem when I married him. Men like this smell that in a woman, they purposefully choose women like this, a strong well adjusted woman who valued herself and had a healthy sense of self esteem would never allow herself to be humiliated for days, let alone years, she would be of no use to them. These men are weak in themselves, and they choose women that they see as weaker. The weakness they see in us is our love, our compassion, our understanding and our empathy. Attributes the narcissist does not have. Then they set about completely eradicating what little sense of self esteem we had. They don't want a wife. They didn't choose us for a life partner or see us as an equal. They chose us as a cook, cleaner, babysitter, a mother replacement for them, and a bonus mother for their kids, and of course a bedmate. I see it all very clearly now. It has been a difficult two years learning to value myself. But the end result has been worth the struggle. Facing my fears, standing up for and believing in myself has been life changing. After 61 years on this earth, I now see that I am a valuable person. I care about my family, my community, my fellow man. I am not judgemental, I am compassionate, I give. I am a decent hard working valuable member of society. I am everything my husband is not. He had to take that away, he was afraid of it, he could not, and he never will understand it. He is a narcissist. That is not his fault and that cannot be cured. But I, I have survived the narcissist. All his endeavours to tear me down, have ended in building me up, in changing me from an insecure little girl, into a strong, confident woman. Life with him will never be easy. But it will never destroy me again. I can stand on my own two feet, my husband cannot. He knows I know that. The balance of power has shifted from the hands of the narcissist, and lucky for him, that I am not the kind of person who would use my power for evil. Given his personality disorder our marriage will never be an equal partnership, it can never be what society would consider normal, but it does not have to be abusive, soul destroying and fearful. I will always have to stand up for myself and make him aware I expect to be respected. I will forever have to be vigilant. I will always have to respect myself and never tolerate any verbal or emotional abuse from him or anyone again. Hard as that is to maintain, it's not a bad thing. Accepting my role in life as the victim, as the give all, get nothing person. That was a bad thing, and that is what caused me to fall into this life in the first place.
EBU, Your three wise monkeys
EBU, Your three wise monkeys analogy describes what I went through for 20 years. I wasted a long, long time waiting for DH to see the light, waiting for DH respect me enough to take action. The only way for him to see the light was for him to realize his creature comforts would drastically change - and not for the better. One day it became so bad I was forced to take the action myself. It was a magic moment for me. As hard as it once seemed, I really DID have the courage to make changes in myself, boundaries, self worth.
I am sure there are people who ask why we chose to stay with our husbands, why we remain with a man who places himself above everyone else. 2 1/2 years ago I disengaged from SD and banned her from our home. At that time our marriage teetered on divorce. It was then that I realized I would be fine whether we remained married or not - I was a survivor! We still have our ups and downs but I have found whether DH thinks more of himself than me is irrelevant. The fact remains he has learned to respect me because I respect myself. Like you I will never tolerate any verbal or emotional abuse from him or anyone again , and am much happier for it.
Hey, I am a step daughter I
Hey, I am a step daughter I am 18 and I see it in the perspective of myself as a daughter.
There is a bond between a father and daughter, and it is very upsetting when someone else has come in. Me and my step mum have a mutual hate for each other. Your step daughter is probably feeling isolated as her dad has made a new family. If you are looking to get her out over the holidays, I would be really offended that I am being kicked out of my home. I am moving out next year but my step mum went to look at the place im moving to without me to quicken up the process, where in face it is a decision between me and my boyfriend where we live. You wanting your SD to move out, will probably cause tension between the three of you. Don't try to parent your step daughter you will probably get yelled at by her or something, It doesnt work, stay out of that and leave it up to her father about these things.
Just a different perspective.
"But what you and many, many,
"But what you and many, many, many stepchildren don't realize is that the tolerance and understanding for your feelings is limited. Meaning, at some point in time, the adults will expect you to accept the new scenario and let go of your disappointments." This says it in a nutshell. For all you know, your future MIL could be like my first husband's Mother - she could not let him go as a 'Mama's boy'. When you hold onto people like you have tenacles, they either escape or they get eaten by the process. What will you feel like when you are hated for something you never did, invisible, and a target for any or all of your MIL's frustrations? Just think about it - it's the same scenario you are presenting to your father and his wife.
Hi there. I don't want to
Hi there. I don't want to push my step daughter out. I do want to encourage her dad to have a good line of communication with her about life and the future. I prefer openness and dislike the secret phone calls. He finds it frustrating too and would love if SD17 just treated both of us with respect and communicated.
Good on for writing and it is important to have an open mind.
What is clear when I read what you write and from what I can figure out most SDs resent Dad getting a new partner. That seems unfair because you have a boyfriend and would probably like to be treated like his equal and have an equal say in your partnership. Why do SDs not understand that Dad and his wife want to be, well, man and wife.
