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C*ckblocked from wishing skid happy bday by fdh

Just me in a big pool of fish's picture

I am beginning to realise how controlling fdh is finally. Not only does our entire life revolve around him And his children (we have them every weekend despite my pleas for one weekend off every two months) I have now been stopped from wishing skid a happy birthday this morning. Now my relationship with skid isn't the best mostly down to my fdh ability to make me feel like I don't matter when he's around but this takes the biscuit. So wind back 24 hours and we are in fil house who is quite elderly. Bil rings phone and asks to speak to me regarding something for fil. Can't hear on the phone so go into a room I always take calls in that house from be it from my own father etc. fdh comes storming down and telling me to go back up to the other room that I'm being rude (think whole conversation was 5 mins in total) couldn't even speak to bil after that was too pissed off. Then fdh again makes a comment about me being rude and I make a face to which he replies "be very careful!" As if he was scolding a naughty child. Then to make matters worse he decides we will not be spending the night in fil even though I had waited the whole night to meet h there. Anyways we go home and don't speak. This morning is skids birthday. Fdh is waiting out in the car without telling me while I'm getting ready for work. In the car again not speaking. I eventually say ring skid I'd like to wish him happy birthday to which he replies "no well wake the house up". This pisses me off and I say "he's hardly up himself on his birthday". No matter how bad bm1 is I know she's not this bad that he would be up on his own getting himself ready on his bday with no presents before school. Anyway he just replies hell call me later. I'm so f*****d off about this and feel again he's controlling everything because he can.... Little sh*t lol

Just me in a big pool of fish's picture

Argument started cause His brother who is married with children asked to speak with me regarding something his father needed which I can get in work. My fdh seems to think he can behave how he wants and that it's ok but it's just makes me so angry! So he'll go off shopping with skid after work and won't text me so ill have to hang around til after, just p*sses me off big time. Especially because we're fighting I'll have to text him to find when he can collect me after.

theoutsider's picture

I can't help but remember a boyfriend I had once:

-twice he threw something across the room (away from me) when he was angry
-would make me feel like I should "know him well enough" to read his mind (like what he wanted me to make for dinner)
-would give me the silent treatment (like literally treating me as if I was invisible) when he was upset with me-(i found out towards the end that he did this to his mother too-like 4 months at a time, and he had not spoke to his sister in 3 years)
-controlled what I wore (threw away shoes of mine he thought was ugly)

This relationship ended one night when he was driving and was lost, I told him he needed to turn around that we were driving out of the city and he hauled off and slapped me across the face... He said the next morning he didn't remember doing it, and he was sooo sorry that maybe he had too many drinks at the party and was more drunk than he thought.

This is a long story short, GET OUT!

ANYONE who acts like a child by giving you the silent treatment when you "disobey" them, or scolds you like you are a child when you stand up to them or correct them----These are early signs that It will escalate

Just me in a big pool of fish's picture

I do t think he meant "be careful" as in physical abuse, he has never laid a hand on me in All the years I know him I think it was more of a threat in that we would have a fight over it. He never acknowledges that he's wrong but seeing as I have no way of getting home to our house without him ill have to call him which he gets off on I'm sure

Just me in a big pool of fish's picture

Even better again... Go home in the car after work and i ask him do you think I'm the one in the wrong today to which he replies yea. He's gone to the pub but before doing that has thrown my wine down the sink so I have nothing to have at home on a Friday night sat in on my own... Asshole

theoutsider's picture


This is not a red flag, its a stop light changing from green, to yellow,... if you keep going it will be red before you know it and you will GET HIT!!


DO not stay with someone who is controlling you! He is trying to punish you like a child by taking away your wine! Do not stay with someone who punishes you like a child!

mannin's picture

After reading all this, you need to get out. Who the hell does he think he is to say "be very careful?!" And, your thinking he didn't mean it that way, is you making excuses for an obvious red flag!

Get out!

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

Here's some very wise advice.

SAVE YOURSELF!!! You aren't married yet! Get the HELL OUT while your sanity is still intact!

Why would you want to marry into to this? It only get worse after the wedding.