I Just Don't Know What To Do Anymore
Hi all, I've been lurking for a while and relate to so much that goes on in your lives. I'm going through something currently that I'd like advice on. I just wonder if it gets any better. (I know that has been asked before. )
This is my second marriage. He has two children (SS18 and SD16) from his previous marriage and I have two (DD12 and DS14) from mine. We have been married for six years. If I was to rehash the past six years I would be here all day. It is unbelievable the situations we have had to deal with, mostly from his kids and x-wife (BM). She has used the past eight years since their divorce to do her best to turn their kids against my DH. It has worked. However, this winter he got something of a break with regards to his relationship with SD16. She came to us in November (she lives with mom six hours away) to get over a drug problem (cocaine). BM didn't seem to take it as serious as SD16 needed. At the point SD started living with us, I no longer had a relationship with my DH. He has been waiting for eight years for his children to come around and want to spend time with him and now that SD is seeking his help he got tunnel vision and she was all that mattered. At first I didn't find a problem with how he was handling things. I was offering my support to both DH and SD and being there when they both needed me. They would go to AA, NA and out to dinner together and not ask me to go. That was fine...until May. I tried not to let it bother me. I thought they needed this time together. In May, I started going through my own crisis and needed emotional support. I confronted him about it and how he was no longer there for me, how we no longer spent ANY time together and I felt like that was a problem in our marriage. He told me SD came first and our relationship had to take a backseat. I had been allowing it to take a backseat since November and now that I needed him he still told me she came first. That he could only deal with one thing at a time. Honestly, I was so stunned by that response. I understand being there for your children, but I believe if the marriage isn't working then how can you effectively deal with kid issues, and we have many. She has always been placed on a pedestal by DH and it has only gotten worse. We have four kids between us but her photos are the only ones that get posted on Facebook. I have had a couple friends come to me and say that it is "creepy" how he gushes over her on Facebook. I'm not jealous of her. She and I have a good relationship. She comes to me and talks to me about issues with her dad. I keep those things to myself because through their therapist she eventually brings the issues up with him. (how his behavior during the marriage with BM has affected her drug use and SS18's behavioral problems, etc...)
I just don't understand how he can turn his back on me when I have needed him most, when I have listened to his melodramatics regarding his children for six years now. I have never turned him away and I guess I'm just hurt that he expects our marriage to just fade into the background until he is ready to start spending any kind of time with me again. Oh, he is there when he wants sex but not date nights, watching TV together at home, etc... Will it always be this way? I go to him and tell him what I needed from him...quality time, and he tells me his relationship with her comes first at this moment. I feel like I can never look at him the same way again. Thoughts? Advice? Thanks.
Does he literally spend 24/7
Does he literally spend 24/7 with her? Does she have any other life or interests outside of her dad? It's hard to believe that there is NO time that he can spend with you - oh yeah except for a few minutes when he wants sex.
I realize that a cocaine addiction is tough to break. More power to her for dealing with this demon and for his helping her.
But perhaps you and your children need to step back and literally have zero to do with him. No sex for sure. No man even a husband gets to treat one like a booty call.
Turn your back on both of them and enjoy your own children. Do not let him treat you like a hooker he rents for 15 minutes.
Unfortunately he may not change. In that case you have to figure out how you are going to make a life for yourself without him as you can't make him want you.
excellent answer, I totally
I understand his daughter is sick and leaving in hell, but his wife should be a priority as well.
ALLWAYSSTRESSEDOUT, you were there for him and SD, he was not there for you.
You take a step back and live your healthy life with your kids. Sooner or later he will value and realize what you have done for him, hopefully not too late. But for sure you cannot wait until his nightmare is over.
>>he could only deal with one
>>he could only deal with one thing at a time<<
Does he tell his boss this?
I'm sure you can give him examples of situations where he was able to do more than one thing at a time.
Ask him if his 18 year old daughter got into a crisis what would he do?
He is terrified of losing his
He is terrified of losing his daughter again. He will keep this up forever or for as long as you allow it. You can tell him till you are blue in the face how hurt you are and how miserable you feel in the marriage, and what he will see is, your still there aren't you, it can't be that bad.
I lived your life for 8 years. My husband fathered 2 sons and a daughter. He couldn't have cared less about the sons. But the daughter, well she was the one making all the noise. He was estranged from his kids when we married. As soon as his daughter found out we had built a new house, into daddy's life she comes demanding a new car. It was on from there.
8 years of his allowing her to isolate, insult, ignore and humiliate me and I banned her from our home and told him to go with her. He didn't. He is seeing a psychologist now and in a session that I attended, he said he knew what his daughter had been doing to me, but he didn't want to put a stop to it because if he said anything to her, she would stop talking to him.