I can see that your step mum choosing a place or pressuring the process to get you out would feel bad. Personally, I would not do that and would just encourage our family to understand and communicate about the steps to independence. My measure is that if it is what I would do for my own son, it is what I would do for my SD. I will also be recommending that we have a clear path to independence and communicate expectations to my son. In my case I will invite my husband to be part of that process. I view it as healthy for my son to see how much I love and respect my husband and that we are a partnership.
I write this so you can understand that there is often some good stuff happening behind the scenes. Sorry that you have a bad relationship with you step mother. I feel bad for both of you.
Lost-xx, I would like to
Lost-xx, I would like to reiterate what Freshstart said. For your sake and for the sake of your relationship with your father, look at your father as not just your father, but as an adult, as a man. As a grown man he has a right to a relationship, just as you his adult daughter does.
You say there is a bond between father and daughter and it is very upsetting when someone else comes in. You don't like, well in your own words you hate your step mother. You feel I imagine she has taken your place in your fathers affections. That bond you say is there, then presumably it would go two ways. How would you feel if your father hated your boyfriend because he took your affections away from him how would you feel always feeling caught in the middle between your father and your boyfriend. It would be an awful position to be in. I am sure you love both your father and your boyfriend, and would hate your father making you feel that you had to choose one over the other. But if your father forced your hand, you know what. If you truly loved your boyfriend, with a heavy heart, you would choose your boyfriend. If you are making your father feel caught in the middle then for your own sake, for the sake of moving on with your own life into a happy healthy relationship with your boyfriend, let go of the hate. It will destroy you.
The love a man and woman share is different than the love a father and daughter share. Having a boyfriend you would know that. Surely just because you love your boyfriend, it does not mean you no longer love your father, just as him having a wife does not mean he no longer loves you. We as parents, and one day you will know this for yourself, love our children and our partners equally, but differently. Not better, not stronger, not more precious, just differently, just as you love your boyfriend and your father equally but differently. But your life, your future is naturally with your boyfriend. Not with your father. You will go forth into the world and make your own family if not with this boyfriend, then another. Not with your father, just as your father is making a life with his wife. It does not diminish the love either one of you has for the other.
From what you wrote it sounds like you felt jealous of your fathers relationship, pushed out and replaced. If that's the case, you would have been full of resentment, your sm would know that, and lets be honest, would you want to live with someone who hates and resents you, not because you did anything to them, but just because they were jealous of you. I think not. If that is the root of the hate you and your step mother now feel for each other, then you have the power to change that. You can if you want to, have your boyfriend, your father and a friendly relationship with your sm which would make your life easier and your father happy. All you have to do is accept that you are all adults now, that you are still and always will be your fathers daughter, but as an adult, you are no longer daddy's little girl. That is exactly how it should be, and relate to your stepmother woman to woman, treat her respectfully as you should your fathers wife, and recognise she is not your competition for daddy. She is his wife, you are his daughter. These relationships are both important, different sure, but both very important.
If it is something else between you and her, well perhaps she is at fault, and nothing you do will change that. Only you know the truth. But if the power for change lies with you, then change it.
Some interesting information
Some interesting information Stepaside and brave of this step daughter to put herself out there. Enlightening for me too. My SD17 has never used the term Daddy's girl but that must be hard when you feel like Daddy's girl and then from your point of view some intruder comes in. really i just think dads are a bit selfish when they create that dynamic. Hard for me to wrap my head around this because my dad loves me but there were never any special daddy's girl understandings.
I am working on putting myself in someone else's shoes for my SD's sake.
At times the devotion of SD to her dad just freaks me out and makes me want to physically be in another place. At that age I was in love with actors and boys at the bus stop, my boyfriend, not my dad. However I am never cruel and have not once said anything. i consulted a counsellor who told me it is normal at a certain stage for a lot of girls and that it sounds like my SD17 might just be holding onto the stage into her late teens. So tolerance from my point of view is required. Still makes me get my running shoes on so at least I am getting fitter.
Yes this example wraps up
Yes this example wraps up what is happening in front of me.
Worse still is that where BM and DH were not getting along during the relationship the "Daddy's Girl" relationship grows a life of it's own. Very sad and unfair on the daughter in the long run.
Over time lots of stories came out that DH and SD17 went to so many things together, pop concerts, movies, weekend camping holidays with other couples and families (yes this is the way a family friend said it out loud). So many of these examples got mentioned that I started being shocked. this was more than just good old fashioned father daughter games of basket ball or something. In my case I used to look forward to helping my dad mow the lawn! Guess we were a little frugal at my house. He answered that every weekend his ex would say "Oh just take her, I don't want to go." I believe him because he had never lied to me. Wow!
At first I was judgemental and then I realised, this can just evolve over time. Now I feel really sorry for my SD often because I think the change of DH divorcing and then meeting, loving and marrying someone must have seemed like an alien invasion to her world.
It is complex and I am so grateful to this site to get other perspectives and examples.
Yes StepAside even the best of men want to follow the path of least resistance and maximum sex. I also admire all the best of what a man has to offer, sincerity, calm, protection and genuine straight forward love of his wife and his flock.
StepAside you have some amazing perspectives.
I remember being 18 and I had no idea really. I probably do not cope as well now with the complexity of a blended family because being a daughter was a defined and clear path for me in a traditional family. What I am now learning is that does not make that "right" and I need to stop using that as my only reference point. Well done to any 18 year old who is thinking it all through. Looking for answers. Who knows what I would have felt like if my parents got divorced when I was 13. Especially if one of them had an affair and broke the other one's heart.
Cheaters are not great people at some level. Just somewhere though as she matures (and I am not defending cheating) this SD may also realise that finding your soul mate is also a momentous and all consuming event. Just a thought.
Lost, I too responded to
Lost, I too responded to you. For your sake listen. I tried for 8 years to get even just a civil relationship with my husbands adult daughter. One of the ones who thinks that as an adult with a family of her own she has been, still is, and always will be daddy's girl. Daddy's little princess.
She went too far, she pushed me and pushed me and pushed me till I broke. She wanted me out of her fathers life, she wanted daddy back. Well, this is how it ended up. She went too far, I banned her from my home and life forever, she will NEVER and I mean that, be in my life again. I had no wish to put her out of her fathers life, I have three children of my own, I would hate my husband if he tried to put even one of them out of my life. So I made the call to end the marriage. Anything was better than having this girl in my life. I told my husband how I felt, that she would never be in my life again, not even through him. I wanted out. You know what. My husband, this man who for the enter 8 years of the hell she put me through had said not one word to her, had in fact by his silence encouraged her, taught her he didn't have a problem with how she treated me, this man who had literally been backing her up for 8 years, to the point when she had her first child she was so sure she meant more to daddy than I ever could, gave him the ultimatum. If you want to see my baby you have to leave your wife. When I agreed with her and said she's right, she is never going to accept me and now I am never going to have anything to do with her ever again. This man, her father, HE DUMPED HER. He hasn't seen her or her child for 2 years. In fact he only saw that child once in the hospital.
I didn't stop him from seeing his daughter, I didn't come between him and his daughter, although she would vehemently say I did, it's all my fault. The truth is, it was all daddy's fault. He treated her as special all her life. No matter what she wanted she got it. He defended her when she was clearly in the wrong. He never allowed her to take responsibility for her actions. He always blamed someone else for his daughters wrong doings. Good example. She hit a parked car and drove off. Someone saw it and left a note on the car giving the owner her number plate. Know who's fault it was the police came to her door. Not hers for hitting a car and driving off, no, it was the fault of the sticky nose who took down her number plate. He trained his daughter to think the world was her oyster, she could do no wrong. Her behaviour towards me was simply due to the fact that she saw her father loved me and she was green with envy. She thanks to the way daddy brought her up, didn't know her place. She thought her place was as daddy's woman, not his daughter. The bigger problem, daddy didn't teach her any better, he set her up for disappointment, the dumped her when he was the one who disappointed her.
She does not have her father in her life at all now, her child does not have a grandfather all because daddy made her feel like number one in his life all her life till he met me and she had never developed the skills needed to deal with disappointments in life. She had always been given her own way and this time daddy wanted something for himself, ME. I think this situation often occurs in marriages where one or more partners are unhappy, the father develops a relationship with his daughter that is not normal, she becomes the mini wife because he is not happy with the wife he has, that being the case, he makes his daughter the special woman in his life.
Both my husband and his daughter broke up their relationship. I gave her and him 8 years worth of chances to stop the abuse, isolating me, humiliating me, insulting me in her passive aggressive manner, making me feel unwelcome in my own home, and my husband allowing it. When her ultimatum came, funnily enough that was the first time I agreed with her. I wanted out, I fully expected my husband to go with his daughter and was more than happy to let that be. But he didn't. She of course will think I didn't let him. But the truth is he now admits he saw all along how awful his daughter was, he says she has always been like that, he knows she will never change. The only thing he still won't admit to is HE RAISED HER TO BE THIS WAY. He was unhappy in his marriage, he gave all his love to his daughter and none to his wife, he treated his daughter better than he treated his wife. He never foresaw meeting and falling in love with someone and what impact that would have on his daughter. That is not my fault, it is not the fault of any second wife who finds herself through no fault of her own flat out at war with daddy's girl. It is the fault of the fathers who created them.
You don't have to go down this road. I tell you these things in the hope that you'll get it, and because no one cared enough about my husbands daughter to tell her, she still lives in the fantasy she is daddy's girl and I pushed her out. While she thinks like that she will always carry hate in her heart for me, that hate will prevent her from ever knowing true happiness, from developing an adult relationship with her father. This woman did not take your father or your place. Your father went of his own free will. You need to grasp that. That doesn't mean he doesn't love you he does, as a daughter, not as a wife, that should be enough for you because that is what you are, his daughter.