He had just spent 8 years putting the blame for his daughters behaviour all on me. I imagined it, I was too sensitive, I just didn't like her, he didn't hear her say that, he didn't see her do that. Blah, blah, blah. Then I find out he knew all along what he was doing to me, but he was afraid she would stop talking to him if he didn't put the princess first, so, he did. Had I not gotten to the point where I was ready to end the marriage, he'd still be doing it.
Your dh has handled all of this badly. You, in respecting him and his relationship with his daughter, in loving him, in trying to help his daughter, have encouraged his behaviour, and supported him giving her the position of wife in the family. No good deed goes unpunished. I too took a back seat when my husbands daughter first came back into his life. I loved and respected him enough to trust that he would in time pull her into line. Instead, everyday I said nothing, was a day firmer and stronger he became entrenched in his emotionally incestious relationship with her.
This is going to be really hard for you to do. But you have to be strong if you want your marriage back, strong enough to let it go. You have to find out which woman your husband wants as a wife, you or his daughter. Right now, she gets the date nights, you get the sex. you get to cook and clean and be the mother to everyone, dh and sd get to go out and play, he's got it made, all his needs are getting met. His daughter has what she would believe to be a great and perfectly normal relationship with her dad, so she's happy. They have no reason to change the status quo. You need to get in or get out. Get your place as his wife back, shut up and put up with being Cinderella, and expect this to go on forever and get worse when she has kid, because then you go down the list of priorities on his list as each of them is born, or you stand up for yourself, bite the bullet and tell him his partying with his daughter and putting her first days are over or your gone. This cannot be an ultimatum, it needs to be how you really feel. You need to know if this is how you want to spend your life with him, or would you rather be alone. The power for change really lies within yourself, you just need to find the courage to change things.
Exactly. This is a boundary
This is a boundary you set for you.
oldone - he does have other
oldone - he does have other interests...he makes time to bike with his guy friends. I use to but they are technically above my level so I don't go anymore. I've asked him to go on hikes with me but it never happens.
amber3902 - he is his own boss. He has his own business which is out of our home. I have been at sahm since we married but have decided to return to work. I actually have a job interview next week!
So we are literally with each other 24/7 unless we are out running errands, he is out biking, me picking up my kids from school or me volunteering at school, etc... She goes to school online so she is always there too. She will graduate highschool next year.
EBU, you hit the nail on the head. Everything you've said I've run over and over through my head. He has told me he is afraid of losing her again. That he finally "has that hole in his heart filled." She even told me once that they don't have the typical father/daughter relationship. She considered it more of an adult father/daughter relationship. I was thinking, "WTF" that is weird. He has treated and talked to both of his kids like adults since I've been in his life so I know that is why there relationship is like it is. I will go upstairs at bedtime and he stays in the living room with her watching TV until midnight or later. They sit up and have late night talks. This has been going on for eight months. Presently, me and my kids are visiting my parents (in another state) because my father is in the hospital (part of my emotional crisis back in May was because of my father's heart attack), and I know when I go back I will be walking back into the same thing I left...unless I talk to him and decide to leave. Recently he told me I should be grateful for how well he has taken care of me and my kids financially since we got married. That I should cut him some slack because of that. One reason I'm going back to work is because he says I need to pay for my expenses. He is correct. We do live a very good life and have a gorgeous home but sometimes I think how being a single mom in a tiny apartment was less stressful.
I know, I have lots of thinking to do. Oh, and we've been seeing a family therapist on and off since we blended our families six years ago. That woman has probably paid for her house because of us. Past four months we've been talking to her about how I have felt. He says all the right things in therapy but we get out and nothing changes. Everything goes back the same. The therapist sees the problem. She asked me one day when I was there alone that I needed to ask myself if this is how I wanted to live the rest of my life. Thing is before SD moved in our relationship between us didn't have any problems. We never fought. We went out to lunch, watched TV together at night, hiked, etc... I find it so hard to walk away we I do love him and our relationship was fine until SD moved in. I guess I keep hoping he will change back but now that SD and his relationship is fixed I don't think he will.
I guess I should add that all
I guess I should add that all our children get along and I have a good relationship with the skids. His relationship with his kids has been the ongoing problem for the past six - eight years. The BM is so messed up and has emotionally messed the skids up. At the moment SS18 doesn't talk to DH. I'm sure once they start repairing their relationship all of this will repeat.
oh yeah, and I've been told
oh yeah, and I've been told by DH that I'm just jealous of SD. He just doesn't get it.
No darling he won't magically
No darling he won't magically change back. Unless he really loves you and wants his marriage, he has no reason to change. Your therapist was telling you that in asking you that one little question, is this how you want to live your life.
I know it is so hard when you love them to stand up and end the relationship. But is it a relationship when they have a need for you as a carer, and bed mate, but are totally in love with their daughters.
I asked myself the same question, is this how I wanted to live my life, the answer was no way in hell. I told her and him to go. It was the best thing I could have done.
He is in therapy now, I can't see him changing his thinking much from that, but he is on antidepressants and they have helped him a lot.
I am sorry for your situation, but your husband will never find the courage to change, unless he has good reason to. That reason may well be the reality that he could lose his wife. But if its not, if he chooses to let you go and keep his daughter. The biggest loser is him, not you. He will find himself in your shoes very soon, a lonely third wheel in her relationships. However, don't think staying there and waiting for her to marry will change things for you, it won't. Even when their daughters marry and have kids, nothing changes. These men have to face the reality of losing something before there is any chance of change. You staying, her marrying, having kids, changes nothing, it only gives him more, and you less. Sorry, but you are the one who has to make the hard decision and truthfully answer that question, is this how you want to live the rest of your life. If its not, then you have to be the one to change, he won't. He is crippled by fear and anxiety.
Since your kids are older,
Since your kids are older, maybe you should start finding your own outside interests and friends. If you start having your own separate life it could cause him to think differently, or you will feel that you can make a life on your own and it will help you make a definite decision.
Stay at your parents. You
Stay at your parents. You have been replaced. Why do these men always love their first kids more? My H has a son with me but hardly notices him. The only reason I'm still there is because the mini wife showed her tre colours a moved back to Bms. Though now she has stopped his access unless he divorces me! Not sure what is worse!! Do t put yourself through years of misery. I ended up practically begging. This site has kept me off of medication and I am so near that leaving day
Maybe I'm bitter but I just
Maybe I'm bitter but I just don't think they love us or we wouldn't get tossed aside
Big difference between love
Big difference between love and guilt. They are put under pressure from the ex or the kids, they feel bad, it leads to guilt and turns into fear if they don't comply they will never see their kids, which leads to anxiety and various degrees of depression. Hard to be a loving attentive husband with all these other emotions going on. Then in case that's not enough, often the dhs parents show the kids undue attention to make up for their father not living at home and dhs gets guilted by them too. Now, I'm not blaming everyone else for what dh does. All of this happens and escalates because they take a head in the sand approach to bad behaviour with the kids, and a tell everyone what they want to hear to shut them up approach with the adults. Everyone finishes up feeling lied to and ignored, become angrier, and pile on more guilt and demands. DH sticks his head further into the sand, changes nothing about the way he handles things, and round and round we go again.
It sounds like a pressure
It sounds like a pressure cooker to have all 3 of you in the house 24/7 because of your respective work/study arrangements. Perhaps one factor is that your DH does not recognise how little quality time you have together, or the impact that has on your relationship, because it seems like you are in the house together all the time. Whereas the memory of never seeing SD and having no relationship with her is still very fresh in his mind. If you get a job it will change the dynamic and perhaps make him think about how/if he values time with you. Don't sit home while he goes hiking, take up some new hobbies, see friends, get a new haircut. If you begin to move away from him it's a dry run in terms of establishing more independence and will give you both an opportunity to consider if you actually miss and value time together. It will probably be a lot more effective than complaining, if you complain about his time with SD it just sets off his defensive resentful trigger, if you go about your business happy and reduce his time with you that leaves him to focus on missing you and doing something about it, or not. In which case the writing is on the wall.
After five years I have logged back in and came across my post. It seems a lifetime ago.
We ended up divorcing. I took the job I mentioned that I had an interview for, and when I got the job his exact words were “My working was going to mess up his life.”
Fastforward to 2015 and he pushed my hand with an ultimatum regarding my son so I decided the marriage wasn’t worth my sanity. Only comment our marriage therapist made to me after the fact was that I “dodged a bullet.” He now longer lives in our marital home but still owns it. He lives with a new girlfriend elsewhere. My SD who has graduated from college now lives there alone with her boyfriend. I’m in another state closer to my family. After the divorce I realized their was a lot of emotional abuse and control in the marriage. I’m happier now but I feel like so much time was wasted for nothing.
Congratulations on your new
Congratulations on your new life. While I completely understand the regrets of time spent on a marriage to a partner lacking character, substance and commitment I also firmly believe that we are the sum of our life experience with some future focus capability thrown in.
You are a different and better person due to the experience you had during that difficult marriage.
If I had not experienced the flaming crash of my first marriage, if my bride had not had our son (my SS-25) and experienced the toxicity and idiocy of the SpermIdiot and SpermClan today we would not be who we are for our selves and each other.
As my grandmother used to tell me "If you can't listen and learn you will have to feel." You have felt, you have learned.. now you are enjoying being the person you like being again. That is a good thing.
Thanks for the update. Keep taking care of you.